For The Rest Of My Life, I Only Want You

Chapter 231

Zhao Li handed me a box, "qinran, this is a gift from Mom and Dad!"

I reached for it and asked curiously as I opened the gift.

When I opened the box and looked at the necklace inside, tears began to appear in my eyes.

Zhao Li explained, "when Xu Yao married Jiang Zhihan, Jiang Zhihan gave me this necklace back. She belongs to you, so we give it back to you!"

This necklace is the keepsake that Jiang Zhihan took away. It\'s a group photo of Zhao Li and me when I was a child.

"Mom, thank you. I like it very much!"

Xu Guochang smiled. The sideburns on both sides were obviously gray, and the wrinkles on the corners of his eyes were particularly obvious, "This is qinran\'s first birthday in the Xu family, and it\'s also qinran\'s real birthday. I still remember when qinran was born that year. It was a rainy day. Her mother was still having trouble giving birth, which scared me half to death. Fortunately, in the end, her mother and daughter were safe and made a good word, and our family felt perfect. But more than ten years ago, because of our negligence, qinran\'s life was changed Life, but fortunately, now we are finally reunited with qinran... "

Speaking of later, Xu Guochang\'s voice choked. It was obvious that he thought of those things and was moved.

Zhao Li, with tears in her eyes, couldn\'t help but hold me in her arms, put her arms around my neck and didn\'t speak.

Life is full of drama. I didn\'t think I would become a member of the Xu family.

I raised my glass and said to Zhao Li, "Mom, I respect you. Although today is my birthday, it\'s also unexpected that today was your mother\'s day more than 20 years ago. Although we missed so many years, we were together in the end. Thank you for bringing me to this world. I hope we\'re not too late together!"

Zhao Li nodded with tears in her eyes. "It\'s not too late. We will live happily together in the future!"

Everyone raised their glasses and collided, "qinran, happy birthday!"

I smiled happily. It\'s really a happy thing to have them with me.

Aunt LAN came up with a big cake. The cake has three layers. On the top is a lovely little girl.

"Miss, make a wish and cut the cake!"

In the expectation of all eyes, as well as the singing of happy birthday, I put my hands together, closed my eyes and said silently in my heart.

"My birthday wish is that my children can be born safely, my parents can be healthy, and I hope to accompany them for a long time. Also, I hope to be with the people I love!"

Having said my birthday wish, I opened my eyes and blew out the candles on the cake. For a moment, the scene was dark.

After waiting for a long time, I didn\'t wait to turn on the light. I was a little surprised, "Hey, why don\'t you turn on the light?"

I didn\'t expect that as soon as I finished this sentence, the floor lamps around me were on, and I didn\'t know when those small colored lights were installed on the trees in the garden.

What surprised me most was that I didn\'t know when Jiang Zhihan came slowly towards me with a bunch of bright red roses.

I stared wide and felt my heart "plop plop" jump very fast.

Jiang Zhihan walked slowly towards me with a smile. When he was two steps away from me, he stopped and stood there with flowers in his hands.

At this moment, I feel like the whole world is just the two of us. Didn\'t I expect my birthday wish to come true so soon?

Jiang Zhihan looked at me and said seriously, "we missed so long. God let us meet, but I didn\'t cherish you well, which makes me regret. I hurt you so much before, which makes you despair of me. Up to now, I\'m very guilty."

The corners of his mouth hooked up, "But fortunately, God sees that we shouldn\'t miss it and gives us another chance. Qinran, we have experienced so many things, and at this moment I really know my heart. I love you, love you very much, and I don\'t know when I fell in love with you. It has nothing to do with the promise when I was a child, or the fact that you were pregnant with my child. I just love you and want to be with you Together! "

He smiled awkwardly. "I know your worries. I don\'t know if this can eliminate your worries, but everything I said is true!"

I nodded and laughed.

I took out the two marriage certificates from the pocket of lvbenzhizi, and I recognized the two from lvbenzhizi.

He continued: "this proposal is actually a late proposal, which I owe you for many years. Today I can make up for it. Qinran, now I don\'t want this green book, and I want to get back the red book with you. Would you like to?"

With that, Jiang Zhihan held up a large bunch of roses and knelt down on one knee.

I covered my mouth. My eyes were full of tears. As soon as I lowered my head, tears fell out.

I saw a red velvet box in the middle of the rose, in which there was a huge diamond ring, and the diamond ring looked very familiar.

I looked up in surprise at Jiang Zhihan\'s eyes and pointed to the ring, "this..."

Jiang Zhihan smiled. "This is the design drawing I accidentally found at home before. I think this should be the ring you want in your mind, so I asked someone to make it to order. I don\'t know if you like it or not!"

I nodded fiercely and really liked it in my heart. This is the wedding diamond ring I designed for myself, but I don\'t think people like me deserve happiness. In the end, I didn\'t know where it was stuffed by me. Unexpectedly, it was found by Jiang Zhihan.

Jiang Zhihan saw that Su qinran kept silent and continued to ask, "qinran, will you marry me?"

I closed my eyes and finally nodded heavily.

I heard my voice saying, "I do!"

In fact, after getting along with Jiang Zhihan during this period, I seem to be slowly digging my heart and finding out the feelings for him that were originally buried.

Jiang Zhihan\'s proposal was unexpected, but I still chose to follow my heart and want to be with him.

Jiang Zhihan\'s face was full of ecstasy. He quickly stood up, put the ring on Su qinran\'s hand, and then bowed his head and kissed it.

I thought there were people around me. I was a little embarrassed. After being kissed by him, I hid shyly in his arms.

The people who witnessed all this have different expressions and complex feelings.

Zhao Li was hugged by Xu Guochang and watched Su qinran agree to Jiang Zhihan\'s proposal. She was obviously dissatisfied. She still didn\'t like Jiang Zhihan.

Xu Guochang smiled and whispered in her ear, "let them go! Life is theirs!"

Zhao Li sighed and nodded.