For The Rest Of My Life, I Only Want You

Chapter 228

Gu ran finally couldn\'t help sobbing and said, "but I really like you. I know you like qinran. I\'m not like grabbing with qinran. I just stood in place and looked at your back and waited for you silently. Since qinran may choose Jiang Zhihan in the end, why don\'t you want to look back and see me!"

At last, Gu ran couldn\'t help raising his voice and finally sobbed in a low voice.

Li Yixuan closed his eyes and hurt a girl like this. He couldn\'t bear it, but he knew that he didn\'t have any feelings for Gu ran. It was impossible to treat her as a sister, so he wouldn\'t be with Gu ran. It\'s better to make it clear as soon as possible and don\'t leave hope for her.

"Gu ran, I\'ve always regarded you as my sister. It\'s impossible between us. Don\'t waste time on me!" Li Yixuan simply said a cruel word.

Gu Ran\'s tears kept flowing down like a dike burst. In her eyes, Li Yixuan\'s back was blurred.

She kept wiping her face hard and didn\'t want to be so embarrassed and humiliated, but the tears seemed uncontrollable and kept falling.

Gu ran took a deep breath and made his voice sound a little normal. "Then you should also be very clear that it is beyond the control of reason to like this kind of thing. If you let me not like you and say it so easily, you should not like Su qinran! Even if you don\'t want to be with me in the end, I don\'t want to see you so sad and painful!"

Li Yixuan sighed and held his hands tightly, even his green tendons burst. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was stuck in his throat and couldn\'t say anything.

Gu ran looked at his silent back. His heart seemed to be broken. Originally, he came to Li Yixuan with joy. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be like this in the end.

She threw her pillow on the sofa, picked up her bag and rushed out, slamming the door.

At this time, Gu ran just wanted to escape from here. He didn\'t want to continue to lose face in front of Li Yixuan. He also wanted to keep his last bit of dignity.

Li Yixuan stood in front of the French window and looked at the lights outside the window. The dark sky was like an endless vortex with a dangerous smell.

It\'s already more than 11 o\'clock at this time. I think of a girl going out with Gu ran. Especially now, I\'m still unstable and easy to encounter danger. Although Li Yixuan said cruel words, he was still worried. He picked up his coat and hurried out with the key.

Gu ran out of Li Shi, and finally burst into tears. He walked along the road while crying. He just wanted to leave here and didn\'t know he was going up.

Finally, Gu ran couldn\'t walk any more. He sat down on a bench by the side of the road and cried loudly.

After Li Yixuan chased out, he couldn\'t see Gu Ran\'s back. He was suddenly nervous. If something happened, he would blame himself.

But there was a faint cry in his ear. Li Yixuan walked along the sound and saw Gu ran sitting on the bench by the side of the road. He was as sad as he cried.

Just as he was about to run forward, he saw a car stop at the roadside. He looked at the license plate. This is not Xu Shihong\'s car!

Xu Shihong went out to play with a group of friends in the evening. On the way back, he saw the figure on the roadside. He looked familiar, so he slowed down. Unexpectedly, he really recognized it. Isn\'t this Gu ran, who was so angry with him all day.

Xu Shihong parked his car on the side of the road and went down to see that it was Gu ran. He was crying with tears and looked pitiful.

He used to poke Gu ran on the shoulder, "ah, why are you crying so ugly? What sad things have you encountered? It makes me happy to say it!"

Gu ran looked up and found it was Xu Shihong, crying even more sadly.

Xu Shihong sighed and finally stopped joking. He gently poked her shoulder, "Hey, don\'t cry!"

Gu ran didn\'t care. He shook his head and cried even louder. More excessively, he leaned over Xu Shihong and wiped all his tears and snot on his shirt.

Xu Shihong raised his head in disgust. "It\'s dirty. Don\'t forget to wipe it on yourself!"

Gu ran was stunned for a moment, stopped crying for a while, and looked up at Xu Shihong. There were tears in his big eyes. No matter who he was, he would look soft hearted.

Xu Shihong sighed and felt that he was defeated by her. "Forget it, wipe it! Make an exception today and reluctantly lend you his clothes!"

Gu ran got an amnesty and jumped on him more excessively, wiping his tears and snot hard on him.

Xu Shihong was originally a person who was obsessed with cleanliness, but at this time, he didn\'t have a plan in mind. Instead, he couldn\'t help but go up and rub Gu Ran\'s hair intimately. In a spoiled tone, he comforted: "well, don\'t cry!"

Li Yixuan stood and looked for a while. After Gu ran followed Xu Shihong into the car, he turned and left.

My stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole person is getting tired. The most obvious feeling is that my waist is particularly sour.

When I\'m free, I draw design drawings at home, or do pregnant women\'s Yoga with videos. Sometimes I read books and have no other activities.

Knowing that I was bored at home, Jiang Zhihan often came to accompany me or take me out to play.

Zhao Li doesn\'t trust me. I go out and face the cold of the river every time.

But Jiang Zhihan knew that I was ready to move and wanted to go out, so he promised Zhao Li again and again every time, so he took me out of the Xu family smoothly.

After getting on the bus, Jiang Zhihan turned to look at me, "do you want to go anywhere today? You have a big stomach now, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to go out."

I pursed my lips and thought that there was nothing I particularly wanted to go to.

"Otherwise, let\'s go to the mall. I\'ve finished reading all the books at home. I want to buy some more. By the way, I want to eat the food of that family!"

Jiang Zhihan smiled and poked me in the head, "you are greedy!"

I narrowed my eyes and smiled without denying it.

After arriving at the mall, Jiang Zhihan carefully protected me, holding my waist with one hand and holding my hand with the other hand. He walked slowly with me and stopped to look at anything he was interested in.

There were several parents in front with a little boy. The little boy was chubby and very naughty. He swayed around and walked around. He also liked to walk backwards and bumped into several passers-by.

But the parents didn\'t care about the teaching and followed him. They just cared about him from time to time, "be careful, don\'t bump into yourself!"