Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1020

Moorsia's long, slender eyebrows raised slightly. "What kind of person is she?"

"Little..." The character character, Yang Xi almost burst out of her mouth and was afraid of Yan shiting's icy face, then she said, "if you say it, you will not say it for fear of polluting your ears. I've heard that there was a gold medal from your family who got into your party and was beaten up. "

"So?" Murcia asked.

Yang Xi immediately said, "Cheng yingxuan doesn't pay attention to you so much, you should treat her..." Beat can, in the heart so think, the mouth dare not say clearly, is also afraid of Yan shiting, "should do according to your rules."

Mrs. Moore didn't agree. She glanced at Yan shiting in depth. "Cheng yingxuan is your woman. What does Yan always mean? What do you think of me? "

Yan shiting looked domineering, "my woman, no one dares to move her, including the Moore family!"

"Even if she broke into my party?"

"Yes, Mrs. Moore." Yan shiting's tone was heavy. "Don't say she broke into your party. If she bombed your manor, I won't frown. I'll bear the consequences!"

The tone of crazy bully stunned everyone.

This is Mrs. Moore of the first family in Asia, and the wife of commander Cheng Hanming. Yan shiting doesn't pay attention to her!

Who dares to say Mrs. Moore's cocktail party? No more?

What's more, they were all at the reception. If Cheng yingxuan really blew up the party, they would not have to be buried together?

General manager Yan himself is here. Is he trying to die with Cheng yingxuan?

What a crazy man!

The guests were all in a cold sweat.

Moorsia could not see her attitude. "What if I insist on driving Cheng yingxuan out of the party?"

"Well, the moors are enemies of Yan shiting." As if Yan shiting didn't feel happy and angry, Sen Han threatened, "I will leave the party with my woman Cheng yingxuan. To drive my woman away is to save my face, and then I will try my best to eradicate the moors


The scene was silent. Yan shiting was too presumptuous!

The forces of the Moore family and commander Cheng are not weaker than those of the Yan family. If they fight together, they will definitely lose both sides.

Mu Yu Feng is hoping that the two families will fight, and the Mu family will be able to take advantage of it.

"There are still 16 days before the election day. If you have a good relationship with my Moore family, even if you don't marry Yang Xi, your Yan family will still win. Is it worth it that you completely offend me and ruin the future of the Yan Family for the sake of Cheng yingxuan? "

When Yang Xi heard her speech, her heart missed a beat.

No way. Commander Cheng Hanming is her father's boss.

Because commander Cheng Hanming has never stood in the line for decades, the crucial vote fell to her father, who was at a lower level.

If commander Cheng Hanming intervenes in the election campaign, even if her father votes, it will become dispensable, because commander Cheng's power and contacts are far above the Yang family!

In other words, as soon as commander Cheng got involved in the election campaign, she had no advantage in front of Yan Family and Mu family.

As we all know, commander Cheng has been doting on his wife, namely morcia, for decades.

If Yan shiting could make friends with Mrs. Moore, he would have won the election vote of commander Cheng.

Fortunately, Yan shiting completely offended Mrs. Moore for Cheng yingxuan. As long as commander Cheng remains neutral, the right to vote is still in the hands of the Yang family, which is a great good thing for the Yang family! , the fastest update of the webnovel!