Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 951

a bolt from the blue!

For a long time, Lin Feng didn\'t want to believe it was true.

But now I hear Lin zhe admit with my own ears that I can no longer escape this fact!

"Just for the position of the vice patriarch?" Lin Feng clenched his teeth, his eyes seemed to burst out of flames, staring at Lin Zhe.

Lin Zhen smiled coldly, with a ferocious smile with a thick irony.

"Stupid, you are really as stupid as my stupid brother."

"The position of deputy patriarch?" Lin Jiandi said disdainfully. "Do you think your father will compete with me for this empty position? Moreover, do you think anyone can sit in the position of deputy patriarch? I tell you, looking at the whole Lin family, who can compete with me in terms of talent?!"

His voice was arrogant, but Lin Dadi was really qualified to say this.

His talent is not boasted, but real! Therefore, even though Lin Zhen knew that Lin Zhen was ambitious, he still used him.

Because he is really a rare talent.

Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated constantly. Although he was extremely angry, he didn\'t lose his mind.

Yes, how can I compete for power with my brother because of my father\'s character? My own character is in the same line with my father. I\'m crazy about martial arts. How can I give up martial arts cultivation for the sake of earthly power? Looking at a reincarnation, aren\'t you like your father and Lin Di on that day?

The difference is that ah Yun\'s personality is not as gloomy as Lin Peidi.

However, if it wasn\'t for the position of deputy patriarch, why did Lin Dadi betray his father?

This is not reasonable at all.

"It\'s your father who is wrong, Lin Xiaotian!" Lin Zhen roared angrily. "I still respect him. Who wants to marry Jia Yazhu? Do you know who Jia Yazhu is? She\'s the Tianhuang daughter of the Qiang Fenggu family!"

Tianhuang girl?

Lin Feng heard this name for the first time.

"He thought that if he lived in seclusion in the family, the people of the ancient Qiang Feng family couldn\'t find him?"

"I\'m kidding. If Tianhuang\'s daughter is missing, how can the ancient Qiang feng people stop? Sooner or later, they will find my Lin family! And I just make this time a minute earlier." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered and said with deep contempt, "if not, as his brother, I will be implicated, and it\'s much more serious than Lin Jing\'s fool!"

For a moment, Lin Feng understood everything.

It turns out that Lin Dadi is for self-protection, and there is nothing wrong with standing in his personal position.


"You\'re so selfish." Lin Feng\'s voice hissed coldly as he looked at Lin Yi.

"Unexpectedly, in order to be afraid of being implicated, you betrayed your closest person. What you said only proves that you are a cold-blooded and ruthless person!"

"Tiger poison doesn\'t eat children, and you --"

"Animals are not as good as animals!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and couldn\'t restrain his strong anger.

The surging breath could not stop rising. It was clear in my heart that there must be an end between myself and the forest today.

No matter he or he, they are different from each other!

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie!!" a strange laugh came from Lin Zhe\'s mouth.

"What a beast!"

"Lin Feng, are you qualified to say this?"

"I betrayed my brother. It\'s not as good as animals. So what about you? You killed your cousin in cold blood and turned against your second uncle. Where can you get better than me!!!"

The sound of the forest is like thunder!

Lin Feng\'s head was confused for a moment, but his newly rising sense of war was immediately disturbed.

The heart trembled fiercely, and in the moment of distraction——

"Boom!!" the surrounding breath solidified for a long time.

I\'m afraid the dreamland of the starry sky is spreading around. Lin Feng only feels that the sky is spinning and the space is completely changing. It\'s like being trapped in a layer of overlapping space. The star pupil of the forest was dazzling and shining, and drank calmly: "disordered space!"

Xingcang pupil, its power completely explodes.

It has the power of the fifth layer, which is more than three layers than Lin Feng\'s star pupil!

What an advantage!

Even compared with the star dome pupil, it is also two layers better. It can be said that Lin has an advantage. That day, he lost to Lin Feng because Bai Mu Tong was frustrated, but now he completely suppressed Lin Feng. Not only suppression, but also the outbreak of overwhelming power!

Absorbed in the blood pool for three months, today\'s forest land——

Wu Xia Amun is no longer what it used to be.

Quite terrible!

"The power of life soul seems to be weaker than that day?" Lin\'s eyes flickered coldly.

Although he didn\'t know why Lin Feng didn\'t advance but retreated, he didn\'t want to know the reason. He was never curious about the dead.

At present, he only needs to know how to expand his advantage and kill Lin Feng!

That\'s enough.

"Start with you first." Lin Zhen\'s killing intention was revealed.

The humiliation he suffered that day will be recovered today!

Blood for blood!

He will never be reconciled to failure.

"Go to hell, Lin Feng!" Lin Peidi\'s eyes burst out completely, and the white light flashed brightly from the star pupil. The star pupil reached the fifth floor. Lin Peidi not only has the "disordered space", but also has the original power of Bai Mu pupil. Now, it has evolved to a new level!

