For The Rest Of My Life, I Only Want You

Chapter 230

Jiang Zhihan took my hand and nodded, "well, since he hurt you, I won\'t let him go so easily!"

"Will you forgive me if I do something wrong?"

I recalled what I had done to Xu Yao. Although it was to revenge her, I still did a lot of excessive things. For example, after Xu Yao married Jiang Zhihan, he still entangled with him and became a shameless junior. At the wedding, someone fed hallucinogens to Xu Yao and a man came to let the situation get worse

I can\'t imagine that if Jiang Zhihan knew that I did all these things in the future, would he be very disappointed with me and think that I am the same person as Xu Yao.

Jiang Zhihan looked at me, lifted up the corners of his lips and spoiled my head. "No matter what you do, I will support you, protect you forever behind you and block all harm for you. If you want to kill, I will also be the one who handed you a knife!"

I pursed my lips and bowed my head to think.

Jiang Zhihan hugged me on the shoulder. "Well, bear children have to clean up. Don\'t worry about it. I know you will be soft hearted to your children after you become a mother now. I\'m still a little worried. Go to the hospital for examination and I\'ll take you back!"

I nodded and followed Jiang Zhihan forward. My heart suddenly brightened up.

I seem to have come to understand that Jiang Zhihan protected Xu Yao so much at the beginning because he recognized that Xu Yao was the little girl who saved him, so he kept protecting her and let her hurt me at will. Even if he knew that Xu Yao did something wrong, he would let me not be held accountable.

Jiang Zhihan must have the same attitude towards me now, so he just said that to me. I just don\'t know if Jiang Zhihan has any different feelings for me except his responsibility in those years.

After going to the hospital for examination, the doctor said there was no problem. Maybe it was because I was too nervous that I felt a stomachache. But the doctor advised me not to go out in such a big month. I\'d better have a good rest at home!

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Zhihan was annoyed.

"Fortunately, there\'s nothing wrong with you today. It\'s all my carelessness. I know I can\'t bring you out and I\'ll bring you out. If something happens, I won\'t forgive myself!"

I smiled, "it\'s all right! Now it seems that I can\'t go out in the future!"

Sure enough, after Zhao Li knew about it, she scolded Jiang Zhihan and banned me from going out again.

As the weather cools down, my birthday is getting closer and closer. This is my first birthday after returning to the Xu family. Although I have such a big belly, the Xu family is still ready to organize it and held a small party at home.

On the birthday, the Xu family dressed up and looked particularly cheerful. Today\'s dinner was held on the lawn in the backyard of the Xu family, that is, several people who are familiar with us sat down and ate together.

I specially chose a long red dress, which I bought last time in the cold zone of the river, which made the whole person\'s skin more white.

In the evening, Li Yixuan came with Gu ran.

When Gu ran saw me, he touched my stomach and said softly, "I\'m your godmother, little ones!"

Xu Shihong, who happened to pass by, laughed, "in fact, there are other identities you can choose!"

Gu Ran\'s face turned red in an instant, turned back and stared at him, pursed his lips and didn\'t speak.

I always felt that there seemed to be a story between the two people, and my eyes kept wandering on the two people, "what\'s the situation with you two? Is there something I don\'t know!"

Gu ran quickly waved his hand, "no, no, qinran, you\'d better look at the gift I bought for you!"

I smiled and reached out to open the gift brought by Gu ran. It was a very exquisite necklace that I saw once when we were shopping before I returned to Xu\'s house. At that time, I loved this necklace and vowed to come back and buy it when I had money.

Although the price of this necklace is nothing to me now, it still costs Gu ran nearly a month\'s salary!

"You spend too much money. It\'s not easy for you to live outside alone. Just buy me a small gift!"

Gu ran smiled and hugged me. "How can that be! But you can\'t be too moved!"

Then the two of us looked at each other and laughed.

The gift Li Yixuan gave me is a big box. I don\'t know what\'s inside.

He explained with a smile: "I don\'t know what to give you. It feels like you don\'t lack anything now. I\'m afraid you\'ll be unbalanced when you give your child something, so I bought more!"

Look at the box in my hand and smile

Jiang Zhihan arrived a little late. The gift was a big crystal glass ball. When he took it out, even Gu ran disliked it.

"President Jiang, you can give something like this to Qin ran on his birthday!"

I closed the box with a smile, "this is also very good. Giving a birthday gift is just to please the head!"

Jiang Zhihan hooked his lips and didn\'t speak.

Aunt LAN just called us over there. We can get ready for dinner.

I stood up from the ground with my skirt, "come on, let\'s go to dinner!"

Jiang Zhihan was close to me. He grabbed me first and took me back to the hospital.

Li Yixuan took a look, pursed his lips, smiled sadly, raised his feet and left first.

Jiang Zhihan helped me walk slowly, looked at the back of several people in front, leaned over and whispered in my ear, "don\'t be sad, it\'s not the only gift, I have a surprise for you!"

In fact, when I saw the crystal ball just now, I was a little disappointed, but I didn\'t show it. Now hearing Jiang Zhihan say that there are other surprises, I was instantly aroused my curiosity.

"What\'s the surprise?"

Jiang Zhihan told me, "I\'ll tell you later, darling!"

I pouted and was dissatisfied, but I was still looking forward to it.

Zhao Li and Xu Guochang have already taken their seats. Jiang Zhihan helped me to sit down next to Zhao Li, and then directly took their seats next to me. Li Yixuan happened to be opposite.

The two men looked at each other. Jiang Zhihan picked his eyebrows and didn\'t speak.

The banquet is a candlelight dinner. Although there are not many people, there are people who are particularly important to me, so my heart is still very satisfied.