Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 469

After Shu Qi came out from Ouyang Jin, she called Zhou Liao: "master Zhou, do you have time? We can come out and talk tomorrow! "

Shu Qi heard the noise over there, mixed with excitement and music. She knew where Zhou Liao was now, but she was not interested in interfering.

"Tomorrow? Miss Shu, in fact, you don't have to be in such a hurry! After all, there are still many beautiful women around me! " With that, Zhou Liao flirted with the beautiful women around him. Even when she was on the phone, Shu Qi could accurately hear those voices. She pinched her mobile phone and knew that Zhou Liao might be playing tricks, but now the situation can't help but make her angry.

She pressed down the difference in her heart, kept smiling and said, "Zhou Shao, I really want to talk about cooperation with you. If there is any neglect before, please forgive me, but I don't want our cooperation to stop here! And Zhou Shao said he would cooperate with me before. I believe you are not such a person who goes back on his word? "

Shu Qi's words are well grounded and appropriate. Zhou Liao can't find anything wrong. Anyway, it's boring recently. Why don't you play with this woman? See what she can do!

"Yes! Since Miss Shu is so sincere, I can't refuse! I wonder where Miss Shu is going to make an appointment? " Zhou Liao asked jokingly.

When Shu Qi saw that Zhou Liao was finally relieved, she couldn't help feeling secure. She loosened her hand holding the phone and said with a smile: "let's go to the tea restaurant under Dihao group! I think the environment there is very suitable for us to talk about cooperation! " Miss Shu has already inquired about it. Yan Nuoqi often goes to the tea restaurant downstairs of Dihao group. There will be a chance to meet her by chance!

Zhou Liao couldn't help laughing: "what's your idea? Talk about cooperation near Liu Feng's company? "

Shu Qi didn't say the reason directly, but said with a smile: "is Zhou Shao afraid? Isn't the more adventurous things make people feel more exciting? " Shu Qi knows that Zhou Liao is an adventurous person. The more exciting and fun this man is, the more he likes to participate!

Zhou Liao couldn't help laughing. It seems that the other party knows him very well, or knows how to attract his attention.

"Miss Shu, if you pay so much attention to me, I will think you are in love with me! Otherwise, how could you be so interested in me! "

Shu Qi was not angry. The embarrassment was small. She just smiled: "I believe Zhou Shao is not interested in me, and I believe I can make Zhou Shao interested in our cooperation!"

"Better be so! You know, although I like exciting things, I don't like being played by others! " Zhou Liao's tone contained a warning.

"Even if you lend me a hundred courage, I dare not play with you!" Shu Qi smiled, because I'm going to trap you! I believe it will be very interesting!

"Well, see you tomorrow. I hope Miss Shu won't let me down!" Zhou Liao smiled and hung up the phone. The woman next to him leaned over and smiled softly: "Zhou Shao, who are you talking to? You don't seem to be in a good mood? "

Zhou Liao didn't push away the woman, but touched the cigarette box from his body. The woman next to him immediately took a lighter from the table to light a cigarette for Zhou Liao.

Zhou Liao took a hard smoke, then broke off the woman's face and sprayed the smoke on her face, which made the woman choke.

"I hate it. How can Zhou Shao treat others like this! I won't do it! " The woman coquettishly pulled Zhou Liao, but it seemed that she was inadvertently teasing Zhou Liao.

"Why don't you follow?" Zhou Liao picked up the woman's chin and looked at the beautiful face with heavy makeup. He suddenly felt a little disgusted, so he directly took out a dozen money from his wallet and threw it to the woman. He said coldly, "go out!"

The woman looked at Zhou Liao in surprise. She didn't understand how the man who was tender at the last moment suddenly changed. So she still didn't want to give up. She finally caught Zhou Liao. How could she give up? So he tried to stick it on Zhou Liao. Who knows, Zhou Liao pushed it away and fell to the ground.

Zhou Liao didn't even lift his eyes. He just smoked and said coldly, "don't try to challenge my limits. You can't stand it. Get out before I hate you!"

The woman was overwhelmed by Zhou Liao's aura. No matter what she wanted from Zhou Liao, she quickly took the money scattered on the ground and ran out staggeringly.

Zhou Liao didn't even raise his head, as if these things had nothing to do with him, but he really looked forward to what tomorrow would be like? Of course, he knows that Shu Qi is not a simple woman. Cooperating with such a woman will always be calculated by the other party unknowingly, but isn't it more interesting?

The next day, Shu Qi sat in the tea restaurant early. She drank coffee leisurely, as if she wasn't in a hurry.

After a long time, Zhou liaocai walked over without delay. He was dressed in an extremely fancy dress and matched with strange but novel hair. It was not ugly to see that this man was really not serious, but he had a good skin!

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Zhou Liao seemed to apologize, but there was no sense of apology in his tone.

"Nothing. I haven't waited long anyway!" Shu Qi didn't think much of Zhou Liao's uncooperative attitude! Because wait a minute, things will be more wonderful than now. She held the bag in her hand, which contained today's heavyweight things.

It should be said that everything is ready. It depends on when Yan Nuoqi appears.

