Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 468

After Shu Qi went out of the bar, she felt very happy. She will soon implement her plan. She will make Yan Nuoqi pay for everything she says this time. After all, she is not so easy to mess with, is she not?

The next day, Shu Qi went to Ouyang Jin. After all, she wanted to cooperate with Zhou Liao. She had to let Ouyang Jin agree anyway.

Ouyang Jin now lives in the presidential suite of the high-end hotel. These two days, Ouyang Jin didn't call Shu Qi and even wanted to come to her, but she refused.

She wanted to use Ouyang Jin's guilt to the end. She didn't intend to meet Ouyang Jin so early, but there was no way. Everything could be changed for the plan, and she knew who her enemy was and what her goal was!

So those dispensable self-esteem can be put down. Shu Qi didn't tell Ouyang Jin she came to him in advance. After all, this can have a surprise, can't she?

Shu Qi never thought that one day, her scheming would also be used in emotion. After all, she has always focused on her career, but there is no way. After all, she has always been a person who can do anything to achieve her goal.

Shu Qi comes to Ouyang Jin's suite door and knocks. Shu Qi doesn't wear much makeup, but faintly, so that she can arouse Ouyang Jin's pity. It will be better for her plan.

Ouyang Jin just took a bath. At this time, he suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. He was curious. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Shu Qi, who had not been seen for many days. It seems that they haven't seen each other for a long time since that day! These days he always calls Shu Qi, but he doesn't get any response.

"Why are you here?" Ouyang Jin thought his voice was a little hoarse.

Shu Qi saw that Ouyang Jin was still wearing a bathrobe and his hair was wet. It was not difficult to see that Ouyang Jin had just finished taking a bath!

But she didn't feel embarrassed, just smiled faintly: "can I go in? I have something to talk to you about! "

After listening to this, Ouyang Jin hesitated for a while, but he took a back seat and invited Shu Qi in: "would you like something to drink?" Ouyang Jin is not sure whether Shu Qi is still angry. After all, her attitude is still relatively light. She can't see whether she is angry or other emotions.

"No, I just have something to talk to you about!" Shu Qi grasped the attitude of talking with Ouyang Jin. After all, she was too enthusiastic, which might make Ouyang Jin feel too pretentious. Only this lukewarm attitude could arouse Ouyang Jin's attention.

Ouyang Jin took a towel to wipe his hair and asked, "what's up?" After all, her attitude has been very indifferent for so many days. Why did she come to him this time?

"I think the president has heard of Zhou Liao?" Shu Qi said bluntly.

"Why did you suddenly think of him?" Ouyang Jin looked at Shu Qi suspiciously.

"I met him when I came here to talk about cooperation. He is interested in cooperating with our company. I want to ask the president what he thinks?" Shu Qi said faintly, as if it were just business.

Ouyang Jin was still thinking about what Shu Qi was going to say, but he didn't think that after talking for a long time, he went around to his business. He couldn't help being angry. He threw the towel for wiping his hair aside, stood up and directly dragged Shu Qi's hand. His face was not very good: "are you here to tell me this?"

"I... you let go of me, my hand hurts!" Shu Qi wants to get rid of Ouyang Jin's hand, but the other party's strength is much greater than her. She can only look at Ouyang Jin with red eyes, as if she is dissatisfied and wronged.

Ouyang Jin was still angry, but when he saw Shu Qi's wronged appearance, his anger disappeared half, but his face was still cold.

"We haven't seen each other for so long. Is that all you want to talk about?"

"No! I...... "Shu Qi looked pitiful.

"I don't want to hear your business! Shu Qi, what happened that day... "Ouyang Jin couldn't bear to blame Shu Qi for his indifference these days. After all, he did something wrong.

Shu Qi quickly covered her ears as if she had been stimulated, unwilling to listen: "I don't listen, I don't listen..."

Ouyang Jin felt even more guilty when he saw Shu Qi's look of being out of control. He couldn't help pulling Shu Qi's hand and wanted to turn her body around, but Shu Qi was very stubborn and didn't want to see him.

"Shuqi, will you listen to me? Good, don't do this, I'll be distressed! "

Shu Qi originally wanted to pretend again, but when she heard Ouyang Jin say so, she was embarrassed to pretend again, so she raised her head and looked at Ouyang Jin with another pitiful look: "what do you want to explain? Tell me you don't like me at all. Am I nothing to you? "

Ouyang Jin listened to Shu Qi's words of self abandonment. He couldn't help feeling more distressed. He quickly pulled her body and hugged her in his arms. No matter how Shu Qi struggled, he didn't let go, and then comforted in a warm voice: "Shu Qi, it's not like this! How important you are in my heart, how can you think like this? You came to me in my most painful time. How can I let you leave again? "

Shu Qi couldn't help smiling proudly in Ouyang Jin's arms. She knew Ouyang Jin couldn't let her go. As for the others, let's go step by step! But Ouyang Jin didn't love her so much, but she was a little lost.

