Forsaken By Love

Chapter 90 - Even a Rabbit Will Bite

Lu Nanfeng looked at He Lixue, who was gazing at him with eyes devoid of any impurity and a smile so brilliant that he almost felt blinded.

"Can I eat anything I want?" Lu Nanfeng suddenly asked, his voice low and magnetic, attractive and slightly teasing.

He Lixue almost got confused by his voice, feeling it was so lovely that she felt like forgetting everything else and just listening to it.

"Naturally," she said. "I said that I would cook tonight so you can have anything you want!"

Lu Nanfeng smiled and leaned for over. His head was right next to He Lixue's ear, and his voice tickled her as he said, with a voice so low that only the two of them could hear it, "then I want to eat a steamed He Lixue."

His words caused He Lixue to blush instantly. Could this man not think about anything else than that?

"You need some actual food," He Lixue said embarrassedly. "You have been working all day, and all your energy is drained. If you don't feel like eating dishes that are too heavy, I can make some light seafood congee?"

"No, you are right," Lu Nanfeng said with a smile on his face as he nodded his head. "I need to eat properly so that I am ready for the desert, and the battle it might bring."

Hearing that Lu Nanfeng had no intention of being serious, she just pinched his waist, but instead of feeling pain, a strange sensation spread in Lu Nanfeng's body, and he smiled reservedly. Did this little lady not know how great her influence on him was?

"Let us hurry home," he said, unwilling to wait much longer for the 'steamed He Lixue' dish.

"But we have not bought any groceries," He Lixue complained, she had every intention of cooking dinner for them that day.

Her ditzy and slightly clueless demeanor tickled Lu Nanfeng's heart, and he could not help but lean forward and place his lips on top of hers, kissing her gently.

The touch was very sweet and addictive. Initially, Lu Nanfeng had just wanted a slight touch, a light peck, but upon touching those soft lips, he could not help but deepen the kiss.

He wanted so much more, but he knew he had to wait until they got home.

So he unwillingly left her lips with a great sigh and pressed the petite woman against his c.h.e.s.t.

She was becoming increasingly important to him, and it was now at the point where he could not imagine living a life without her. If he could, he would have her in his pocket all the time, bringing her everywhere so that she was never in harm's way, but he knew that she was a phoenix that would soar the heavens on her own.

The only thing he could do was protect her and remove the dangers that threatened to break her wings, such as the Organization.

He would never allow anything that could threaten her to be free, but he also knew that it was a mammoth task to get rid of them. Although he was working together with Wen Sihan, there was still a chance of failure.

But although the risk was high, the rewards were higher, and Lu Nanfeng felt that sometimes you had to gamble. Especially on an important thing such as this.

He knew that his father would definitely never accept such a risk, as the one he was taking now, but he also knew that the Fenghuang Group had increased its magnitude since he took over because he gambled more than his father did.

Sometimes, an investment would not pay off, but most of the time, he had picked the right things to invest in, and his reward would be plentiful.

Like this, the daughter companies beneath the Fenghuang Group had increased in number, and the projects they had injected money into were also usually a great success.

"I will have the ingredients brought home," Lu Nanfeng finally sighed. "You are currently in a tight spot because of the Organization. I dare not let you out to the markets just yet."

He Lixue had been so busy dealing with the He family that she had completely forgotten about the matter with the Organization, and a dampener was placed on her happiness.

Sensing that her mood turned awry, Lu Nanfeng smiled wryly. "Don't worry," he assured her. "I will deal with them as soon as possible. It is not for long that you will be confined to my side, but after, you will be able to move freely again soon."

"Let's go home," He Lixue finally agreed. A gentle smile flitted across her lips.

In her past life, she had never before had somewhere she could call home, but Lu Nanfeng had given her this.

Lu Nanfeng had given her warmth, emotions, and a home. She felt so grateful to Lu Nanfeng and was extremely happy that she had ended up together with such a brilliant man.

When she thought back to their first interactions, back at the sanatorium, she was already aware that he was not a normal man, but now that she had seen his tenderness and gentle side, she was unable to extricate herself from all the happiness he brought her.

Overflowing with bliss, He Lixue took Lu Nanfeng's hand, and the two of them left his office, where a whole entourage of bodyguards was waiting for them. These bodyguards followed them all the way to the mansion, and a handful of them would also stay in the mansion to ensure their safety.

They were currently pressuring the Organization, and it was impossible to know when they would strike. Even if they had qualms about attacking Lu Nanfeng before, their worries would vanish when they were pushed against a wall.

Even a rabbit would bite when pushed too far, let alone a crime syndicate like the Organization.