"What is Miss Shu looking at?" Zhou Liao found that Shu Qi's sight was not on him, but looked at the surrounding environment as if he were looking for someone!

"Nothing. I just think the environment here is very good!" Shu Qi smiled, took her eyes back, and then took out a document, "you can have a look. This is the cooperation content that the president asked me to talk to you." Ouyang Jin has completely entrusted Zhou Liao to her, so that she can do it as much as she likes without being tied up!

Zhou Liao opened the file, looked at it quickly and said faintly, "since President Ouyang wants to talk about cooperation with me, I can't help giving him face. There is no problem with this cooperation!" Zhou Liao pushed the document back to Shu Qi and said, "is it just for this cooperation that Miss Shu called me out today?"

Shu Qi knew that Zhou Liao could not wait. After all, Zhou Liao was a famous young master of playfulness. How could he delay time for a man who didn't know what he was like?

"Why doesn't Zhou Shao even have this patience? Some good things come up more slowly, don't they? " Shu Qi smiled and looked around. Won't Yan Nuoqi come today?

No, she will come. She won't allow any omissions in her plan!

Just when Shu Qi was nervous, Yan Nuoqi pushed open the door of the tea restaurant and entered it. At this time, the store manager couldn't help laughing when he saw the familiar guests: "Miss Yan, I thought you wouldn't come today?"

Yan Nuoqi saw the store manager smile: "how? Some things are delayed today. I'm starving to death! Are there any new dishes recommended today? "

"Yes, I'll get you a menu later. Your position has been reserved for you!" The store manager said enthusiastically, not only because Yan Nuoqi is their regular customer, but also because she has a close relationship with Liu Feng, but their store needs Liu Feng's care in many places, so it is very warm and polite to treat Yan Nuoqi.

Seeing that the person she had been waiting for for for a long time finally came, Shu Qi couldn't help welcoming her. She affectionately took Yan Nuoqi's arm and said with a smile: "Nuoqi, what a coincidence! How could I meet you here! "

Yan Nuoqi was suddenly pulled by someone and felt a little confused. Then she turned around and saw that it was Shu Qi. Her face was not very good-looking. After all, even if she and Shu Qi were not enemies, they would not be friends, and she didn't remember when their relationship was so friendly?

Yan Nuoqi was not used to trying to take her hand out of Shu Qi's hand, but Shu Qi pulled her hand. It seemed to outsiders that they were old friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

"Norch, you're here for dinner, too! Me too! Shall we go together? "

The store manager is still here, and it is still a public place. Yan Nuoqi's quality makes her calmly face the sudden situation. She smiled faintly: "OK! Since it's such a coincidence, let's have a meal together! " Then he turned around and said sorry to the store manager, "store manager, give my position to others today! I'll just go to dinner with Shu Qi! "

The store manager didn't expect that this woman was a good friend with Yan Nuoqi. She didn't pay attention to it just now. She didn't know if she had neglected Shu Qi, so she quickly smiled: "of course! It's fate for Miss Yan to meet friends here! You talk first. I'll order for you later! "

After thanking the store manager, Yan Nuoqi followed Shu Qi to her table. At this time, she found that there was another man sitting there, some lazy and casual, and the dress was special and trendy.

"Nuoqi, this is Zhou Liao. You should have heard of it. This time I'm talking about cooperation with him on behalf of the Eurasian Group!" Shu Qi smiled and said, "Zhou Shao, this is Yan Nuoqi. She is the executive assistant of president Liu Feng!"

From the moment Shu Qi got up to meet Yan Nuoqi, Zhou Liao noticed the woman in front of him. She was wearing a light blue professional suit, but it set off her concave convex figure, and her skin was white and tender, looking like a shelled egg.

Obviously, she is a beauty, but her face doesn't have such a thick makeup, but it is light, which makes people feel very comfortable and elegant. And the faint temperament of her body makes people's heart pull, as if it's not enough!

Yan Nuoqi was just going to shake hands with Zhou Liao politely, but she didn't expect that the other party would hold her hand and look at her with blazing eyes, which made her feel some disgust.

She quickly took her hand out of Zhou Liao's hand, and Zhou Liao was stunned and looked at Yan Nuoqi all the time.

"Mr. Zhou?" Yan Nuoqi helplessly looked at the man in front of her. She naturally knew what kind of person Zhou Liao was. The name of Huaxin had been spread all over the world, but she was not interested, but she didn't expect to deal with such a man one day.

What she hates most is people who play with other people's feelings, and the man in front of her has undoubtedly been blacklisted by her.

"Don't call me Mr. Zhou. It's too strange. Just call me by my name!" Zhou Liao smiled gently. He couldn't forget the softness of his hand! This woman is so beautiful and attractive!

"I still think it's better to shout Mr. Zhou! Because I don't really want to cause misunderstandings. After all, Mr. Zhou has a lot of things that people have to think more about! So we'd better alienate ourselves! What do you say? " Yan Nuoqi didn't give Zhou Liao any face at all. She looked at Zhou Liao coldly and kept staring at her. She was very annoying!