Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 492

Uncle Wang took Fang Yan to a room in the villa and said, "you'll live here in the future. You can come to me for anything!"

Fang Yan looked at the environment of the house. Although it was small, it was still very exquisite. She could see that the things inside were very expensive. Sure enough, the big family was different.

The place where a servant lives can be so exquisite, not to mention the owner's house. It must be more luxurious.

Sure enough, there is still a big gap between people. Such a small house, she will feel very happy and satisfied, but what about others?

"Any questions?" Uncle Wang seems to be very reluctant to see Fang Yan.

"Nothing! Thank you, housekeeper! " Fang Yan looked at Uncle Wang and said that there should be no problem.

"Then you clean up first. Someone will come and take you later!" Then she turned and left without giving Fang Yan a chance to speak.

Sure enough, Fang Yan was stern and indifferent. She couldn't help but feel helpless, but she could only comfort herself when she thought that she wouldn't stay here long.

She packed up all her things and found that she didn't know what to do! Uncle Wang said he would come to her later, but when? If Uncle Wang doesn't come, will she sit here all the time?

And can't wander around? After all, this place is not another place. Big families generally have many special rules!

But she didn't come to adapt to this big family. She just wanted to see that person so that she could leave at ease. As long as she saw that he was happy, she could, didn't she?

Ding Yaling is really a good girl. Although she is a young lady raised by a big family, she doesn't have the feeling of being charming and domineering.

A woman with such a family background is suitable for that man.

Fang Yan couldn't help but take out the pendant hanging on her chest and open it. What about the boy whose face is more beautiful than a woman?

Obviously, she is younger than her, but she carries the burden of a family on her shoulders.

Fang Yan looked for a long time before reluctantly taking off the pendant. She can't wear this here. If the Ding family finds out, it will be in trouble.

It doesn't matter if she's in trouble, but she's afraid of getting into trouble with that man. After all, no matter how good a woman is, she can't tolerate a woman who covets her husband!

"Fang Yan, come out!" Fang Yan heard someone shouting at her and threw the pendant into the drawer, so she hurried out.

"There are not enough hands now! Didn't you work in a coffee shop for some time before? Now you go to the living room and wait! " Uncle Wang pushed Fang Yan out without asking if she agreed.

Before Fang Yan knew what was going on, someone threw her a suit of clothes and urged her to put them on. This makes Fang Yan feel as nervous and urgent as going to the battlefield!

"My aunt! Why haven't you changed yet! You don't know, miss, but I said I would let you pass. What are you still waiting for here? " Urged by a middle-aged woman, it should also be an old man here!

Fang Yan was constantly urged to change her clothes. Fortunately, she felt like those uniforms in the coffee shop. But the quality of the clothes must be excellent. It seems that the Ding family is really excellent to the servants.

Fang Yan followed the woman to the hall and put tableware and all kinds of dishes on the table with her. She thought it would be over. But I didn't expect that when the Ding family ate, someone would stay in the living room to wait.

This made Fang Yan helpless, but she could only watch obediently. She knew who was going to eat here today, so she kept her head down and tried to reduce her existence since she heard the footsteps.

Although she wants to see Cao Ming very much, but not now, she is not ready, and she doesn't want to look at him face to face, which will make her unable to face.

At this time, there was a movement upstairs. Fang Yan didn't know who came down, but she saw a beige dress floating slightly.

Fang Yan guessed that it should be Ding Yaling, but when Ding Yaling passed by her, she didn't move, as if she was just a decoration.

Fang Yan is not sad because she knows that Ding Yaling is different from what she just did. Now she must show the bearing and elegance of a miss.

One after another, someone took a seat. Fang Yan didn't see it, but listening to the news, she knew it should be Ding Yaling's parents!

"Ya Ling, wait for Cao Ming to come. You should pay attention to your appearance. You can't let Cao Ming see jokes!" Father Ding said anxiously.

"I see, father!" Ding Yaling answered meekly.

Ding's father felt relieved to see Ding Yaling in this state.

At this time, the door opened, and Cao Mingcai, dressed in a suit, walked over gracefully. Seeing that Ding's father, Ding's mother and Ding Yaling had stood up, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm sorry for the delay in some things just now. I'm late!"

