First Dragon King

Chapter 48

Does Su ye have a headache now?

At the beginning, he just wanted to bring back the zither. Why did she go to BaiCaoYuan?

But now that I have brought it home, where should I let Qingzheng sleep?

His family has three rooms and two halls, one for his father, one for his sister, and one for him.

Originally, if a female friend comes, it's normal for her to have a room with her sister, but what if Qingzheng suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night? Will it be bad for my sister?

"Let her sleep in my room first!"

Su Ye looks at the time. It's almost two o'clock in the morning. If he wakes up his family, he'll be careful when he comes in.

However, the white fox, who was fostered at home, still fainted when he saw his master, Qingzheng, being carried back. He even called out very skillfully and jumped up and down very nervously.

After su ye put the zither on his bed, his father Su Licheng and sister Tong Yaya were awakened.

"Brother, are you back?"

"Son, where have you been all night? Nothing happened? "

In the face of their concern, Su Ye's heart is warm. He still remembers the past. No matter how late he comes home, there will be people at home waiting for him to go home. If he can't wait for him to go home, his family can't sleep at all.

"Don't worry, just go out for dinner and come back late. It's very late. Go to bed quickly! "

Su night casually said a few words, did not tell the truth, lest let them worry.

Su Ye washes her face in the bathroom and puts the stone in his pocket into the box. He wants to find a place where there is no one to check it.

"Little white fox, take good care of your master. If she wakes up, please tell me."

Su night also doesn't care that white fox has to understand, after saying a sentence, simply went to the living room.

In fact, his time is very tight. If he needs to let his father take over the clinic completely, he needs to make the clinic have enough strength, so he needs time to plan step by step.

One night passed quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Ye suddenly heard a noise coming from his room. He knew that it must be Qingzheng who woke up.

He knocked on the door and said, "are you awake?"

"Well. Come in Inside came the crisp and sweet sound of the zither.

Su Ye frowned, opened the door and went in. She found that the zither was still lying in the quilt, and the white fox was jumping on her, constantly drilling to the towering part in front of her. She seemed to enjoy it very much.

Today's zither, is the kind of just wake up lazy look, as if very satisfied, exudes a delicate look, especially the pink lips, moist, very attractive.

Su ye asked strangely, "Oh? Isn't it strange to wake up? You know it's in my house? "

The green Zheng white Su night one eye, stretched out a hand to point to not far desktop photograph, say: "you are silly, I am not stupid, I can't see?"? Besides, my white fox is also here. It must be your home. "

Su Ye touched her nose awkwardly and said, "since you know I brought you back, should you tell me why you went to BaiCaoYuan last night?"

As soon as the green zither's eyes turned and bit her lips, she suddenly asked in a low voice, "can I lie?"

"Tell the truth!" Su Ye doesn't have that mind to talk with her so much.

"Why are you so fierce? I felt that there should be treasures there, so I went to have a look. But I fainted before I found it... When I woke up, I was in your bed. It's all happened. You should be responsible for me. " Green Zheng said behind, also blinked eyes, toward Su Ye discharge.

Su Ye originally wanted to ask, suddenly heard that his father was going to get up, he immediately said: "what is responsible? If I didn't bring you back, you would be dead! Let's go

"Wait a minute. I don't believe that a goddess like me fainted in your room all night. What didn't you do to me? I feel sticky all over my body. You don't want to run after eating and wiping. Are you irresponsible? " There was an angry look on her beautiful face.

Su Ye was speechless for a while. This zither is really a goddess level. It should be said that the purpose is to see the most beautiful goddess in China. But is she so short of men?

He's still in charge?

"What a mess? I don't want my father to see you. Let's go. If I had known that, I would not have saved you last night. " Su night said to go up to pull the quilt, to the green Zheng away.

Qingzheng seizes the quilt and tries to fight for it: "our family has such a custom. Whoever saves me, I will make a pledge to him. No way, you will be my man in the future! "

"Where are you from? Where does this strange custom come from? What if the man who saved you was an old, ugly, domestic idiot? Do you want to make a promise? " Su ye asked.

"Well, sometimes customs can go back once or twice, can't they? But I'm not going back now. You let go, don't pull my quilt, let go... "Qingzheng yelled, obviously on purpose.

Sure enough, Su Ye didn't have time to say anything?

Su Licheng appeared at the door in shock. When he saw a beautiful woman lying on Su Ye's bed, he seemed to understand it all at once.

"Son, you, you brought your friends home, why don't you say it?"

Su Licheng's face changed. Finally, he coughed and said, "Hello, I'm Su Ye's father. I'm going to make breakfast now. Let's have breakfast later! "

Green Zheng a face of clever, said: "Uncle Su, Hello! My name is Qingzheng. When I first met you, I always heard Su ye mention you. I fainted last night. Su ye came back with me. I hope it won't disturb you. "

"Oh, no, certainly not. We are very welcome! My son, my son, why are you still standing there? Find a towel and toothbrush for Qingzheng. Hurry up. I can make breakfast very quickly. Ha ha. " Su Licheng was very happy and went to the kitchen with a smile.

When Su Licheng left, the atmosphere of the whole room changed.

Su ye said in a deep voice, "I don't care what your purpose is when you approach me, but I hope you can think about it. If my family gets a little hurt, I will kill you."

Green Zheng smile a little stiff, light smile said: "you don't so serious, I'm afraid. I mean no harm to you and your family. "

"It's better to take your white fox with you after breakfast."

Su ye said and walked out of the room directly. For him, Qingzheng is just someone he knows. But now Qingzheng obviously wants to get close to him, which makes him have to be careful.

He doesn't want anything to happen to his family.

As for people outside her family, such as Qingzheng, no matter how beautiful she is and how many people think she is a beauty, it has nothing to do with Suye. These people will die completely in 100 years and 200 years, but he will kill back to the ancient world. He still has blood feuds. His life span is calculated in thousands of years, and even one day he will pursue immortality.

Therefore, these characters are just passers-by. After all, they are a handful of loess.

At breakfast, the whole atmosphere was also very strange.

Tong Yaya, in particular, also looks glum. One looks at Su ye and the other looks at Qing Zheng. He wants to say something, but he wants to say nothing, and he doesn't feel like eating anything.

However, Qingzheng has a changeable temperament and doesn't feel embarrassed at all. She handed Tong Yaya a bottle of milk and said:

"Little sister, you need to drink more milk for breakfast. You are just growing up. You can't get enough nutrition. You can see your sister's figure. She eats it step by step. She doesn't need to exercise to lose weight at all."

Hearing that, Tong Yaya's face turned red. He looked down at his chest and looked at the zither. He found that the zither didn't grow very well.

She had to respond politely, "thank you, sister."

"Don't mention it. I'm sure you'll get familiar with me soon. After all, we are good-looking people who are easy to get along with." Qingzheng has a naive smile on her face.

Tong Yaya grins and finds that the face of the zither is really thick. How can he say he looks good? Usually those beautiful women are modest to say that they look just like it?

At this time, I heard a knock on the door, and it was very fast.

This morning, someone came!