Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 491

"You..." Yan Nuoqi looked at Ouyang Jin angrily. She just saw contempt from Ouyang Jin's eyes. The expression of looking at the same dirty thing made her feel how unbearable she was, and even laughed at how much she couldn't see light with Liu Feng.

"What? Am I wrong? Yan Nuoqi, I really didn't find you have such ability before! " Ouyang Jin sneered, "it looks pure, but in essence, even the women on the street are hundreds of times better than you!" Ouyang Jin didn't know why he was so angry, as if Yan Nuoqi had done something wrong to him.

But obviously they have divorced. Yan Nuoqi can do whatever he wants. He has nothing to do with who he likes to be with! But he thought the man was so dazzling!

I want him to disappear!

Then he looked at Liu Feng with his eyes, but his attention was not on Shu Qi, who should have been concerned, so he didn't see Shu Qi's hand holding Liu Feng's clothes.

Liu Feng naturally noticed Ouyang Jin's unfriendly sight. He just looked at Ouyang Jin lightly, without fear or anger, as if he didn't take Ouyang Jin seriously.

What he really cares about is Yan Nuoqi's reaction. In this situation, which side Yan Nuoqi will stand on! That's what he cares about!

"Enough!" Yan Nuoqi didn't ignore Ouyang Jin's hostility to Liu Feng. She said angrily, "Ouyang Jin, you have no right to interfere in my affairs. I can do whatever I like! And what you should care about is your little assistant! She is still in bed. But you are still in the mood to take care of other people's housework! " With that, Yan Nuoqi ignored Ouyang Jin's killing eyes and directly crossed him to pull Liu Feng up.

In fact, as long as Liu Feng is willing, he can leave Shu Qi's bondage. So when Yan Nuoqi came towards him, he quickly put Shu Qi's hand back into the bed quietly.

Yan Nuoqi pulled Liu Feng straight out of the ward. When she passed Ouyang Jin, she didn't even want to look at her, but when she was about to step out of the ward, Ouyang Jin grabbed her hand.

"What do you want?" Yan Nuoqi bravely looked directly at Ouyang Jin's anger.

"Where are you going?" Ouyang Jin saw Liu Feng and Yan Nuoqi's tightly clasped hands, but he felt very dazzling. He wanted to take a knife to separate their tightly clasped hands.

"What does it matter to you where I'm going? What you should care about now is not my whereabouts, but your assistant who is still feverish! " Yannuoqi kindly reminded.

"You..." Ouyang Jin didn't expect that Yan Nuoqi would ridicule him again and again in front of Liu Feng, which made him very crazy.

"President Ouyang, please take that noble hand away. I can't afford your retention!" Yan Nuoqi turned her head and didn't want to look at Ouyang Jin.

"Yannuoqi, you are cruel and heartless!" Ouyang Jin only felt that Yan Nuoqi in front of him was so strange, as if he had never known her.

Yan Nuoqi just sneered: "we are just the same as each other. You are ruthless and I am cruel! Isn't it good to live your own life? " With that, she took out a ring in her arms as if she had made up her mind, "I haven't returned this thing to you. It's time to return it to its owner today! From then on, we have nothing to do with each other! "

A ring radiated a twinkling light and fell straight to the ground, emitting a clear and loud sound.

Ouyang Jin just looked at it calmly, didn't say anything, and after a while. He asked hoarsely, "do you really want to be so heartless?"

"Some things should be completely broken if they want to be broken. Don't drag the mud and water any more! That is not a kind of tolerance, but cruelty! That's it! " With that, Yan Nuoqi ignored Ouyang Jin's reaction and left the ward directly.

"Nuoqi..." Liu Feng shouted and caught up with Yan Nuoqi, took her hand and asked, "are you okay?"

Yan Nuoqi didn't answer immediately. Instead, she wiped out the moisture in her eyes with her hand, took a deep breath, turned her head and said with a smile: "it's okay. It may hurt a little for the first time. It's OK slowly! And isn't that what you want? "

"I......" Liu Feng felt guilty. He really did it on purpose. He had seen Ouyang Jin outside the ward for a long time, so he deliberately led Yan Nuoqi to say something that would kill Ouyang Jin and kissed Yan Nuoqi in front of Ouyang Jin, but he didn't think so much at that time.

At this moment, he was afraid to look at Yan Nuoqi for fear that she would be angry.

Yan Nuoqi just smiled, then went straight out of the hospital and ran straight across the road at the red light.

Liu Feng saw a car running towards Yan Nuoqi. Yan Nuoqi seemed to know nothing, but still looked casual.

Liu Feng couldn't care. He ran over and pulled Yan Nuoqi. The car just stopped in time.

Obviously, the driver was startled by their behavior and immediately got out of the car. It was an education for Liu Feng.

Yan Nuoqi had already run across the road and left him alone to face the driver's smelly face. Finally, Liu Feng said a lot of good words and apologized. The driver let him leave for Liu Feng's sake of sincerity.

