Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 215 - Shooting Incident: Deja Vu?

This situation seemed like a Deja vu. Having Selene, Renz, Micaela, and a gunman face each other was like Selene reliving that incident from her previous life.

They were put in a similar situation again. Eros and Selene were the only ones who could remember what happened in her previous life.

Selene was quite shaken. A man holding a gun just appeared from out of nowhere, targeting Renz this time.

Meanwhile, Eros\'s heart was filled with fear and worries for Selene. He was afraid that this was the work of Zaki, trying to get Selene\'s soul again by killing her.

Eros knew that in a situation like this, Selene was willing to step up again just to save and protect Renz. If that happens then Selene might die again. Eros didn\'t want that to happen.

When the gunman shouted, "Say goodbye to your friends, Renz Chou!" Eros immediately hugged Selene thus stopping her from moving.

Everything happened so fast. Without giving them the chance to react, the gunman pulled the trigger.


The sound of a gunshot resonated in the area.

Selene\'s eyes widened in horror as she felt someone collapse nearby. She couldn\'t see it since Eros was hugging her tightly, shielding her body from the gunman.

When someone was hit, the gunman immediately fled and left the area. Selene looked to the side only to see Renz holding Micaela in his arms. She was bleeding.

"Micaela!" Selene called her out worriedly.

Micaela was the one who pounced on Renz, shielding him against the gunman using her body. She took the bullet for Renz.

And now, Renz was pressing her gunshot wound using his fingers to stop her from bleeding too much. He was shocked but he was trying to be calm. They needed to save Micaela.

"Selene, let\'s go to the hospital now! Please help me."

"Micaela, hang on! We will save you."

Renz carried Micaela inside the car. He asked Selene to accompany Micaela in the back passenger seat while pressing her wound. Renz moved to the driver\'s seat quickly and started the car.

They would go to the nearest hospital. Renz was driving too fast. While they were on their way, Renz called the police, informing them about the shooting incident that happened at the campsite.

Renz\'s mind was occupied by Micaela.

\'She saved me. She protected me. I have to save her,\' Renz thought to himself as he sped up the car.

It did not take long when they finally reached the hospital. Micaela was rushed to the emergency room. The doctor and nurses responded quickly, bringing Micaela to the operating room.

Renz, Selene, and Eros waited outside the OR as the doctor operated on Micaela. Renz was too silent, looking pale.

Selene held his trembling hands. She wondered if Renz was able to bring her to the hospital when she got shot. Was he frightened just like this?

Renz glanced at Selene when he felt her soft hand squeezing his. His heart constricted inside his chest. He couldn\'t understand why but he felt like he had experienced this before.

"Seleneā€¦ it\'s my fault, right?"

Selene shook her head. "No. It\'s not your fault. No one wanted this to happen."

Seeing Selene by his side right now, Renz couldn\'t help but shed some tears. He couldn\'t understand why he was tearing up.

Was it because of Micaela or was it because of Selene?

With a heavy heart, Renz pulled Selene into a hug. He needed it right now. Selene, on the other hand, tried her best to comfort Renz, rubbing his back.

"Don\'t worry. Micaela will just be fine," Selene said, reassuring Renz.

Eros told Selene that he didn\'t see a grim reaper beside Micaela so she won\'t die today.

Meanwhile, Renz nodded his head before tightening his grip on Selene\'s body. Selene\'s presence had comforted him a lot.

The doctor was still removing the bullet on Micaela\'s lower back when the police officers arrived.

"Are you the one who reported the shooting incident in the Pavilion Camping site?"

Two police officers approached Selene and Renz.

"Yes," Renz responded.

"Can you tell us what happened? We need to get your statements as witnesses."

While waiting for Micaela\'s operation to be done, Selene and Renz talked to the police, telling them what happened.

"We didn\'t recognize the man. He is wearing a cap and a black mask. But he called my name so I was his target. It just so happened Micaela threw herself in front of me, taking the bullet."

The police officer was taking notes and recording their statements.

"Do you know someone who has the motive to kill you, Mr. Chou?" The police officer asked him.

He shook his head. Renz had no idea who held a grudge against him to hire a gunman just to kill him.

"We have to narrow down the suspect. It might be someone whom you offended? Or some business competitor? Please try to think, Mr. Chou."

Renz fell silent, trying to remember if he had offended someone. Who would resort to this dirty trick? A business competitor?

After a few moments, Renz remembered something.

"Last two nights, I got a note. A warning note. More likely a threat. Someone left it in my car."

Selene and Eros exchanged glances with one another after hearing that. Was Renz receiving a death threat? Who wanted to kill Renz?

The police officers asked Renz about the content of the note. What was written on it?

"Watch your back. I\'m coming for you." Renz told them. This was the message written on the note.

After getting their statements, the two police officers left. Renz and Selene continued waiting for her surgery to finish.

Eros also stayed by Selene\'s side, still afraid that Zaki had something to do with this. He was wondering if he didn\'t intervene, Selene might have been the one in the operating room right now.

"Is someone giving you a death threat? Since when?" Selene asked Renz worriedly.

"I don\'t know. But this is the first time it has happened to me. The note was given to me the night before we went for this road trip."