"Is that true? Is it really just my own wishful thinking? " Shu Qi looked pathetic.

Ouyang Jin felt even more guilty when he saw Shu Qi. After all, he knew how proud Shu Qi was, but now he gave up his pride and pride because he loved him. He was just waiting around him like a little woman.

He thought of Yan Nuoqi again. Even if Yan Nuoqi loved him again before, he would not give up anything for him. He was still the stubborn and independent woman who could never be grasped and touched by him, but Shu Qi put down so much for him! After doing so much, he really shouldn't live up to this woman!

"Shu Qi, I can tell you that you are very important in my heart. The last thing is because I think we should take our time. I have confidence in our feelings! So I hope we can do it step by step, which is good for you! " Ouyang Jin said sincerely, although his heart is still a little empty, he doesn't know what's going on. After all, Shu Qi is already by his side. What else is he dissatisfied with? He has no idea! But he knew that the woman in front of him was sincere to him, so he could not live up to him.

Shu Qi didn't feel much in her heart. After all, she didn't like Ouyang Jin, but she still had to look ecstatic: "really? Jin, I can't believe I can wait until this day. I thought I was a hopeless watchman all my life! "

Ouyang Jin couldn't help hugging Shu Qi more: "fool!"

"Cool!" Shu Qi couldn't help shouting playfully. It turned out that the water stain on Ouyang Jin's hair had dropped on Shu Qi's neck.

Ouyang Jin smiled and said, "I'm so excited to see you. I forgot that my hair is still wet!"

Seeing this, Shu Qi took the towel on the sofa and said with a smile, "let me wipe your hair! After all, it's my fault that your hair hasn't dried yet! "

Ouyang Jin didn't object. He just smiled. Some pictures suddenly surged in his mind. Yan Nuoqi once did such a thing for him, but now people are no longer around him. It's ridiculous to think about it!

"What's the matter with you?" Shu Qi wiped Ouyang Jin's hair and noticed that Ouyang Jin's mood seemed to lose a lot in an instant.

"Nothing!" Ouyang Jin didn't tell the truth, "by the way, what happened to Zhou Liao you just said?"

Shu Qi had helped Ouyang Jin wipe his hair and found that his hair was very dark and bright, but when Ouyang Jin talked about today's focus, she couldn't help laughing: "he is the largest partner in city B. now he takes the initiative to cooperate with us, so how can we miss this opportunity?"

Ouyang Jin thought it was reasonable, but when he thought of Zhou Liao's reputation, he couldn't help frowning: "but Zhou Liao's reputation..."

Shu Qi smiled and said, "after all, he is so successful, and he looks pretty good. It's nothing to be careless! And we are talking about the project with him, not making friends with him, so there is no need to worry so much. "

The more Ouyang Jin listened, the more he felt this truth. I don't know why he has so many concerns now!

"President?" Shu Qi was nervous when she saw that Ouyang Jin seemed to be thinking. After all, she must win this thing, otherwise her next plan would not be implemented.

"Why is it called President? How did you just shout? " Ouyang Jin couldn't help thinking when he heard Shu Qi's cry. When he heard the address, he couldn't help laughing.

Shu Qi can't help being shy, but this look is to pretend, because Ouyang Jin will like it!


Seeing Shu Qi's shy appearance, Ouyang Jin couldn't help feeling a little sweet: "why? Shy? "

"I... I'm not used to it!" Shu Qi looked shy and just lowered her head to wipe Ouyang Jin's hair.

"Silly girl, you'll get used to shouting several times. Come on, shout one!" Ouyang Jin turned around and raised Shu Qi's chin.

Shu Qi was forced to face Ouyang Jin with a red face. Under Ouyang Jin's straight eyes, "you..."

"Shout..." Ouyang Jin looked at Shu Qi with some expectation.

"Jin..." Shu Qi's voice was as low as a mosquito.

"Speak louder!" Ouyang Jin heard it, but he still wanted to tease Shu Qi. After all, it's rare that Shu Qi, who has always been confident, will have such a shy side.

"Jin......" Shu Qi's voice has returned to normal this time. Although it's not very big, Ouyang Jin can still hear it!

Shu Qi saw that Ouyang Jin had shown a satisfied smile. She couldn't help feeling proud. It seems that men are really a virtue!