Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1019

Yang Xi smell speech, echo way, "madam says so, I am at ease."

"Yan always beats you because you insult his woman first." Morcia said, "he just gives you the color. What's more, it is said that Yan never beats women. It's an honor for you to be beaten by him. "

Yang Xi's face almost cramped. Is that Mrs. Moore's fair?

She felt resentful, "general manager Yan has beaten me. It's over, but Cheng yingxuan is not qualified to appear at the party at all. She's fooling in! "

Lucia frowned.

Seeing her reaction, Yang Xi thought that she was hating Cheng yingxuan's behavior, pretending to help her angry, "what's your identity? The daughter of Asia's first family and commander Cheng's wife, you dare not come to the reception without being invited. Cheng Fu Xuan doesn't pay much attention to you

"What about Cheng yingxuan?" Lucia looked around.

"She must have run ahead of time for fear that you would pick her up!" Yang Xi didn't see Cheng yingxuan for a moment. She was worried, "I saw her just now. She's gone with the skill of talking to you! She doesn't pay much attention to you. Send someone to get her back! "

Although it was the first time I met, I didn't look like a lady at all. Morcia really didn't like this Yang Xi. "If I send someone to get her back, I can't help but talk to you!"

Yang Qian was unhappy when she heard her voice was harsh, and realized that she was getting more and more confused. "Of course you has the final say. Cheng yingxuan is so arrogant that she doesn't pay attention to you

"Who said I ran away?" Cheng yingxuan, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, came from behind several guests. "I just turned around to get a glass of red wine."

"Are you still in the mood to drink?"

"Why not in the mood?"

"Don't you know Mrs. Moore is going to clean you up?" Yang Xi's eyes finally floated a bad smile.

"Mrs. Moore is going to clean me up?" Cheng yingxuan looks at the middle-aged woman who wears the most elegant and the biggest diamond with doubt and instinct.

Her eyes fell on Lucia's face, and she could not take it back for a moment. She murmured in admiration, "elegance, grace and grace, and beauty..."

And, looking at Mrs. Moore, there was a strange good feeling.

Moorsia also looked back at Cheng yingxuan and was amazed at her beauty. An indescribable sense of closeness and the desire to get close to her emerged in her mind, "are you Cheng yingxuan?"

"I am." Yingxuan nodded, "Hello, Mrs. Moore."

For the first time, moorsia held out her hand with Cheng yingxuan and said, "Hello, it's a pleasure to see you, chief engineer Cheng!"

As everyone in the circle knows, Mrs. Moore never liked to shake hands, even politely.

If she shakes hands with someone, it means that the moors are willing to deal with each other.

People who know this almost didn't drop their glasses?

After seeing her first meeting, she would like to have a relationship with Cheng yingxuan? Not afraid of Cheng yingxuan's flattery?

Unfortunately, Yang Xi doesn't belong to that high circle. She doesn't know about it. Instead, she thinks that it's polite for morcia to shake hands with base Cheng. "Mrs. Moore, you can see that Cheng yingxuan is like this. When she sees you for the first time, she always praises you and flatters you. You can't be fooled by people like her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!