Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 217 - Some Secrets Are Bound To Be Revealed

Eros\'s mood changed from being worried to upset. Selene was being stubborn again. She wanted to investigate personally about this shooting incident and those who were involved in threatening Renz.

Selene\'s life was still in danger as long as Zaki wanted her soul. Eros was acting like this because he was concerned about Selene\'s safety.

Selene couldn\'t understand Eros\'s fear since she had no idea that Zaki wanted to kill her and send her to the Netherworld.

Selene bit her lower lip and asked Eros, "Are you mad? Why did you raise your voice at me?"

"Because you don\'t listen to me. It\'s dangerous but you still want to do it."

Eros softened his voice this time. It was not his intention to raise his voice at her. He was just carried away by his feelings.

"Nothing bad will happen to me. You are here. I know you will protect me," Selene insisted.

Eros sighed helplessly. Now he became more worried about Selene. Once he accomplished his mission, he would have to leave her.

By that time, he could no longer protect her. What if Zaki would continue targeting Selene?

Seeing the serious expression of Eros, Selene finally gave in.

"Alright. I\'m sorry, Eros. I will not do it. I don\'t want you to get mad at me."

"I\'m not mad. I\'m just worried about you…"

Selene\'s lips curled up into a gentle smile. "I know. I promise I will not give you trouble."

"Are you sure? Are you telling the truth? You will not pursue this matter anymore…"

Selene bobbed her head. "Yes. I will not. So don\'t be upset anymore. Don\'t give me this kind of face! Smile!"

Selene pinched Eros\'s cheeks and stretched them out for him to smile.

"Besides, I am still shaken by the shooting incident. I felt like reliving my past. I got scared."

After hearing her words, Eros wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into a hug. He wanted to comfort Selene. He knew how hard it was for Selene to remember that shooting incident.

Selene leaned her head on Eros\'s chest. Being hugged by him like this was enough to comfort her. She needed to feel safe and Eros gave her that sense of security.

She also wrapped her arms around Eros\'s body while he started stroking her hair.

"Don\'t be afraid, Selene. I am here…"

Selene nodded her head. "Thank you, Eros."

"You should take a rest for now. I\'m just going downstairs to prepare some food. What do you want to eat? I\'m gonna cook for you," Eros softly said.

"Hmm, Anything… you decide."

After comforting Selene, Eros went to the kitchen. Azrael followed him.

"Where\'s Sach?" Eros asked when he didn\'t see the boy.

"He went outside to play," Azrael responded as he moved closer to the kitchen sink.

Eros was preparing the ingredients. He would cook three main dishes today.

"Come here. Help me cut these vegetables!"

Azrael obediently followed Eros even though he didn\'t know how to cook.

"Hey, what happened? It looks like you and Selene are troubled by something," Azrael asked Eros curiously.

Eros stopped what he was doing. He took a deep breath and faced Azrael.

"Something happened in the camping site. A gunman appeared to shoot Renz but Micaela protected him because I stopped Selene from doing it. It looked like a replay of what happened in Selene\'s previous life."

"What??!" Azrael gasped in surprise. He didn\'t expect that something like this would happen.

"Do you think this has something to do with Zaki?" Eros asked him.

"I also saw lots of grim reapers lurking around Micaela, Renz, and Selene. They said they were there to catch the dark soul."

Azrael fell silent for a moment, thinking about the incident.

"I\'m not sure. But I know Zaki. Sooner or later, he will make a move. Once he moves, a mischief is bound to happen to Selene."

Eros didn\'t like this. He clenched his fists. He would not allow that to happen.

"I must protect her. I should always be by her side."

Azrael patted Eros\'s shoulder. "Good job on protecting her. If you didn\'t stop her, Zaki would have gotten his chance to kill Selene through that shooting incident."

Eros held Azrael\'s shoulders and said, "Azrael… if ever… if ever I can\'t stay by Selene\'s side anymore… Can you protect her for me?"

Azrael: "..."

"Please, Azrael. I know it\'s not your job… but…"

"Hey Eros, what are you talking about? Why can\'t you stay by her side?"

