Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 216 - Eros Got Upset

The surgery lasted for two hours. It went well. Fortunately, the bullet didn\'t hit any organs. Micaela was transferred to her private ward which was arranged by Renz and Selene.

Selene already informed Micaela\'s guardian. However, her guardian was staying abroad right now.

Renz also informed his parents about what happened. They immediately sent bodyguards for Renz\'s protection.

Selene stayed in the ward, watching Micaela. On the other hand, Renz talked to his father over the phone, informing him about the situation.

Maynard already hired someone to investigate this incident. Though the police were already investigating this, the Chou family still organized a private investigation regarding the incident.

They also wanted to know who was trying to hurt and target their son, Renz. They must capture the culprit no matter what.

"Selene, you can go home and rest. I can stay here and watch over Micaela. I will take full responsibility. It should have been me who got shot, not her. I owe her my life."

Selene couldn\'t stop thinking about what would have happened in her previous life if she didn\'t die. Would Renz also take full responsibility for her because she saved Micaela?

Then Selene smiled bitterly. Renz might take full responsibility for her but it didn\'t mean he would love her.

"Alright. I will come back tonight," Selene said.

She said goodbye to Renz. Eros was still sticking by her side. He knew that Selene must be shocked as well after experiencing a similar incident that happened in her previous life.

Eros glanced at Micaela for one last time. For some unknown reason, Eros had a nagging feeling about this. Though Micaela was hurt, Eros was still suspicious of her.

If the man was really trying to kill Renz then why did he shoot at the lower part of the body? Micaela got hit on the right lower back.

Eros was thinking that the gunman should aim for Renz\'s head or heart. But his shot couldn\'t match his intent to kill. This was the reason Eros was a little bit suspicious of Micaela.

She had done crazy things in Selene\'s previous life such as hiring someone to kidnap her own self. So Eros would not be surprised if she would do it again in this lifetime.

\'If she has something to do with this… is she trying to use this incident to get closer with Renz? Renz already felt indebted to her.\'

Eros was still lost in his thoughts when Selene held his hand, telling him that they had to leave.

Eros followed Selene as they went home. Selene was very silent during the entire journey. Renz asked one of his bodyguards to send Selene to the Anderson Family Mansion.

Selene headed straight to her room. Sach and Azrael noticed that something was off to Selene. They glanced at Eros who was now in his human form.

"What happened? Is there something wrong?" Azrael asked Eros.

"I\'ll talk to you later. I\'m just gonna go and check on Selene," Eros said, avoiding Azrael\'s question.

Sach and Azrael just shrugged their shoulders as they watched Eros\'s back. They just continued eating snacks in the living room while facing a big flat-screen TV.

Upon reaching Selene\'s bedroom, Eros knocked on the door. He heard Selene\'s voice, allowing him to enter.

Selene was sitting on the edge of her bed when Eros walked over to join her.

He held her shoulders and asked, "Are you okay? You might have been frightened, am I right?"

Selene gazed up to meet Eros\'s blue eyes. She didn\'t deny it as she nodded her head.

Eros smiled at her tenderly. "Don\'t worry. You are not alone. I understand your feelings. Even I got frightened a while ago."

Selene frowned upon hearing that. "Why?"

"Because I thought you would jump in front of Renz once again to take the bullet for him. I\'m sorry, I can\'t let that happen twice so I held you at that time. Are you mad at me?"

"If I didn\'t stop you, you might have been the one getting shot. Renz would be indebted to you, not Micaela. And now, Micaela has the chance to get closer to him after this incident."

Selene was silent for several seconds. Eros was right. If he hadn\'t stopped her, her body would instinctively move to protect Renz.

At that moment, she felt like they were back in the same situation in her previous life. She still had the same desire to protect Renz.

But somewhere deep in her heart, she felt relieved that Eros was there to stop her. Eros just saved her from getting shot twice.

Selene met his gaze, not breaking their eye to eye contact. Then Selene had spoken, breaking her silence.

"You are right. I would have done it if you didn\'t stop me."

Eros felt saddened after hearing that. He knew it… Selene would still take the same choice as before.

"But I\'m not mad at you for stopping me. Eros, I feel grateful to you. I really mean it."

Eros was taken aback when he heard that. He couldn\'t understand.

It was Eros\'s turn to ask her "Why?".

"It\'s simply because you saved my life. You are indeed my guardian angel!" Selene said, smiling brightly.

"The most important thing is everyone is fine now. No one died," Selene added.

Eros bobbed his head, agreeing to her words.

"Eros… do you think we should help Renz in catching the culprit? Someone is after his life. He is in danger."

Eros sighed helplessly. He couldn\'t believe Selene. She was aware that this situation was dangerous but she still wanted to be involved and investigate further.

Eros was thinking that Selene should refrain from doing dangerous things. Zaki wanted her dead. He should not allow her to pursue this case.

"Selene, just focus on your project. Just leave this case to the police."

"But I\'m worried about Renz."

Eros\'s face darkened. "Stop being stubborn, Selene! Listen to me and follow my advice. This is for your own sake. Renz can handle this."

Selene was rendered speechless. Eros raised his voice and he sounded so mad.