"It's all right, do it! We just sat down! " Ding Fu smiled and looked very tolerant.

Cao Ming's position is relative to that of Dingya. This arrangement obviously allows them to communicate better.

"Brother Ming, you're late, but you'll be punished!" Ding Yaling smiled.

Father Ding didn't say anything.

"How do you want to punish?" Cao Ming looked joking.

"I'll punish you for shopping with me tomorrow!" Ding Yaling thought for a moment and smiled.

"Linger!" Father Ding couldn't help shouting, "Cao Ming is so busy that he doesn't have time to go shopping with you. Besides, you have enough things. You'd better stay at home!"

Ding yalingling ignored Ding's father and just smiled at Cao Ming: "brother Ming, you won't disagree?"

"No problem!" Cao Ming smiled faintly.

"I knew brother Ming was the best for me!" Ding Yaling smiled.

Then they talked about some family affairs.

Fang Yan didn't understand the family affairs. She only knew that as soon as Cao Ming turned around, she could see her, because she was standing behind Cao Ming.

The Ding family really knows how to arrange. They specially arranged for her to serve Cao Ming nearby.

But Fang Yan was very nervous. She was so afraid that Cao Ming would turn around and see her. She doesn't know how to face him yet.

While praying in her heart that Cao Ming would not find her, she was paying attention to Cao Ming's actions. She found that although Cao Ming seemed to be very serious, she talked with Ding Fu and them.

But his hand moved carelessly, which showed that he was not so serious at all!

Fang Yan couldn't help laughing in her heart. This was Cao Ming she knew. She always looked careless and didn't care about anything. But he was able to hold everything in his hands, as if everything could not escape his calculations.

He is always so confident and arrogant.

Let people love and hate!

Fang Yan could not help sighing. Unconsciously, her sight fell on Cao Ming.

He seems taller than before. That's right. Now he's still so young. Although he looks very mature, in the final analysis, he's just a man in his twenties.

Looking at his body from behind, it seems that he is thinner than before, but the suit on him is so appropriate, which shows his slender figure.

His hair seems to be longer and thicker than before. Fang Yan remembers that her favorite thing in the past was to play with Cao Ming's hair. She looked at him crazy, but she couldn't help it.

That was her most proud time, but later, Cao Ming grew taller and taller, and she rarely had a chance to tease his hair.

Unless she is in a bad mood or Cao Ming makes her unhappy, Cao Ming really has no way to sacrifice his hair to please her.

Finally, Cao Ming coaxed her to be happy. Cao Ming reluctantly grabbed his hair and said with an aggrieved look on his face, "I might as well like this hair to please you! I'll have it cut tomorrow, so you won't always think about my hair. "

Fang Yan certainly wouldn't agree. She dragged Cao Ming and shouted, "if you really cut this hair, you'll ignore you in the future!"

"You..." Cao Ming looked very wronged and wanted to cut her hair, but he was afraid that Fang Yan would really ignore her, but not cutting her hair would make Fang Yan's attention focus on it.

But in the end, she must still keep her hair in Fang Yan's crying.

Unexpectedly, two months later, his hair was so long. But I'm afraid she won't have a chance to touch it in the future. She wants to know whether the hair is still as soft as before?

"Go pour the wine for master Cao!" At this time, the person next to her handed her a bottle of wine.

She stayed aside and didn't know what had happened until she reacted and found that she had a bottle of wine in her hand. The man looked at her and motioned her to come forward.

However, she took the bottle of wine as if she were holding a kilogram of iron. She felt very heavy, under the sign of the woman's eyes.

She finally moved her steps and walked forward step by step, but how did she feel that it was only a few steps away, but it was like a Pacific Ocean.

However, even the longest road will have an end, let alone just a two-step road.

Finally, she went to Cao Ming's side and tried her best not to look at Cao Ming. Fortunately, however, Cao Ming didn't see her at all while talking to Ding Fu, which made her feel relieved.

But the next moment, she was attracted by a pendant on Cao Ming's neck. She always felt very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

When she reacted, Cao Ming's glass was full and overflowed, and the wine red liquid turned into a large red on the white table.

Fang Yan even saw that Cao Ming was stained with some liquor.