Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 467

Shu Qi hated Yan Nuoqi even more since she wanted to seduce Ouyang Jin last time.

Later, Ouyang Jin also came to her many times to explain, but she refused.

She is going to hang Ouyang Jin now, and now she doesn't want to talk to Ouyang Jin at all, because in addition to paying attention to Liu Feng, she has been thinking about how to deal with Yan Nuoqi!

One night, she was really upset. She drove to the bar alone. At this time, there were many people in the bar and the atmosphere was very lively.

But Shu Qi was not in the mood to play. She just took a few bottles of wine and sat down to drink. Maybe only wine can solve her sorrow!

At this time, the bar suddenly caused a sensation. Shu Qi was not in the mood to meddle in these affairs, but when she saw that the man was very familiar, she couldn't help wondering. She forgot where she had seen him.

I saw the man sitting lazily on the sofa in the bar, and beside him stood two very hot women, who were scolding each other.

"Why are you so shameless! Young master Zhou is so busy that you're annoying. Why don't you leave? Instead, you're stuck here! You think it's useful! " The woman in purple shouted at the woman in red.

The woman in red was very unconvinced and scolded, "you're shameless. It's you that master Zhou hates! You don't even know how to take a mirror to look at yourself. When you grow up like this, you still want to stay with master Zhou! "

"You..." the woman in purple was obviously stimulated by these words. For a moment, she was angry. She picked up the wine bottle on the table and smashed it at the woman in red. Fortunately, the woman hid quickly and was not hit.

But the wine bottle fell to the ground and made a loud noise, and the wine splashed on the man sitting lazily.

The two women were stunned because they knew that the man in front of them would not care how they made trouble, but would appreciate it like watching a good play, but they could not involve him, otherwise the consequences would be very serious!

Now the two women have forgotten the contradictions between each other. Instead, they look at the man in front of them with great fear. Although he is very calm, he seems to break out at any time, and his outbreak is definitely more terrible than the great earthquake and tsunami.

"Zhou Shao, we're wrong. I'm sorry. Just let us go this time!" The woman in red hurried to the man and shouted in a low voice.

The man didn't speak and didn't even look at the woman.

The woman in purple was too frightened to speak, but she just kept shaking.

At this time, someone came and dragged the woman in red and the woman in purple away. The two women cried out, but the man didn't even lift his head.

The onlookers could not help but sigh how this man could be so cruel. It was clear that the two women who were so spoiled one second could become so ruthless the next.

Shu Qi, who was drinking on one side, looked at everything in front of her. She gradually aroused a smile. Isn't such a man suitable for her plan?

Shu Qi picked up her bar and walked in the direction of the man, but before she went in, she was blocked by two men standing by.

"No one can disturb Zhou Shao!"

"Just tell Zhou Shao that I want to have a drink with him!" Shu Qi smiled.

The man looked at Shu Qi and went in. When he came out, he invited Shu Qi in directly.

The man still looked lazy, as if he were like a lazy cat.

"I don't know what's Miss's name?" The man smiled, his expression was extremely gentle, and there was no just indifference.

Shu Qi was not afraid, but sat down very calmly: "Shu Qi!"

"Miss Shu! I wonder if I can call you Qiqi? " When the man saw Shu Qi sitting down, he also sat up and approached Shu Qi.

"I think it would be better to call Miss Shu!" Shu Qi's heart was already very uncomfortable when she heard that sentence, but she couldn't show it on her face, because this man was a very narcissistic man.

The man didn't seem angry, but smiled and said, "Miss Shu didn't know what kind of person I am long ago. I thought you wouldn't mind!"

"I'm just here to talk about cooperation! So please don't confuse me with your girlfriends! " Shu Qi specially clenched the words "girlfriend", because the man sitting in front of him was neither others nor Zhou Liao, the largest partner in city B. what attracted people's attention was not only his identity and status, but also his heart. It was said that he would change a girlfriend almost a week, and some even ended in less than two days. There were star models and even waiters who had an affair with him.

Anyway, as long as this man is a woman, he may have some contact with him.

And it is said that when he contacts with him, he will be very kind to that woman. He is so good that he can take off the moon in the sky. But once he is fresh, no matter how beautiful you are, how good you are, how gentle your character is, he won't look at you!

Such a man often makes people love and hate, but even so, there are still many women coming up one after another, trying to become the most special woman in his life.

Shu Qi doesn't want to touch such a man, because once touched, it will mean trouble!

