First Dragon King

Chapter 49

Open the door and find a man wearing sunglasses standing outside.

He was dressed in a suit, very clean and tidy, especially the bright shoes, it seems that this old community does not fit.

"Who is Mr. Su ye, please?" The man in sunglasses outside immediately spoke.

Su Ye was a little strange. He didn't know each other at all, so he asked, "yes, what can I do for you?"

The sunglasses man's face was slightly surprised. He glanced around Su Ye's body, and then glanced into the room as if he had no intention. Then he said:

"I'm Mrs. Su's driver. She's waiting for you at the qipinxing teahouse. The school has already said hello. Please follow me!"

Su Ye Leng for a while just reaction come over, this man's mouth of Su old lady is his grandmother cloud CI.

In the whole Su family's old house, there are very few people who will love all the younger generation. Although Su Ye's performance is not as good as Su Changqing's since childhood, her grandmother has never been partial.

When Su Ye's family was driven out of their old house by their grandfather, grandma tried to stop them.

Originally, Su ye should go to see her grandmother immediately after she settled down, but because she was in her old house, Su Ye didn't come to her home for a long time.

Su Licheng heard that his body was shaking, so he quickly stood up and said, "son, since your grandmother is waiting for us again, let's go quickly! She had a hard time coming out. We'll be right there

Although he tried to suppress the excitement, he could still hear the tension between the words.

"Sorry! Mrs. Su only said to see Su Ye. As for the others, they are gone for the time being! " Immediately, the driver man spoke again.

Su Licheng was very angry immediately, but his biological mother couldn't go to see him now?

"What do you mean? Can't I go? "

The driver man gently raised his mouth and said with a faint smile, "if you want to go, I will not stop you. I just want to remind you that since you've been driven out of the Su family, Mr. Su doesn't want to let you have too much contact, so you should keep your peace! Today, I would like to see Su Ye. There are not many opportunities like this! "

Su Ye clenched her fist, and her heart was filled with anger.

Although I left Su's old house for many years, I was still pressed by the strength of Su's old house. Now even a driver dare to be so rampant.

Su Licheng sighed heavily and said, "son, go! Your grandmother must have missed you so much that she came out of the old house to see you. As for Yaya and I, we won't go there. Remember to say hello to us. "

Su ye also nodded heavily. Anyway, go to see grandma first.

In the near future, he will make the enemies of the Su family look up to him!

Su Ye grabs a coat and goes downstairs with the driver.

Riding in the special car belonging to grandma, Su Ye smelled a special smell of sachets. Grandma always liked this smell and would carry sachets like a lady in ancient times.

Su night fell into childhood memories.

Hours later, Su Ye is not favored in Su's old house. We all know that in the future, the position of the owner of the house will be passed on to Su Changqing, so everyone flatters Su Changqing in every way, and treats him badly.

Only grandma will not be partial. When Suye is sad, grandma will comfort him, touch Suye's face with her rough palm, tell stories to Suye, and secretly reserve delicious food for Suye.

At the beginning, when Su Ye's family was driven out of their old house by their grandfather, everyone was shocked by his grandfather's dignity and didn't dare to have anything to do with them. Only grandma came to see them off and put all the crumpled money into Su Ye's hands.

Grandma said that all the money and jewelry were collected by her grandfather, and this money was hidden by her in the middle of the night.

At that time, Su Ye was still full of anger and resented her grandfather for driving them out. She didn't care too much about her grandmother's intentions.

Farewell, so many years have passed.

Thinking, it didn't take long for the car to drive to the Seven Star tea house.

Su Ye looked up and found that the teahouse was very luxurious, and the decoration also had a strong antique flavor. It looked very high-grade.

Su Ye followed the waiter to a VIP room on the seventh floor.

"Mrs. Su is in there, please come in!" The waiter opened the door for Suye in person.

When I opened the door, I found that there were many people in it, and sitting on the throne was an elderly woman with gray hair.

She was a little thin, with old age spots on her face. She wore a bun and a thick dress. She was very kind when she laughed. It was her grandmother Yunci, whom Su had not seen for many years.

She was talking to the people beside her. She looked up and saw Su ye come in. She stopped talking. Her turbid eyes were staring at Su Ye. As Su Ye approached step by step, she never looked away.

Su Ye was shocked. When she approached, she bent down and called out in a low voice:

"How are you, grandma?"

"Ah, it's Xiaoye! I haven't seen you for a long time. OK, grandma is fine

Old lady Su's voice is a little hoarse. She pulls Su Ye's hand closer, as if to have a good look at Su Ye. Her old hand also touches Su Ye's face subconsciously.

At this moment, without saying a word at all, tears welled up in Mrs. Su's turbid eyes.

"Good, good. My poor grandson, it's good for you to return to normal. In this way, even if grandma dies tomorrow, you can feel at ease. "

Su Ye's throat seemed to be blocked by something, her nose was sour, and she was very uncomfortable

"Grandma, you will live a long and healthy life! You worry about me, and I will be filial to you in the future. "

Mrs. Su nodded and burst into tears. She couldn't say anything at all.

Perhaps outsiders can't understand Mrs. Su's close feelings, but Su Ye knows that when a person has experienced countless ups and downs, he will find that there are only one or two of the most precious feelings in his heart.

At this time, a crisp female voice came from the side and said, "Su ye, look at you. How did you make Grandma cry? Grandma, you promised me not to cry? Su Ye has recovered now. That's a good thing. It should be happy. "

Then Mrs. Su realized her gaffe and quickly nodded yes, picked up a tissue to dry her tears.

Su Ye finally glanced at the other people in the box. The female voice was very familiar. It was Yang Xi'er.

She is now recognized as the daughter-in-law of the whole Su family, so it's reasonable for her to accompany her grandmother.

But the rest of the people, Su Ye is some frown.

There are seven people here, all young men and women. They are not the Su family, because one of them is the long-term elegance of the student union that Su Ye taught at school.

This guy was beaten to his knees by Su Ye. He was hurt a lot, but it's only a few days now?

How can you just sit in your seat and drink tea?

Seeing Su Ye looking at her, Duan Fenghua bravely greets Su Ye's eyes. It's just that she moves her eyes away as soon as she makes contact with her.

As for the remaining several Su ye also don't know, but you can be sure that they are very familiar with Yang Xi'er.

Mrs. Su also took Su Ye's hand and said, "come on, don't stand. Just sit next to grandma..."

With that, Mrs. Su looked left and right. On her right was Yang Xi'er, while on her left was a young man with fair skin. He looked a little more mature than others, with a faint smile on his face and a calm feeling that others didn't have.

Mrs. Su said with a smile, "Wen Hao, I have a lot to say to Xiao Ye. How about changing your position?"

Zhou Wenhao raised his eyebrows. Although this banquet is not a normal occasion, it also shows his status. He glanced at Su ye and stood up freely

"No problem, ma'am. It should be

Then he went to another empty position.

Su Ye was a little surprised that Zhou Wenhao called his grandmother his teacher's mother. So, Zhou Wenhao worshipped his grandfather as his teacher.

However, Su Ye didn't think much about it, let alone being rude. He hasn't met his grandmother for so long, so it's good to be close to someone who can say more.

After sitting down, Mrs. Su naturally kept asking, and the people beside her couldn't get in.

But at this time, Yang Xi'er suddenly said with a smile:

"Su ye, you see how much grandma hurts you. You should study hard in the future. Don't fight with others and send them to the hospital!"