Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 490

It doesn't matter anymore. Isn't that what she wanted? But why do you just think that she and Ouyang Jin have no relationship from now on, forget each other and start over.

Her heart will be so unhappy, as if it was gnawed by thousands of insects on her chest, so uncomfortable and depressed.

She felt her stomach nervously. Now that the child is getting older and older, she can feel the traces of the child's life more.

Maybe she wasn't ready to be a mother at first, but as the child grew up in her stomach day by day, her natural motherhood was gradually stimulated.

If you really can't be together, it's good to have the child's company. Even Ouyang Jin will never know the existence of this child! Even if they no longer have any entanglement!

She should also live well with this child. She should take this child to have a good look at this beautiful and complex world and understand the joys, sorrows and joys of the world.

Maybe half her life is for this child! She has been for Ouyang Jin for so long, and the rest of her life is his children. It seems that even if she wants to cut off the connection, they still have an inevitable and inseparable connection.

Yan Nuoqi stood up and watched the afterglow of the sunset sprinkle on the river, and finally became a large area, a large area. The whole river seemed to be inlaid with a layer of golden dye!

Everything is so beautiful and fresh.

Yan Nuoqi's long hair was warmly rolled up by the autumn wind, covering some sight, but it did not prevent her from seeing this beautiful evening scene.

On the contrary, it also adds some sadness and sadness!

When Liu Feng hurried there, he saw Yan Nuoqi's long hair floating in the wind, extremely elegant and soft, and his long white skirt floating, as if a fairy had fallen into the world.

Liu Feng's pace moved uncontrollably, but he seemed to be afraid of disturbing Yan Nuoqi. His pace was extremely light and slow. He didn't walk to Yan Nuoqi until he finally came to Yan Nuoqi's side. He dared to cry out softly: "Nuoqi!"

At this time, Yan Nuoqi found someone close behind her. She turned around and saw Liu Feng standing behind her with a worried face.

"Liu Feng, why are you here..." before Yan Nuoqi finished his words, he was brought into his arms by Liu Feng, so tight and so hard, as if he was afraid that she would run away at any time.

"Liu Feng..." Yan Nuoqi didn't understand why Liu Feng was suddenly so excited, but her sight suddenly saw Shu Qi, who was dressed tightly but his face was as white as paper, not far from them.

Yan Nuoqi didn't forget what Shu Qi said to her last time, so Shu Qi likes Liu Feng, and her feelings may be much deeper than she imagined! Thinking of this, Yan Nuoqi didn't know what kind of psychology it was. She hugged Liu Feng harder and deliberately buried her face in Liu Feng's shoulder socket, but her sight stayed on Shu Qi intentionally or unintentionally.

Liu Feng doesn't know the reason why Yan Nuoqi did this, but he is very happy about Yan Nuoqi's initiative. It seems that tens of millions of fireworks bloom in an instant! He is full of yannuoqi now.

Shu Qi looked at the dazzling scene. She squeezed her fist until her long nails were embedded in the meat. She didn't notice it. She just stared at the loving couple in front.

At this time, she should have exited perfectly. After all, Liu Feng has found Yan Nuoqi, which can be regarded as proof of her innocence. But she couldn't move her feet, and her eyes were staring at the front, as if she wanted someone to look back at her.

Even at a glance, let her know that she is not wishful thinking! But from beginning to end, the man's eyes are only the woman around him!

His attention never stopped for her!

Shu Qi thinks she should give up, but she can't give up!

Gradually, she felt her head getting empty, her headache seemed to explode, and her body shook as if she would fall at any time. She desperately moved her weak steps, hoping to come to Liu Feng, but every step seemed to kill her. She stretched out her hand and wanted to catch the white shirt in front of her.

However, it is such a little distance, but like thousands of mountains and rivers, it can't be reached.

Before she fainted, she vaguely heard bursts of laughter from the side.

Liu Feng, will you be happier without me? Will my existence only bring you more pain?

Is that so! Will you tell me? Cruel or ruthless! As long as it's not lying to me!

But until Shu Qi fell asleep, she didn't hear the answer she wanted. She just felt that she fell into a warm and generous embrace. She was very familiar with the taste and temperature!

But is it possible? Will the man notice her? Isn't he hugging with the woman he loves most? How can you think of her?

Is it a dream? By the way, you must be dreaming. Only when you dream can you have such a beautiful scene!

In this case, she hopes that the dream will not wake up and can last forever, so that she can stay in such warmth all the time.

But suddenly the warmth gradually left her, and even she touched some cold places. She didn't want to let go, so she tried her best to use her hand to catch something!

But her hand seemed to be slowly pulled away by the man. Her strength might be too small, and gradually she would be left by the warmth.