Eros heaved another deep sigh.

"My mission… I am about to complete it soon. Once it happens, I can no longer stay by Selene\'s side."

Azrael smacked his forehead. He had forgotten about it. Eros was a cupid, not a guardian angel. His time with Selene was limited. Once they succeeded in making Renz fall for Selene, Eros had to leave.

"Eros, if you can\'t stay here then I can\'t stay here as well. Selene will forget about you and me. Besides, I don\'t know when Zaki will come after me again."

"Why don\'t you ask Sienna for help. Maybe she can do something for Selene."

Eros didn\'t know whether his mother angel would agree or not. She might learn something… his real feelings for Selene.

"I\'ll think about it then…"

Seeing the dejected look on Eros\'s face, Azrael came up with another suggestion.

"Hey, Eros… why don\'t you delay completing your mission first? So that both of us can stay here. Hehe," Azrael said, smiling sheepishly.

He knew that was a ridiculous suggestion but Eros suddenly became silent, as if he was thinking about it too.

"Hey, hey, hey… I\'m just kidding! Don\'t take my words seriously," Azrael said, laughing.

But Eros smiled at Azrael as if he was his savior.

"Thanks, Azrael! You are really smart! Now, let\'s continue. We should finish cooking first!"

Azrael: "..."

\'Don\'t tell me Eros is considering my suggestion?\' Azrael thought to himself while scratching the back of his head.


Meanwhile, the grim reaper who was given a special task by Zaki was now looking for him. He had something to report to Zaki.

He was wandering around the area when Zaki suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. Zaki received the message from him.

"Supreme Leader…"

The grim reaper bowed his head to give courtesy to Zaki. Zaki just raised his hand, acknowledging his gesture.

"What is it that you want to report to me, Gray?" Zaki asked him.

"Supreme Leader… I saw something last night. The girl and her cupid… I think there is something more going on between them."

Zaki frowned upon hearing that.

"What do you mean? Enlighten me."

"I think the cupid is abusing his power. I saw him flying in the sky together with the girl whom you wanted dead. It seems like there is something more to their relationship."

Zaki massaged his temples. "Gray. Stop beating around the bush and just tell me directly!"

Zaki was losing his patience. Gray scratched his face. He just didn\'t know how to put it in words. But since his Supreme Leader was dying to know what he meant, Gray tried his best to inform him in a simple word.

"I saw the cupid and his human contractee kissing each other last night!"

Zaki: 0_0

There was a moment of silence after Gray said those words. It did not take long when a peal of laughter echoed in the area.

Zaki began laughing after he absorbed Gray\'s words.

"That\'s interesting. I wonder how the mother angel of cupid will react once she learns about this."

Zaki\'s eyes were sparkling with delight. It seemed that he found something fascinating.

"Go back to your station now, Gray! Continue your task."

Zaki seemed like he was in a good mood.

"Noted, Supreme Leader!"

After talking to Zaki, Gray left to continue his special mission. Meanwhile, Zaki summoned a black crow. The bird landed on his arm.

"I want you to deliver a message for me."

The crow moved his head, signifying he understood Zaki.

Zaki wrote a message on a scroll. He attached it to the crow\'s leg. When he was done, the crow flew up in the sky. Then it suddenly disappeared.

"Sienna… I wonder what you are gonna do now. You told me that he is your favorite cupid! How will you handle this?"


Sienna was in the contract chamber when a cupid called her.

"Mother Angel… the messenger of the Supreme Leader of Grim Reapers is here."

Sienna looked at her confusedly. She didn\'t know why Zaki sent his messenger. What important message did he want to tell her this time?

Sienna told the cupid to bring her to Zaki\'s messenger. They left the contract chamber and proceeded to the entrance gate of the Angel\'s Agape Realm.

The crow flew towards Sienna as soon as it saw her. She extended her hand, allowing the bird to land on it.

Sienna picked up the scroll that was attached to his leg. She opened the scroll and read it.

Sienna was quite shaken after reading Zaki\'s message.