For The Rest Of My Life, I Only Want You

Chapter 229

Jiang Zhihan and I just saw a toy store. There was a big doll taller than a person in the window at the door. I suddenly burst into a girl\'s heart. My previous dream was to have such a doll.

"Jiang Zhihan, look at that... Ah!"

I pointed to the toy store. Before I finished speaking, I felt my stomach hit by someone. I was so scared that I bent over, covered my stomach with one hand and screamed.

Jiang Zhihan suddenly regained consciousness. Turning around, he saw the little boy standing next to Su qinran. When he saw him looking at him, he was not afraid at all and made a mischievous face.

Jiang Zhihan\'s face turned black in an instant. He held me in one hand and asked nervously, "are you okay?"

Just now, the little boy bumped into me from the side, which made me a little unstable and scared me. Now I feel some pain in my stomach, so I\'m even more nervous. I\'m afraid the accident will hurt the child.

I frowned and turned white. "My stomach seems to hurt a little!"

Jiang Zhihan became more angry and glared at the little boy. At the same time, he was also scolding himself. Knowing that Su qinran had such a big stomach, he insisted on taking her out. If something happened, he would probably regret it all his life!

The bear child was frightened by Jiang Zhihan\'s eyes. He ran back to his parents, hid behind his grandmother, looked here with his head, and there was no expression of fear on his face.

Jiang Zhihan looked worried, "go directly to the hospital!"

I shook my head. "First help me sit down and have a rest. I can\'t stand!"

Jiang Zhihan helped me to sit down on a bench next to him and said softly, "take a rest here and wait for me!"

With that, Jiang Zhihan angrily walked towards the little boy just now and directly pulled him out from behind his parents.

"Oh, let me go!" The little boy screamed loudly as he punched and kicked.

Jiang Zhihan impolitely took his collar and directly picked him up and walked to Su qinran.

As soon as the parents saw that Jiang Zhihan had taken his child away, they rushed up in an instant. The child\'s grandmother was still shouting in panic, "Oh, let go of my grandson! My eldest grandson!"

Why do you want to grab the little boy\'s eyes in front of the sun? It looks like you want to grab the little boy\'s chest in front of the sun

The woman\'s voice was so sharp that people passing by looked at them one after another.

Jiang Zhihan said coldly, "my wife is almost nine months pregnant. He hit her stomach and didn\'t apologize!"

"I didn\'t!" Unexpectedly, the little boy heard Jiang Zhihan\'s words and retorted loudly.

Unexpectedly, the little boy didn\'t apologize for his mistake and didn\'t admit it. Jiang Zhihan felt a fire burning in his chest.

The woman saw that the little boy denied it and touched his head. "Who said my son bumped into your wife? Maybe you bumped into porcelain! Even if it did happen, my son is still young and can\'t walk steadily. He\'s also careless. What do you adults care about with a child!"

Sitting on one side, I couldn\'t help laughing when I heard this. It seems that I met the bear child. Indeed, what is more terrible than the bear child is their parents, who are completely unreasonable.

Jiang Zhihan didn\'t expect to meet such an unreasonable person, "ask your children to apologize to my wife and leave your contact information. If anything happens to my wife and children, I will be held accountable!"

As soon as the little boy\'s father heard that he wanted to be held accountable, he was reluctant, "who are you? You all said that my son didn\'t hit your wife, and you have to be held accountable. You\'re here to touch porcelain! My son is still young, why do you have such a pestering person! You\'re all going to be a father, so you don\'t know to be tolerant to your children! And accumulate some virtue for your own children!"

Jiang Zhihan has always been at the top, with a natural aura. When he is cold, he is also very scary. The man\'s eyes on Jiang Zhihan suddenly get a little hairy in his heart.

"Originally, if the child was willing to apologize, I wouldn\'t pursue my wife if there was nothing wrong, but I would pursue it to the end with what you said today!"

I took a few deep breaths and felt much better, "cold!"

Jiang Zhihan gave them a cold look, turned and ran back to me, "how\'s it going? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

I shook my head. "There should be no big deal!"

Jiang Zhihan dropped a kiss on my forehead, "then sit here for a while and wait for me to deal with it!"

I nodded. Although I like children very much now, bear children still have to deal with it. Otherwise, I don\'t know what will be done and what serious consequences will be caused next time.

Jiang Zhihan made a phone call, ordered a few words, and walked towards the family.

The woman may also see that Jiang Zhihan\'s identity is unusual. Seeing him coming over, she hurriedly laughed with him, "our children are also careless. It\'s OK to see your wife. Otherwise, let\'s forget it!"

Jiang zhileng smiled and looked at them without talking.

Soon a group of people ran over, and the leader was the manager of the mall, "President Jiang!"

Jiang Zhihan pointed around, "is there monitoring here?"

The manager nodded, "we have surveillance all around!"

Jiang Zhihan nodded, "keep all the monitoring for me. I\'ll find an assistant to ask you later!"

When the family heard the manager\'s address, they knew what kind of person they had provoked. They were a little scared and looked at each other.

The father licked his face and smiled awkwardly, "what monitoring do you want? It\'s all a misunderstanding!"

Jiang Zhihan took a look and was not afraid at all. Seeing the little boy who was still making faces, he sneered, drew a business card and stuffed it into the man\'s pocket at will, "wait to receive my lawyer\'s litigation letter!"

With that, Jiang Zhihan turned around and left. The man looked at his business card and almost fainted. He really got into trouble with someone he shouldn\'t have.

The woman glanced at her, and her eyes widened in an instant. She rushed up to catch Jiang Zhihan, but was stopped by the security guard, "President Jiang, we are wrong, President Jiang, let us go! I asked the child to apologize to your wife!"

It seems that Jiang Zhihan hasn\'t heard of it. Now it\'s too late to know that he is wrong. He really doesn\'t shed tears without seeing the coffin.

Jiang Zhihan came to me and touched my hair, "let\'s go!"

I glanced at the parents who were crying for mercy and slowly stood up from their chairs. "Do you really want to be held accountable?"