First Dragon King

Chapter 47

Not many people accompanied Su Ye.

I don't know if Wen Yuliang meant it or not. He didn't call any Taoist priest. He just called Su ye to get familiar with Chen aofei and some powerful bodyguards and set out directly.

Fortunately, the distance between their Wen family's manor and BaiCaoYuan is not far, which is about ten minutes in total.

In the middle of the night, although there are lights all around the garden, the place is so big that it looks dark. I don't know if everyone has a lingering fear and feels terrible looking at any place.

"Brother Su, we can't see anything at night! What's the matter? Can't you come and see tomorrow? They don't dare to empty the herb garden overnight, do they? "

Among the people present, Hui Shoutao dares to talk to Su ye like this.

This question is obviously what Wen Yuliang and others want to know, but they dare not ask.

But he quickly agreed and said, "how can we empty the Wen family overnight? In the future, I will never disobey the meaning of Su Tianshi. "

Su ye walked all the way forward, and her eyes swept to the dark hillside in front. If it was in the daytime, she could definitely see the herbs all over the mountain.

"Nothing. Just come and see how rotten the herbs are."

In fact, Su Ye didn't want to say more, because even he wasn't sure about it.

Before he let the flowers wither, almost all the aura of flowers were attracted to the bud in his hand, which really made the flower become the best, and the fragrance it sent out was absolutely the best among the best, which could be of great use in the future.

But now Su Ye is thinking, with master Baima's cultivation, how can all the flowers bloom ahead of time?

It should not be master Baima's way, it should be something special in the herb garden.

Su Ye always thought that after he got the flower, it was all, but just heard Wen Yuliang say that the smell of putrefaction emanated from the herb garden.

This is absolutely not normal.

Even if the flowers wither, they should not smell rotten.

So Su ye had to come to see it all night.

When he stepped into the inner courtyard of BaiCaoYuan, he immediately smelled the smell, and there was a heat wave.

"It's really weird!"

Su Ye's heart secretly affirms a, but is silent color, the footstep flies forward.

More than 100 meters ahead, even back to Shoutao, Wen Yuliang and others could smell the smell, one by one immediately covered their mouths and noses.

Hui Shoutao said in a threatening way: "shit! Old man Wen, do you know that if you lose the bet, you will turn this place into a fertilizer pool? It stinks

Wen Yuliang probably knew Hui Shoutao's character. He could only practice denial and said, "BaiCaoYuan is our lifeblood. How can it be so careless. We usually take good care of it, and we don't know why it smells like this these days. Su Tianshi, it's really not us that did it. "

Su Ye didn't return a word. She looked at the hillside and seemed to be judging where the source of the odor was.

After a few eyes, Su Ye immediately strode to the hillside.

Hui Shoutao, Wen Yuliang, Chen aofei and others complained in their hearts, but they couldn't help it. One by one, they illuminated the flashlight and chased them.

When Su Ye was in the middle of the night, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Wen Yuliang and said, "are you still here?"

"No, No. In the evening, we only have people in the guard room. " Wen Yuliang gasped and shook his head.

"That's strange. There's a man on it!"

With that, Su Ye suddenly sped up and almost rushed up. In a herbal medicine field on the hillside, she found a slender figure, but the figure was lying on the ground.

Although it was night, he was dressed in white and could see clearly under the light not far away.

Su Ye's steps stopped, and did not pass. Her eyes just fixed on the figure lying on the ground.

Hui Shoutao is the first to rush to Su Ye. He suddenly sees a figure there. He immediately shouts:

"Where is the thief? Dare to come here to steal our ten thousand year ginseng, you are dead! Roll out quickly, or I'll hit you with a stone, and you'll fall down. Do you believe it

After he yelled, Chen aofei also helped Wen Yuliang to come. They were also very strange. How could there be a person here?

Su ye said: "don't shout, it should be fainting!"

Su ye went to have a look, and found that the figure was not only slender, but also very slim. Even if she fainted on the ground, her delicate and convex posture was also exposed. It was clear that she was a beautiful woman.

In this wild grass, unexpectedly found a faint beauty, that kind of feeling, unspeakable mystery.

"Oh, shit! It's a girl - it's a beauty! "

"Why is there a woman lying here? It's not dead, is it? Call the police quickly

Su Ye boldly walked over and looked at the woman's face. She found that her face was pale and her eyebrows were tight. There was another familiar feeling between her eyebrows.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that the beauty has the face of an exotic beauty. Her skin is tender and delicate, her mouth is slightly open, and her red lips are charming and attractive. She is a beauty that people will never forget at a glance.

"Qingzheng? How could it be her? "

Su Ye immediately remembered that he had met Qingzheng when he was in the bar. At that time, Qingzheng also said that her white fox pet had been taken home by Su ye, but after that time, Qingzheng never appeared again.

I didn't expect to find her here!

Since we know each other, Su ye can't ignore it.

He went over and called twice, and shook her shoulder. He found that she didn't wake up and didn't get hurt. Instead, she was stunned by a powerful spirit.

"Is this the thing I'm looking for?"

Su ye thought in her heart, and focused her attention and looked around. Suddenly, she felt a special wave of strength in a piece of soil less than one meter away from the zither.

It was a piece of stone wrapped in soil, which sent out heat waves. Su Ye was sure that it was this one.

It can make the white flowers of BaiCaoYuan bloom ahead of time, and the things wrapped in it are absolutely unusual.

He put it in his pocket quietly.

"She fainted here. It seems that most of them came for this thing, but it's a pity that she doesn't have enough ability to have this chance!"

Su ye thought that she would let anyone behind her carry the zither. After all, it's impossible to leave the zither here.

However, he thought that he had only seen Qingzheng once. Why did Qingzheng come here to find something? If he woke up, would he snatch it? It's not appropriate to give any of these potentially dangerous people to them.

Su night thought of here, he did not hesitate, directly picked up the zither.

Into the bosom for a while warm as jade, like holding a sticky cat in general.

"Let's go! Go back

Hui Shoutao and others all widened their eyes. Seeing the proud body and gorgeous beauty of Qingzheng, it's no wonder that master Su wants to hold him.

Look, master Lai Su is so beautiful!

"Ha ha ha, OK, let's go back now, let's go!" Chen aofei said.

"Su Tianshi, this woman looks very pitiful. I don't know what happened. Take her home this evening. I'll see what happens tomorrow! " Wen Yuliang said with a smile.

Su Ye didn't think much about it. Anyway, the white fox pet of Qingzheng is still in his home. It's not impossible to take Qingzheng back.

He immediately replied, "well, I'll take her back."

The bodyguards and others who followed them were all staggering. They tried their best to bear what they wanted to say. This Su Tianshi was really impolite. He actually took them back. He didn't even say a word politely?

Only Hui Shoutao looked around very nostalgically, remembered the location and said, "what's this place? I can even pick up a beautiful woman at night. I'll come and have a look tomorrow night. Maybe I can pick one up too. "

Everyone grinned and did not contradict him.

Having left BaiCaoYuan, Wen Yuliang immediately sent a luxury car to send Su ye away respectfully.

Su ye thought that the fainted zither would wake up soon, but she didn't wake up until she got to the downstairs of her community.

What can we do?

What are you going to do with her tonight? Where can she sleep?