He hurried over and found that yannuoqi had already calmly sat down in a roadside barbecue shop.

Angry and helpless, he came to Yan Nuoqi and asked, "what do you want to do?" It was originally a reproach, but as soon as it was said, it seemed that the taste had changed, more like a kind of helplessness and tolerance.

"You played me once and I played you once, then we are even. Isn't that good? " Yan Nuoqi looked like a natural.

Of course, Liu Feng knew what she meant. I didn't expect Yan Nuoqi to take revenge! Maybe many people will know that Yan Nuoqi is elegant and intelligent, but no one knows the playful and playful psychology in her bones.

He also became familiar with Yan Nuoqi. Until they reached such an ambiguous position, they found that Yan Nuoqi also had some rebellious blood in his bones.

"I'm sorry about this, I'm not..." Liu Feng wanted to say that he didn't mean it, but it's obvious that he lied. He meant it, so this one can't be used as an excuse. "I'll invite this meal!" That's sincere enough!

Liu Feng looked at Yan Nuoqi eagerly, afraid that she would be angry. After all, he did go too far. Yan Nuoqi even threw the wedding ring back to Ouyang Jin, but at that moment, Liu Feng completely understood that Yan Nuoqi could not put it down, otherwise she would not always carry her and Ouyang Jin's wedding ring.

But she returned the wedding ring to Ouyang Jin. Can that prove that she has put it down? Even a divorce certificate can't cut off the connection between them, let alone a wedding ring?

What's more, Liu Feng's sight fell on Yan Nuoqi's stomach, which had protruded out. In two months, you can know whether it is a boy or a girl. Then when the child is born, Ouyang Jin will know whether the child is his or not! As long as he has doubts in his heart!

And judging from today's situation, we know that Ouyang Jin has not given up his heart. In that case, coupled with Yan Nuoqi having his children, Ouyang Jin will be entangled!

"What's the matter with you?" Yan Nuoqi was only angry for a while. Looking back, she found that Liu Feng didn't know what he was thinking. She looked like a little old man, although she was handsome.

"What?" Liu Feng reacted at this time and thought that he had just been distracted.

"Why are you stunned?" Yan Nuoqi smiled helplessly. She was still angry just now. The man had the energy to think about something else here. It's really

"Nothing!" Liu Feng did not intend to speak out his ideas. After all, this is not the time, because he has not determined Yan Nuoqi's mind. She cares about him, but how much, compared with Ouyang Jin, he doesn't dare to gamble.

"By the way, why are you with Shu Qi today?" Yan Nuoqi asked suspiciously, they should not be so familiar! Although she doesn't hate Shu Qi, she can't say she likes it. After all, there are no happy memories between the two people.

"I......" Liu Feng's mind suddenly filled with some pictures of being with Shu Qi, and his face suddenly sank.

"What's the matter with you?" Yan Nuoqi looked at Liu Feng's face and suddenly sank down. She couldn't help asking anxiously.

"Nothing!" Liu Feng looked at Yan Nuoqi's clear eyes. If he could say that he had nothing to do with Shu Qi before yesterday, but the things that night could not be erased, so he could only choose to hide from Yan Nuoqi. If only he could hide it all his life.

"All right!" Yan Nuoqi doesn't force Liu Feng. Although they are good friends, they should keep some secrets from each other.

"Noqi, if one day I did something sorry for you, would you forgive me?" Liu Feng asked tentatively.

Yan Nuoqi was suddenly stunned. She didn't know why Liu Feng suddenly asked such a question. She looked at Liu Feng with big eyes, as if she wanted to see something from his deep eyes, but there was nothing.

After a while, she sighed and said leisurely, "then you'd better hide it from me for a lifetime and turn the lie into a fact. This is the best protection for me! Because I regard you as my best friend, so if you hurt, it will be huge, so please lie to me for a lifetime! That's good! "

Liu Feng didn't expect such an answer, but he suddenly felt sour when he saw Yan Nuoqi with some sad eyes. If it hadn't been out of control that night, everything would have been better, but God wanted to make fun of him and let him suffer.

"OK, I won't let you know all my life!" He will certainly let the events of that night become ashes without showing any trace.

"Well, you promised me, if I knew. I will not let you go! " Yan Nuoqi's tone was stubborn and tough. She didn't expect Liu Feng to do something to hurt her, but she really didn't want to know. One Ouyang Jin is enough. She doesn't want to suffer any more. In that case, Liu Feng, do your best to hide it from me. Even if one day you really can't hold it, you have to hold it!

The moonlight is very beautiful, shining on the whole earth. Cars come and go on the road, and the lights flash at night.

Ouyang Jin stood at the door of the ward, holding the huge diamond ring tightly, looking at the flashing light, he couldn't help feeling dazzling. Sometimes, sweetness will become bondage and pain.

Especially when he wanted to cut it off, he was cruel and threw the ring out of the ward window.

Yannuoqi, you are ruthless, I have no righteousness!

His figure in the moonlight, it seems so slender, but lonely.