Forsaken By Love

Chapter 88 - Sweet Revenge

The following morning, He Lixue was once again dragged to the office by Lu Nanfeng. He could not help but smile as he saw her casually sitting on the couch in his office.

She was checking the current development of the He family, and he felt at peace with her staying by his side.

He was much more efficient when working. Although He Lixue was here, he was not at all disturbed when talking on the phone in various languages, and she seemed to be undisturbed as well.

He Lixue was not listening to Lu Nanfeng and his conversations at all. She was busy setting up a trap for the He family.

She had found that the tender project, which they had bid for, involved some cheating. The plan they had introduced when bidding was not made by themselves, but by a smaller company.

They had stolen their entry and made a few modifications before they finally signed it up.

Seeing this, He Lixue smirked. The other company was simply too small to be able to do anything against it, and while they felt uncomfortable and cheated, they could not prove anything.

However, that was because they did not have the ability that He Lixue had. She saw that the person who had infiltrated the company's computer had left a trail, and following it; she found multiple pieces of evidence to show that the He Corporation had stolen their project.

Wanting to release a breath of bad air, and to see what the He family would do when this was publicized, He Lixue once again contacted the paparazzi she had worked together with once before.

Last time they worked together, the paparazzi had managed to get a lot of new followers, and he had earned quite a bit from the information he had been provided, so he was eager to work with He Lixue again.

However, when he saw the new information, he was stunned. Did this customer have something against the He Corporation? All her news was about them, and each one of them brought them into a hot soup of trouble.

But he did not hesitate for more than a second before a smile spread on his lips. So what if she had something against the He family? These pieces of news that she was providing him with were simply too juicy to pass up on. Even if he had to be considered a person who went against the He Corporation, it would be worth it.

He could not help but smile as he started sorting through the doc.u.ments that He Lixue had sent him. She had not said anything this time, nor had she made any suggestions as to how he should convey the message, but he was sure that no matter how he published it, the result would be disastrous to the He Corporation.

After scouring through the doc.u.ments, he finally wrote a draft of the article. Moments after he published it on all the social platforms where he was present, and he also contacted some financial newspapers, trying to sell the news to them.

He Lixue had already given him free reign to do with the proofs as he pleased, even if that meant selling it to others, and he was not going to let go of such an excellent chance to earn money.

Soon the message of the paparazzi was found by a group of netizens. He was quite popular, so whenever he was linking something, many would see it.

"He Corporation addicted to stealing what belongs to others," was the headline, and many were puzzled as to what it meant.

Upon closer inspection, they found that not only was all their wealth was gathered by stealing from their niece who had been in a coma, but even their bid at a tender was also from another company, which they had stolen without a care for their face.

At first, many were doubtful. Could it truly be as the article suggested? But soon some tech-savvy netizens came out and said that the proof that had been attached to the post was real and that the He Corporation indeed had infiltrated the company, after which they had stolen the idea.

But just changing people's opinions was not enough for He Lixue. She wanted to see He Weiling completely crushed, so after sending these pieces of evidence to the paparazzi, she once again focused on the next step in her plan.

She had enough evidence within her hand to prove that the He Corporation was evading taxes, engaged in giving out bribes, and even participated in money-laundering for a bigger crime syndicate within the country.

But while she held all these pieces of evidence, she was not going to release them just yet. She saved them on the laptop before continuing to search for news on her dear cousin's newest movie. She was going to leave them with nothing. She planned on starting with their reputation and slowly moving towards their finances. When they had lost their reputation, their wealth, and even their homes; only then she would feel that they were even.

He Lixue had a nagging feeling that the car accident she had been in with her parents was no actual accident, but a carefully laid out plan by He Weiling. She was especially confident of this when she found that he had connections to a crime syndicate within the country.

The driver who had hit them happened to be from this syndicate, and while he had been sentenced to life, somehow, he had been released after merely two years.

If they had to pay her back everything she had lost, then they should have been killed, but He Lixue was not so naive as to think that she could get away with killing them. Not to mention, sometimes, life was worse than death. Although she wanted to kill them, she would much rather see them struggle every day of their lives.