Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 952


In fact, as Lin Dadi saw, Lin Feng was on the verge of death and completely lost consciousness.

Never had a terrible attack, the direct assassination of the soul, it was like being stabbed in the heart. The life soul is the main attack and the human soul is the main guard. Even if Lin Feng\'s life soul is strong, it can\'t stop the direct collision between attack and attack. Lin Liaodi with five layers of star pupil is seriously injured, not to mention Lin Feng with only three layers of star dome pupil?

Even if you use the soul devouring technique, you will exhaust the power of the star pupil; Even if Yumiao protects the Lord, it is useless.

Lin Feng was badly hit.


Lin has always been too "cautious.".

The flashing eyes, bright and terrible, kept calm at any time. But sometimes, this excessive calm is not really so good. Lin Feng\'s mortal counterattack has always made him feel a little "afraid".

The choice of high-altitude flame bombing rather than close combat is based on this detail.

Lin Dadi was afraid of Lin Feng\'s conspiracy. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng at this time was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The difference is that this lamb to be slaughtered is the only one who is not afraid——

It\'s fire.

"Roar! ~" the towering fireball, condensing the crazy power of Lin, roared to Lin Feng. But compared with his star pupil, the power of fire is really "unattractive", even if it is almost all his power, but

Still not enough!

"Wow! ~" the surging fire of rebirth appears in an instant!

At the moment when the fireball burned Lin Feng\'s body, the rebirth fire spontaneously appeared.

Lin Feng in a coma has no control. The power of the reborn fire is far less than normal. But after all, it is the top flame. The powerful existence of dual star technology is far from being comparable to the ordinary flame of Lin Yudi.

"Boom!" roared the fire of rebirth.

He swallowed the fireball of Lin Dadi immediately, and the latter\'s eyes flashed sharply, which was unexpected.

"Unexpectedly, there is a congenital treasure of self-protection!" Lin zhe gnashed his teeth, but regarded Lin Feng\'s rebirth fire as a congenital treasure. He was jealous and hated in his eyes, and secretly scolded Lin Zhen, an old fox, for being willing to give all these treasures to Lin Feng. How could his son Lin Fan have been treated like this at the beginning!

"If you can pass the first day of junior high school, you can\'t pass the fifteenth day!"

"If you don\'t want to be cremated, I\'ll give you a ride myself, little nephew!"

Lin Dadi\'s eyes shot fiercely, like a sharp arrow, falling madly from the sky.

The terrible breath broke out, but Lin Dadi was always afraid of Lin Feng. He did not use the damaged xingcang pupil to launch another attack, for fear that the soul that had just changed would be seriously damaged, but it was precisely this "caution" that gave Lin Feng the only vitality.

"Am I still alive?" Lin Feng felt a sharp pain in his mind.

However, he suddenly slowed down, and the blow of soul to soul directly blinded him, but the emergence and outbreak of the rebirth fire woke up Lin Feng in a coma like the sound of a bell. This time, it was like waking up with a sudden awakening.

The damage to the star dome pupil is extremely serious. However, although the star sky pupil is affected by the "soul devouring technique", it consumes a lot of strength, but it still has residual strength.

The existence of double life soul makes Lin Feng different from ordinary martial artists.

Add another chance!

Lin Feng didn\'t expect this opportunity

Will come so soon!

"It\'s the forest land!" Lin Feng\'s consciousness returned instantaneously and felt the amazing power from above.

The power of xingcang Tong is still terrible. It completely envelops the surrounding area. Lin Peidi is far away and close. There is a war knife in his hand. The sky blue starlight is dazzling. It is the blue light "blue Yao"! The light and cold flash, and the strong flame is added to condense the murderous spirit of the forest.

He wants to kill Lin Feng in the most direct way!

Let go of your hatred.


A little late.

If he attacked for the first time, Lin Dadi would have made this determination. Lin Feng had already lost his soul at the blue bridge.

But now Lin Feng has awakened!

Never say die before the last minute!

"Blood swallowing skill!" Lin Feng, lying on the ground like a dead body, suddenly had crazy eyes and dazzling rings in his hands, which increased again, but this increase was power, star power! The blood all over was boiling and hot, and the star power erupted greatly.

Lin Feng, who originally had the power of star power at the star level, is now only inferior to Lin Peidi!

But the triple fire of swallowing is enough to erase all disadvantages!

"Die together!" Lin Feng shouted angrily.

The crazy devouring fire condensed into his hands, and with the boiling of blood, he instantly handed over to Lin\'s Guangwu "blue Yao". A main attack, with the potential to break the sky; A lord guard, fearless in the face of death. The collision caused a violent earthquake in this blood pool!


"Boom! ~"

The sound of crazy blasting resounded through the world.

Place of blood inheritance, entrance.

"Come on!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes were shining and his voice sounded like a bell.

"What a terrible power explosion!" Lin Zhan\'s eyes were bright behind him.

"Brother Lin, don\'t have an accident!" Lin Yumo closed his lips and his pretty face was pale. I have a bad feeling in my heart, and my back is cold. Fortunately, Lin Zhen and Lin Zhan were lucky. As soon as they heard what Lin Yumo said, they immediately put down everything and went straight to the place of blood inheritance.

