Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1018

"Even if chief engineer Cheng doesn't have an invitation and everyone comes, you won't turn a blind eye?" Lu Ke is really good advice.

"Lu Shao wants me to lie with my eyes open?" Yang Xi didn't buy it. "I knew Cheng yingxuan was not qualified to come to the party and lied. That's disrespect for Mrs. Moore!"

She takes her boss to put on the hat, but luco can't say anything, "you really don't know good people."

If Cheng yingxuan is expelled from the party, be careful that Yan shiting will settle accounts with Yang Xi afterwards!

General manager Yan's "account", but no one can afford it, even if you don't die, you will lose your skin!

Looking at Yang Qian's expression, she would rather have a close relationship with Cheng yingxuan. Luko said, "OK, OK, I won't say it."

"Who said loudly that he didn't respect me just now?" A middle-aged woman in a purple evening dress with fur shawl and high hair came over.

She wore a conspicuous emerald ring on her thumb and a platinum necklace around her neck. The pendant of the chain was a diamond larger than her thumb, even though it was valuable.

The crowd gave way automatically. With her appearance, the light of diamond and the light of cocktail party glittered and attracted everyone's eyes in an instant!

The woman was dressed in gold and diamond, full of luxury, elegant and noble!

Although he is middle-aged, he still has charm.

In addition to Cheng yingxuan, no one else was able to suppress her natural attraction.

This is not the host of the reception, morcia. Who else?

"Mrs Moore!" The guests nodded to the middle-aged lady.

"I found an interesting little fellow just now, so I went to the front yard. I don't know what's going on here? "

Yang Xi saw that everyone had an inexplicable respect for Mrs. Moore, and immediately cried, "Mrs. Moore, you must make decisions for me! I don't want to blame Yan Shao for beating me, but I'm the VIP invited by you. I've been wronged here. The reason why Yan Shao beat me is to protect Cheng yingxuan, who is not qualified to attend the reception. You must give me justice! "

What if Lucia didn't like people saying "yes" in front of her?

No one can order her yet!

Seeing the woman crying so bitterly, she asked patiently, "who are you?"

"I'm Yang Qian, the daughter of General Yang you invited." Report home quickly.

Originally thought that moorsia would have some expression, or would be kind, but she just nodded coldly, "Oh."

Yang Xi was a little disappointed with her indifference, but she could only place her hope on her, "I am a general's daughter at least. You must be fair, Mrs. Moore

Morcia rubbed her forehead with a headache. "Your statement is a little confused. I still don't know what happened to you."

"It's like this..." "You don't need to repeat it," morcia interrupted

A graceful lift of the hand.

A young bodyguard, who was responsible for protecting the reception, whispered in her ear for about ten seconds and then retreated behind her.

Marcia nodded. "I know what happened. Miss Yang Xi, it's not that I didn't let you dictate the incident. It's that you are the client, and you will certainly say it in favor of yourself. Of course, if Mr. Yan explains it, he may not be able to explain it. Therefore, my people will only restore the course of things in front of me, and will not be biased towards either side. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!