"Star pupil, Sha die!" the power of Lin zhe earth burst out madly!

In an instant——

"Peng!" his head shook and Lin Feng bled.

This is the most direct killing. It is a fundamental attack in the depths of the soul. Lin Feng is inferior to Lin Di in terms of life soul product level and life soul strength. Today, the battle was influenced by Lin\'s words at the beginning and was in a state of great passivity.

Is there a moment of distraction in battle?

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The soul is in sharp pain, and the whole person\'s mind and spirit seem to be completely shrouded.

Time changes very slowly, and the surrounding spatial level is also psychedelic, as if in a desperate situation.

The overwhelming power gathers in all directions and deeply wraps itself, which is enough to destroy everything. Although you have a double life soul, this power is too powerful and terrible! Far from being able to resist.

Consciousness, on the verge of ambiguity.

The body is also broken like porcelain.



"How can I die!"

In an instant, Lin Feng\'s will broke out completely.

The strong desire to survive expels all negative emotions.

"I didn\'t do anything wrong!"

"Maybe I\'m covered with blood, but everything I do is worthy of my conscience!"

"Worthy of heaven and earth!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are extremely bright and his face is slightly ferocious.

Clenching his teeth, the \'magic ring\' on the middle finger of his right hand flashed a dazzling luster.

"Soul devouring skill!" Lin Feng thundered. The power of the Phoenix\'s life chart and the star pupil was instantly extracted and completely condensed on the star pupil. At this moment, the power of the star pupil instantly climbed from the third floor to the fourth floor. Lin Feng\'s left ear "Yumiao" jingled and dazzling white light.

The bonus of congenital treasures makes Lin Feng condense the last dying counterattack.

"If you want to kill me, pay the price!" Lin Feng\'s star pupil shines madly.

"The way of deceleration time!"

The power of time and space collide in an instant.

The core source of power between heaven and earth has unparalleled power. The star dome pupil reaching the top of the fourth floor, with the help of Yumiao\'s bonus, is actually hard to resist the star sky pupil on the fifth floor of the forest. Although it does not have the upper hand, but——

"Peng!!!" Lin\'s face changed greatly, and his chest was like thunder.

Lin Feng\'s counterattack is equally fierce!

The attack of the soul is very dangerous.

One thousand wounded the enemy and eight hundred lost themselves.

Even xingcang Tong is the same. Maybe "Sha Mie" has strengthened the attack, but it doesn\'t mean that he won\'t be hurt. Most importantly, although the star pupil of Lin Dadi has reached the fifth floor, it has just reached the fifth floor after all, and the real star pupil power has not been fully mastered.

If it is said that he can only play 60% of his power!

However, Lin Feng was hurt much more.

Although it has the bonus of "devouring the ring", it has Yumiao.

But the congenital gap is irreparable the day after tomorrow. Boom!! With one blow, Lin Feng flew back like a broken kite, his life and death were uncertain, his face was extremely pale, and a thick blood mist sprayed over the sky, as if it were a blood rain.

The water curtain cave.

"Bang! Bang!!" it\'s the water in cultivation, and her complexion suddenly turned white.

"What\'s the matter, why does my heart suddenly change so fast?" Shui Linglong stroked her full chest, and her beautiful eyes flashed with strong surprise. At this time, Yumiao on her right ear was jingling, as if she felt something, like the sound of a light bell blowing in the wind, echoing in Shui Linglong\'s ears.

In the heart, deep brand!

"Can\'t it be... Something happened to Lin Feng?" water Linglong\'s face was very ugly.

The body was weak and the eyelids jumped.

Yes, something happened.

"PATA!" Yu Miao broke again.

Exhausted all his strength, and even took part in the direct attack of "Sha Mie" instead of Lin Feng. Even the white congenital treasure can\'t withstand such power. Lin Feng\'s right hand devours the ring, which is a little dim. It seems that he feels the life and soul of the "master", which is meager and extreme.

"Bah!" Lin Pang spits out a mouthful of dirty blood and looks ferocious.

He forcibly stopped his body in the air, his chest fluctuated slightly, and Lin\'s eyes flashed, "this boy has more talent and qualification than his father, and it will be a disaster in the future!" his eyes were killing. After two battles with Lin Feng, Lin\'s eyes knew his opponent\'s real strength.

"This child must be divided!"

"Don\'t blame me for being cruel, little nephew."

"If you want to blame yourself, blame yourself for your hypocrisy and your father\'s virtue."

"It\'s disgusting!"

The cold light in Lin\'s eyes was sharp, like a strong wind, and he galloped to the forest wind in an instant.

Floating in the air, looking at the forest wind that has lost all consciousness, Lin holds his fists tightly, and a thick towering flame condenses in his hand.

"Thank me."

"Also specially held a \'cremation\' for you."

"Farewell, little nephew."

The corners of Lin\'s mouth were cold and there was no mercy at all.

The two burst fireballs, like his terrible eyes, completely burst out.

"Jiong! ~" roared straight to the forest wind.