Forsaken By Love

Chapter 87 - "No Need to Rush"

He Lixue smiled slightly as she saw the knowing gazes sent her way. She knew what the executives were thinking, but she said nothing. They were correct after all, so what could she possibly say?

But the ambiguous glances made her realize that they might have misunderstood what exactly was happening within the office. He Lixue felt a headache coming her way. While she and Lu Nanfeng did indeed have a physical relationship, it did not mean that they were like rabbits in heat, doing it all the time, everywhere.

He Lixue buried her head in the laptop's screen, out of sight out of mind.

Lu Nanfeng had spent the last days at the office. Although he had been preoccupied trying to save He Lixue, he had also been working as a machine on the company's paperwork.

He had needed to find something to preoccupy himself with, and he found that the only thing which could keep his mind at bay was work. Hence, he worked hard, and managed to do many things before schedule.

This benefitted him now. It was a hectic period, and usually, he would have to work overtime, but due to the work he had put in recently, he was able to leave early and take He Lixue out for dinner.

As soon as they left the office, the bodyguards who had been patrolling the office walked to their sides and continued trailing behind them out of the building.

Many were observing them with curiosity as they strolled down the streets. While it was true that many high society people lived amongst them, it was still rare for the common citizen to see bodyguards walking down the streets, and especially in such a large number.

He Lixue was also feeling slightly embarrassed by being followed by so many bodyguards, but knowing who was chasing her, she did not say anything. This was for her own sake, and she understood Lu Nanfeng's mood.

As they walked down the streets, they came to a restaurant where Lu Nanfeng had reserved a private room. The restaurant was known for its high quality and delicious food from organic produce imported directly from the countryside.

He Lixue and Lu Nanfeng entered the restaurant. Some of the bodyguards stayed outside the restaurant, while others remained outside the door of the private room where they stood guard, and kept a sharp eye on anyone who tried to approach.

The restaurant focused on Sichuan cuisine, so the food had bold and spicy flavors.

He decided that they must eat hotpot that day, so he ordered many different types of meat and vegetables to be boiled in the spicy soup.

He Lixue was ecstatic. Having a rich boyfriend meant that she could eat as much food as she wanted without feeling guilty.

Lu Nanfeng looked at He Lixue tenderly, and when he saw the sly look in her eyes, he could not help but give her a pampering smile.

So what if she ate so much food that she ended up rolling around instead of walking? She would always be his Lixue, and he would happily spoil her. Not to mention providing for one He Lixue was nothing, even if there were thousands of her, he could still afford it.

While eating, the two spoke about He Weiling and He Huiling and their current life situations.

Lu Nanfeng did not ask what He Lixue had planned. He had more than enough faith in her to know that she was aware of what she did, but he could not help but assure her that he would be there to help her, should she ever need it.

Hearing his words, He Lixue felt soft at heart. Although she was used to doing things independently, she was happy to know that someone had her back.

When she was still in the Organization, although Mo Yunhuang backed her, he would not help her solve her things or support her, as he feared that it would make her weaker, but Lu Nanfeng had no such qualms. He was eager to help her and preferred if she leaned on his shoulders whenever she was tired.

"Dearest, don't feel too stressed out," Lu Nanfeng said gently as he looked at He Lixue. "they will be taken down one day or another, it is only a question of time before you will be able to step them under your foot, so even if it takes a bit longer, just be patient with it."

"You are right," she said, her eyes shining with excitement. "The He family poses no threat to me, so there is no reason for me to hurry and try to get rid of them instantly. I might as well take a bit of time and thoroughly savor the feeling of destroying them."

Lu Nanfeng smiled knowingly. He Lixue had compared the He family with the Organization and felt a need to resolve her problems quickly. Still, he needed her to be occupied for quite some time so that he could focus on the Organization without her involvement.

She might still have some feelings for the Organization, but he, Lu Nanfeng, only felt disgust and hatred whenever he thought about them, and he was not going to let them go easily.

As they finished their meal, Lu Nanfeng took He Lixue home. He had wanted to have a date with her, go to the markets and buying various trinkets and gadgets, but he knew that it was far too risky, and as such, he had no other option than to go home instead.

There were many night markets in the Imperial Capital. They had markets that focused on food, but there were also markets that focused on home decor, on plants and flowers, on small ornaments, and on antiques and even stone gambling. He had wanted to bring her to one of these for the sake of picking up a few things for their, now, shared home.