Then she grabbed the corner, even if it was a little, she would keep it!

"Don't go, please, don't let me go, okay?"

Liu Feng looked at Yan Nuoqi. Yan Nuoqi came over and said softly, "she may not want you to leave!"

"Norch, you misunderstood!" Liu Feng hurriedly wanted to explain something, but Yan Nuoqi interrupted.

"Stay here tonight! She may need you! " Yannuoqi sighed and said that if it was before today, she might be sad. But after what happened yesterday, she can understand that she still can't give Liu Feng what she wants. If she goes back with Liu Feng later.

He will ask some questions. She hasn't figured out how to reply to him! So the situation is better now. Although Liu Feng will still ask, she has at least given her time for psychological preparation, hasn't she?

"Nuoqi, she and I really......" Liu Feng wanted to say that he really had nothing to do with Shu Qi, but when he thought of that absurd night, he felt guilty and didn't have the courage to go on, but he still looked at Yan Nuoqi straight.

He really doesn't want to give up yannuoqi, even if he is selfish or something.

"Liu Feng, you don't have to explain so much to me! I know Shu Qi she... "Yan Nuoqi sighed," Shu Qi talked to me once before and said she likes you and wants to be with you. "

"What?" Liu Feng was a little shocked. He didn't expect Shu Qi to tell Yan Nuoqi about it, and look at Yan Nuoqi. It should have been a long time ago!

Yan Nuoqi felt guilty. She didn't know what it was because at that time. She didn't tell Liu Feng in time, but chose to hide it. Later, she forgot.

"I thought she was just playing, but I didn't take it seriously, but from today's situation! Liu Feng, Shu Qi, she may have really moved towards you! "

"So do you think such a thing is a good thing?" Liu Feng can only sit on the hospital bed because his clothes are grabbed by Shu Qi, so he can only look up and look at Yan Nuoqi with one hand dragging his clothes. There are too many emotions in Rumo's eyes.

Yan Nuoqi still pestered her dress and didn't answer immediately. She just looked at the moon hanging out of the window and said with a smile: "I don't know what kind of thing this is! After all, even if Shu Qi likes you, I can't be with Ouyang Jin, can I? We have passed! "

"Did you and Ouyang Jin really pass by?" Liu Feng stared at Yan Nuoqi tightly and asked incredulously.

"Yes, we have already passed! So don't mention it again. He's him, I'm me. Don't involve us any more! " Yan Nuoqi felt as if her heart suddenly hurt. It was very painful, but it was only a moment. The next second, she could calmly look at Liu Feng, as if nothing had happened just now.

Liu Feng suddenly stood up and approached Yan Nuoqi, forcing Yan Nuoqi to step back.

"Didn't you say you had forgotten Ouyang Jin?" With that, Liu Feng pulled Yan Nuoqi over and printed a kiss on her forehead when she didn't pay attention.

Yan Nuoqi looked at Liu Feng in shock when she reacted. She didn't understand why he suddenly did this. Her big eyes were full of grievances and inconceivable.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a tall and handsome man came in with elegant steps.

This time, Yan Nuoqi was even more shocked. She pulled her skirt tightly so that she didn't scream.

Because the man in front of him is either someone else or Ouyang Jin, who Yan Nuoqi loves and hates.

"President Ouyang is really slow to come?" Liu Feng didn't seem surprised at the arrival of Ouyang Jin, but felt that the other party came too slowly.

Ouyang Jin didn't look at Liu Feng, but stared at Yan Nuoqi tightly. His eyes were angry, as if he wanted to poke a hole in Yan Nuoqi.

Liu Feng wanted to get up, but his clothes were still grabbed by Shu Qi, so he just looked at the two people, didn't move or speak. Maybe he is also gambling to see if Yan Nuoqi really put down Ouyang Jin?

But this is really a very risky thing. If you win, you may not be in heaven. If you lose, you may go to hell!

"Why do I think I'm just here! Also saw a good play! I didn't expect that President Liu has such a close relationship with your administrative assistant. I can't help it in front of patients in the hospital! " Ouyang Jin coldly satirized. It was obvious that he saw the scene just now, and he saw it clearly. He hated him a little. Why wasn't he blind? Then he won't see anything at that time!

He wouldn't be so angry now, but he saw everything and heard something he shouldn't hear.

Yan Nuoqi should not only draw a clear line with him, but also constantly explain to Liu Feng! How she wanted to get rid of him and jump into Liu Feng's arms?

He really wanted to go up and pinch the woman's neck, or take out her heart to see if her heart was black?

I met him yesterday and crushed his heart. Today I have to step on his heart to please her little lover!