Forsaken By Love

Chapter 89 - Playing With Them

He Lixue was leaning against the armrest of the couch, her entire appearance languid and domineering.

She was commanding the winds and rain for the He corporation with no difficulties.

From time to time, she would check how the paparazzi's post was being received, and when reading the messages left by netizens, she was relieved that the majority still took the side of the victims.

She also kept an eye on the tender project's side. Although the bidding was complete, the handover was not yet over, and it was likely that unexpected changes would happen.

It was not only He Lixue who was following the online trend, He Weiling and the corporation had soon been informed about the fact that someone was smearing their name on the online platforms all over the country, but upon seeing it, they were stunned.

How had this paparazzi managed to get proof of their misdeeds? They had been cautious not to leave any traces!

Usually, when someone got their reputation smeared online, they would threaten to sue the outlets of the bad news. However, these people already had proof, so how could they possibly threaten with that?

They tried paying the websites to take down the news, but as soon as He Lixue noticed them being taken down, she ensured that they would sprout up on even more websites.

Eventually, it was like a resilient weed, sprouting everywhere you did not want it to be.

The debate it had sparked was also magnificent. Everyone seemed to understand that the He Corporation had cheated and even stolen their proposal from another company, and they were full of disappointment.

The stock price for the He Corporation dropped drastically, while the people who had read the news began making comments on wanting to ban and boycott the products of the He Corporation.

They had already felt that the He family had overstepped their boundaries when they stole the wealth of their niece, but that was the act of a small family, and while it reflected the He Corporation, it did not have too bad of an influence on the company.

Now things were different. Now they had shown their ugly face, and everyone condemned them.

At the same time, He Lixue tried to find some dirt on He Huiling. He Huiling had a great background, so it was not easy. She had not used the unspeakable rules to advance, and everyone knew that she had a fiance.

But He Huiling's public image was of a generous and pure young woman. She was supposed to be forgiving and friendly, but He Lixue found multiple pictures of her beating and scolding other people.

These pictures were also leaked online, and it was impossible to keep her image as an untainted and generous angel.

He Lixue smiled lazily as she saw how the online voice was against the entire He family. Those who read the financial news now knew of the He Corporation's shady acts, and those who preferred entertainment knew of He Huiling's uglier side.

He Huiling's agency tried to whitewash her, but since one person started spreading the rumors and pictures of He Huiling's lousy behavior, anecdotes and stories of much worse things began circulating in the circle.

He Lixue did not come up with these rumors, but He Huiling's competition in the entertainment field did.

Many were jealous of her, either because they did not have the same resources as her, or because she had mistreated them in the past. Now that someone was digging up dirt on her, others were eager to join in and throw mud at He Huiling.

He Lixue was quite amused to see the various stories about He Huiling. Some of them were clearly fake, but while He Lixue knew that, some people might not be aware, and thus her reputation would take a severe hit.

And hit it was. He Huiling's agency was bombarded with phone calls from various news outlets that wished to interview He Huiling, wanting to hear what the agency's stance was, and even companies that wanted to cancel their cooperation.

The agency was in a panic as they were getting letters from one lawyer after another. Although this scandal would not destroy He Huiling, it would cost her a lot. Not only financially, but also when it came to her supporters and fans.

It was not only He Huiling's agency that got a letter from a lawyer; the He Corporation was also put under investigation, and while all this happened, He Weiling was looking for someone to take the blow for him.

He knew that he needed one of his workers to claim to have done this, with no pressure from the company, but because the man in question was not skilled enough to come up with a plan himself.

Unfortunately, the men involved in the project were all indispensable, so he had to come up with a solution.

They had hired an assistant recently, and this assistant agreed to take the blame, as long as he was paid ten million yuan.

He Weiling did not hesitate and accepted the deal. Ten million yuan was nothing to him, and after the man acknowledged his guilt, everything slowly died down again.

But He Lixue was far from done with them. She planned on letting them suffer greatly, and this was just the beginning.

However, after seeing the way that things had changed that day, she was quite satisfied with her first step towards vengeance.

Although she had not yet broken the He Corporation and He Weiling, nor He Huiling, she was still sure that her actions had caused them great disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and lots of trouble.

As she closed down the laptop, she found that Lu Nanfeng had just put down his pen, having finished with the day's work, and was ready to go back home.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" He Lixue asked with a smile as she looked at him. "I am cooking."