For Lin Zhen, this matter is particularly important!

We must not allow Lin to have half a chance to breathe.

If not

The consequences are unimaginable.

Blood pool, in the sound of explosion, two figures were divided.

Lin zhe spits blood at his mouth and is seriously injured. Lin Feng is even more hurt. He has not moved a bit. He was already like a dead body. Now his soul and body are like broken jade, without half of his strength. Although the body and devouring fire are stronger than the forest, but

Under the coercion of xingcang Tong, Lin zhe had the upper hand.

It is a fact that the power of Lin Di\'s martial god is not strong, but more importantly, the essential power of devouring fire is strong enough.

However, there is only one counterattack.

Today\'s Lin Feng, even if it just moves, is a kind of extravagant hope.

Serious injury!

"Damn!!" Lin Zhen roared wildly.

But I didn\'t expect that the battle without suspense would be so difficult.

Lin Feng is like a piece of brown sugar. He is strong and tough. No matter how he attacks, he breathes hard. Hysterical madness, Lin Fudi was completely cruel at this time, gnashing his teeth, regardless of any consequences.

He must not let Lin Feng and other threats survive!

"Star pupil, evil out!" the forest in the sky, eyes cold and bright.

The terrible attack once again hit Lin Feng, who had no ability to fight back, but Lin Zhen "woke up" too late.

Again and again, again and again, three and exhausted.

Lost two attacks, the third

Do you still have a chance?

"Count on you, red Ling." Lin Feng whispered weakly.

At the turn of the heart, a red awn flashed in front of him, and an incomparably huge red scale dragon appeared out of thin air, just in front of Lin Feng\'s body. At that moment, at the moment when Lin Jidi xingcang Tong attacked, the appearance of red Ling broke the balance of the battlefield.

"What?!" Lin\'s eyes changed.

Xingcang Tong\'s attack can\'t be changed. He immediately enters Hongling\'s body and erupts madly.

"Roar!!!" the roar of red damask tore her heart and lungs, and her huge body trembled violently. Although it was at the star domain level, it was not too strong in terms of the power of the soul. Fortunately, Hongling\'s blood is excellent after all, and her soul\'s defense is naturally much stronger than human beings.

He was not killed at one blow.

Moreover, the current forest land is not in its heyday.

"Peng!" the red Ling tossed violently, but she spit out a violent flame in her mouth and roared straight to the ground.

Although it can\'t compare with Lin Feng\'s devouring fire and rebirth fire, it is a special kind of Warcraft at least. On the attack ability of fire, it is better than Lin zhe!

"Damn beast!" the forest ground looked ferocious and twisted.

Soul attack is different from physical attack. Even if the opponent is weak, each soul impact will be consumed.

As the saying goes, if you hurt the enemy one thousand, you will lose eight hundred.

What\'s more, the strength of star domain level red silk is not weak at all.

And now——

It was ready to attack again, kill the beast, and then kill Lin Feng. Suddenly, the ground color of the forest changed sharply, and his eyes looked at the entrance of the blood pool. The star pupil on the fifth floor felt extremely sharp. Lin Jidi was shocked and felt three powerful breath. He was approaching quickly!

He is quite familiar with two of them!

It comes down in one continuous line with him.

"Two star dome pupils, hateful!" Lin Zhen ground gnashing his teeth.

The twinkle of xingcang\'s pupil firmly bound the space. Lin\'s look changed rapidly, avoided the violent flame and made a decision in an instant.

It seems that he can\'t stay here anymore. Once blocked by Lin Zhen and Lin Zhan, even if he can kill them in his current state, it must be the result of burning jade and stone. What I fear most is that the people of the Lin family will come one after another. Even if he has the ability to connect with heaven, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to return to heaven.

Never be a turtle in a jar!

"Damn it!" Lin Zhen stared at Lin Feng, whose life and death were uncertain, but felt a twist in his heart.

He knew that at this moment, he had no chance to take Lin Feng\'s life.

It\'s a pity, but

No way out!

"I won\'t have so much luck next time, little nephew." Lin Zhen\'s eyes twinkled and clenched his teeth.

"I\'ll see you later!"

After speaking, he galloped out like a wind.

As far as Lin Dadi is concerned, his own safety always comes first.

"He... Left?" Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and felt tired.

I didn\'t even have the power to use the colorful staff to summon the hundred poison color python. Fortunately, there was the contract Warcraft \'red Ling\', who blocked the attack of xingcangtong at the critical moment and saved my life. Although I don\'t know why Lin Yi chose to leave.

But for now, I seem to be alive.

be a survivor of a disaster!

And now——

"Brother Lin!" a familiar voice sounded in my ears, with a cry.

Even if you only listen to the voice, you can clearly distinguish. You can\'t be more familiar with it. It\'s your "sister" Lin Yumo.

But how did she come?

Lin Feng was curious and suddenly recalled it.

"I see." Lin Feng smiled weakly, and the tight string finally loosened.

Feel the familiar breath, hold yourself tightly, Lin Feng\'s heart calms down, all the fatigue rushes into his mind, and his consciousness is slowly blurred.

Fall into a coma.