First Dragon King

Chapter 46


There was a huge sound on Su Ye's head.

It was as if the morning bell and evening drum were directly bombarded in people's minds, all eyes suddenly hurt, subconsciously closed their eyes, and then opened them again.

At this time, they saw a scene of great shock. A faint blue flame appeared on Su Ye's left and right shoulders, like burning on his shoulders.

Even more shocked, there was a big flame burning above Su Ye's head.

Everyone was stunned. How could three groups of flames appear on Su Ye's body in the blink of an eye?

More than half of the people present were Taoist characters. They immediately remembered something and blurted out one by one:

"Those are the three fires that everyone is born with!"

"What? Isn't that written by the ancients? Is it true? The left and right shoulders of the flame, one for the same life, one for the same name! Oh, my God, I saw it, too

These Taoist priests were shocked, and then they looked up at Su Ye's head together, because they all knew that the most important one among the three flames was the one on the top of his head.

Between a look, the group of flame boom up, has burned to the ceiling of the hall.

Among the huge flames, there seemed to be a god full of terrible power, and a burning power came down.

Just at this time, Su Ye stepped forward and drank:

"Three feet God appears, suppress evil spirit!"


Lou zangyue was still standing there like a terrible murderer, and there was a black colorful poisonous snake winding around her shoulder, but at this moment, the ferocious looking poisonous snake gave out a shrill scream.

Zizi, the snake didn't even have the ability to resist. It just turned over and was burned by the fire.

The whole snake was ashes in the blink of an eye!

Originally, there was a bag with evil spirits tied around the waist of Lou Zang Yue, which was also the bag that Lou Zang Yue showed up at the beginning. At the moment, there were bursts of shrill cries in the bag. After a few breaths, it was quiet, like the soul was flying away.

"Ah... Gods, it's true that gods have come to light!"

Lou cangyue was the first to bear the brunt. As soon as he looked up, he immediately saw the whole flame God. The whole person roared, and his head seemed to be hit hard.

The huge body was so soft that it fell to the ground with a plop. It crawled down and shivered. It didn't dare to resist at all.

Wen Yuliang, Wen Wan and other people in BaiCaoYuan, who were unable to stand still, knelt down one after another and asked for mercy.

"Mr. Su, spare your life! Spare my life

"Su ye, we are wrong, don't kill us, don't take our souls away!"

Those Taoists also prostrate themselves to the ground. They have been used to the talk of gods and ghosts all the year round, but they are not so afraid now. Those who know that they can have this terrible way are definitely worthy of the word "Heavenly Master".

So one by one began to beg for mercy: "Su Tianshi, spare your life!"

"Master Su, you have a lot of money! Please hold your hand high, and don't kill people casually! "

It's just a minute before and after that. In the whole hall, Hui Shoutao is left to guard Su ye in horror. All the other people prostrate themselves to the ground and dare not even look up.

Su Ye's face was very cold at the moment, and she said in a cold voice:

"Lou cangyue, if you have any other means, just let it out!"

Lou cangyue was in a cold sweat, and his clothes were all wet. Now he could not lift his strength. He trembled and said, "please forgive me, master su. I dare not. I dare not make a mistake in front of you!"

"Oh, you know it's the first time? What should be the crime? "

"Master Su, I'm going to thank you Lou cangyue clenched her teeth fiercely, holding her right fist to her left wrist. With a click, she heard the sound of broken bones.

"Master Su, please spare your life!"

"Well, your tricks are also called" master "? From today on, don't be a great master! " Su ye said in a deep voice.

Lou cangyue kept kowtowing and quickly agreed, "yes! I'll never talk about it again

"Then I'll save your life for a while!"

Su Ye's eyes fell in front of Wen Yuliang, who was kneeling down. He walked straight over. Although Wen Yuliang couldn't see Su Ye's face, he could see Su Ye's shoes. He was too scared to continue talking.

"Wen Yuliang, now do you believe that I can let flowers wither?"

"Believe it, I believe it! Master Su, we are willing to admit defeat, we are willing to pay for it Wen Yuliang said in a trembling voice.

At this time, he was so scared that he almost shrank into a ball. If he knew that he should have believed those servants' words, he should have accepted defeat. If he had discussed it well, he would not have come to such an end.

"You pay for it, that's for sure! I've invited so many people tonight. Do you want to kill me? " Su Ye suddenly asks again.

As soon as the words came out, Wen, who was kneeling beside him, could not kneel steadily and fell to the ground. Wen Yuliang said in dismay

"We don't dare to kill you, master Su! We just want to let you back, and I'm going to give you another 10 million later. Really, I dare not cheat you, master Su! "

Speaking of this, Wen Yuliang looked at the fainting Wen Wan next to him. He was very distressed and said:

"Master Su, if you want to punish me, please punish me. Please let my granddaughter go. In addition to compensating you for the medicinal materials of BaiCaoYuan, we also compensate you for three major pharmaceutical prescriptions, which are the treasure of BaiCaoYuan pharmaceutical industry. We are willing to compensate you for 5% of the shares of BaiCaoYuan pharmaceutical industry... No, 15% of the shares. "

Su Yeke knows about the shares of BaiCaoYuan pharmaceutical, but Hui Shoutao knows. Seeing Hui Shoutao's eyes shining, he knows that the conditions are good.

"Good! I hope your Wen family will cherish this chance to live! "

Su night finish saying, just two fists a clench, two flames on the shoulder, the flame God on the head directly scatter.

When the flames were gone, all the people in the hall gasped greedily and breathed as if they had just drowned.

Su Ye didn't take a close look. She looked around and said in a deep voice, "I hope you can keep your mouth shut about tonight, you know?"

"Yes, yes! We will never say it

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. We will abide by your orders. If you have any further orders, please don't worry."

One by one, they were scared out of their wits. In their minds, Su Ye was no longer an ordinary person. He was definitely a master of heaven who could borrow the power of heaven and earth. Moreover, he was so young that his future would be limitless. Who dares to disobey him?

Su Ye has nothing to worry about. Even if it's spread out, I'm afraid not many people will believe it.

At this time, Wen Yuliang suddenly seemed to think of something, and then said: "Mr. Su, since you let them all wither, our herbal medicines in BaiCaoYuan have become more and more unable to grow, and there is also a smell of stink. We have picked them and sent them to our door these two or three days. I hope you don't blame us."

When Wen Yuliang said this, he was also worried. He did go to the herb garden, but since the flowers withered, the herbs really stinked. He had been in business for so many years, and he didn't know why.

Now take advantage of Su Ye's presence to make the situation clear. Otherwise, if Su Ye says that their Wen family has used the means, it will be hard to bear the consequences.

Su Ye nodded and suddenly remembered something. It is reasonable that master Baima didn't have such great ability at the beginning.

"Take me to BaiCaoYuan now."

"Ah? Now? " Wen Yuliang summoned up courage and looked up at Su ye, thinking that it's a big night now. What do you want to see in BaiCaoYuan at this time?

However, Wen Yuliang would not consider so much at all. He said respectfully

"Yes. Mr. Su, I'll take you there. Please -- "