But for her plan, she had to deal with such a man.

"Talk about cooperation?" Zhou Liao seemed to hear a funny joke and hissed, "Miss Shu, aren't you mistaken? Talking about cooperation in the bar, I think the Eurasian Group should not be so miserable. Let you, such a respected female assistant, come to this mixed place and talk about cooperation with me, a man with a famous name? "

Shu Qi didn't take Zhou Liao's ridicule to heart, but smiled and raised her glass: "young master Zhou doesn't have to be so serious! Although I am Ouyang Jin's assistant, it doesn't mean that I can only come here on behalf of the Eurasian Group, can I? "

"Or what? Is Miss Shu going to talk about cooperation with me by herself? " Zhou Liao deliberately looked at Shu Qi with his eyes, which were extremely ambiguous.

"You..." Shu Qi couldn't stand Zhou Liao's eyes, but when she thought of her plan, she had to bear it and said with a smile: "young master Zhou is really funny! I'm afraid I can't get into your eyes! "

After hearing Shu Qi's words, Zhou Liao seemed to really think about it seriously, and then said with a ruffian smile: "although it's difficult to swallow, it's still OK! After all, Miss Shu is different from those women who only rely on their appearance. You are so capable that even Ouyang Jin abandoned his lovely wife who has been in love for many years for you! "

Shu Qi could not hear the irony in Zhou Liao's words, but she endured it: "it seems that young master Zhou is very interested in other people's private affairs!"

At this time, Zhou Liao seemed to recover his lazy appearance. He leaned on the sofa and deliberately opened two buttons on his shirt, revealing his wheat colored skin. Under some flashing lights, Zhou Liao looked charming and attractive, making people want to move forward step by step.

But Shu Qi is not just the ordinary girls, and she already has Liu Feng in her heart, so she just looks at Zhou Liao showing off there.

After a long time, Zhou Liao could not help feeling boring when he saw that Shu Qi was still cold. He closed his eyes slightly, as if he regarded Shu Qi as air.

"Are you sure you want to ignore me like this?" Shu Qi felt that her patience would really be polished by this man. She couldn't figure out the man's mind in front of her.

Zhou Liao did not immediately answer Shu Qi, but seemed to have fallen asleep.

Shu Qi was very angry, but there was no way to take Zhou Liao. After all, such a man is very dangerous. In this case, we'd better find another way! Thinking of this, Shu Qi planned to leave.

But at this time, Zhou Liao opened his eyes and shouted, "Miss Shu hasn't said what your plan is?"

"I thought you weren't interested?" Shu Qi heard Zhou Liao's voice, stopped and smiled.

At this time, Zhou Liao had sat up and poured two glasses of wine. He stood up and walked to Shu Qi. He stopped Shu Qi's hair and leaned to the tip of his nose to gently smell: "there is a natural smell on Miss Shu!"

Shu Qi's body was stiff, but she didn't shoot Zhou Liao's hand. She took the wine from Zhou Liao's hand and said with a faint smile: "I know young master Zhou is not very interested in me!"

"Because I don't like to involve too many relationships, feelings and work with my partners, but I have a clear division!" Zhou Liao sat back on the sofa, and Shu Qi took his seat later.

"In that case, it's appreciated!" Shu Qi took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "but a cooperation I want to recommend may help you gain both career and emotion!"

"Is there such a thing?" Zhou Liao lightly raised his eyebrows and waited for Shu Qi's following.

"Cooperate with Dihao group! In this case, I believe young master Zhou will have unexpected gains! " Shu Qi smiled.

After listening to the expression on his face, Zhou Liao didn't change obviously. He just took a sip of wine and slowly said, "Miss Shu probably knows that I never like to do uncertain things, which will make me very passive. I don't know if you are willing to say it in more detail?"

Shu Qi seemed to have expected Zhou Liao's reaction. She just smiled faintly and said, "young master Zhou, you can take the initiative to do something sure, but if you do something worth taking risks, isn't it more passionate and challenging? I believe young master Zhou is a person who is brave in adventure and likes challenges, so I will come to talk about cooperation with you! "

Zhou Liao had no expression. After listening to Shu Qi, he couldn't help smiling: "interesting, it's really interesting! It seems that Ouyang Jin's assistant is really not simple! "

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!" Shu Qi raised her glass and smiled.

"Happy cooperation!" Zhou Liao's face showed a meaningful smile.