Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 950

Time passes day by day.

The civil strife of the Lin family did not break out completely and was soon suppressed, so few people know it.

More importantly, at present, all the eyes of Shiluo county are focused on the rosefinch challenge, and not many people will care about what happened to the Lin family. Of course, the Lin family is also famous in Shiluo County, but it is only limited to the "tool refiner".

When it comes to "force," the Lin family just wants to rank in the top 100, which is an extravagant hope.

It is not that it is too weak, but that shiroe county is too high. Looking at the strongest Lin Zhen, Lin Zhongxian, Lin Shi and others in the clan, they simply can\'t lift any waves in Shiluo county. In fact, in the first World War of that day, Lin Feng was able to break down civil strife with his own strength, which is enough to prove the weakness of the "force" of the Lin family.

Therefore, among all restaurants and teahouses, they are not very optimistic about the Lin family.

Even if Lin Yumo rises suddenly this time and Lin Feng stumbles into the third round of the preliminary round, he is also thin and famous.

However, compared with several huge forces in Shiluo County, there is a difference of more than a few grades.

Especially Lin Feng\'s war against Bai Qi.

"I\'m kidding. A craftsman from the family can win the descendants of the Bai family?"

"That\'s right. Baiqi is the first advanced player in the peripheral competition. Now it\'s the existence of star level three. Looking at the contestants in Shiluo County, who can compete!"

"Hey, just look at the odds."


Everyone talked about it one after another. There was nothing wrong with the upcoming third round of the preliminaries. I was looking forward to it.

In the third round, there are few star master level warriors. With the second-order warriors in the star domain no longer in the air, the competition officially entered the white hot stage. Only the last two rounds will decide the only 1000 places in Shiluo County, which will break the head!

In the third round of the preliminary round——

Slowly open the curtain!

In the xingcang pool.

"Breathe, breathe! ~" Lin Feng breathed evenly and looked calm.

However, there is a slight twist in the eyebrows. The surrounding space energy is surprisingly dense, winding outside the body like an elf. The boiling pool water wrapped Lin Feng\'s body and poured in madly. However, Lin Feng no longer needs the protection of rebirth fire.

After more than a month of cultivation, I have already adapted to the intensity of xingcang pool.

The skin becomes more tough and resists the energy impact of the pool water, just like tempering steel.

These days, the body has become stronger.

But Lin Feng looked, but he was still not very happy and looked very dignified.

Slowly, Lin Fengchang exhaled and opened his eyes.

"It\'s hard."

"It\'s only one step away, but it\'s out of reach."

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and jumped out of the xingcang pool. These days, although the body has been strengthened and slightly improved by xingcang pool, the understanding of xingcang pupil has fallen into a bottleneck. Space energy has already been absorbed enough, and the feeling of space is also extremely profound.

However, just like the pupil of the star dome on that day, there is still a small step missing.

As if separated by a layer of yarn, it can never be pierced.

Practice, that\'s it.

Almost, that\'s a lot.

There is no shortcut, only slowly understand.

"Unfortunately, it\'s too late to break through before the third round of preliminaries, so we have to fight with the third gear star dome pupil." Lin Feng nodded and looked calm. Although it is impossible to display its "self-state", the three-level star dome pupil is still quite confident in helping its now transformed body overcome Baiqi.

He clenched his fist, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

"In a few hours, the third round of the preliminary round will begin."

"It\'s impossible to make a breakthrough in just three hours. Go back to the mansion to have a rest, adjust your state and get ready."

Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t insist.

Stepping out of the xingcang pool, the forest wind is gentle.

Then he opened the Star Crystal Watch and heard bursts of familiar "didi" sounds. Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling.

Most of them are words of encouragement and congratulations. They are all friends they have made here, such as Li Hao and Jing youyou. Now there is another big brother "Lin Zhan". But looking around, I still haven\'t seen a most familiar name——

Don\'t worry.

"It\'s strange that brother Wan hasn\'t seen a trace since I came back."

"It\'s reasonable that he will come to participate in the rosefinch challenge. It doesn\'t make sense. There\'s no news at all."

Lin Feng thought and felt puzzled.

If you are in the state of cultivation, even if it takes a year and a half or even a few years, there is no problem.

But right now, it happens to coincide with the rosefinch challenge.

"There may be something to delay." Lin Feng whispered softly and didn\'t care too much.

After all, today is different from the past. Don\'t worry about having a master of the Holy One. If you say anything dangerous, it\'s really unlikely. Then he looked through the messages and soon saw a message signed "Lin Yumo". The message was very short, but Lin Feng smiled warmly.

"Brother Lin, come on!" Lin Feng smiled quietly, and Lin Yumo\'s face suddenly appeared in his mind.

In this period of contact, in fact, I have already regarded Lin Yumo as a relative.

Walking forward at will, Lin Feng dialed Lin Yumo\'s number.

But at this time——

"Peng!" a strong breath came from a distance.

It was like a dragon going out to sea. It was so powerful that one of Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked and his eyes flashed.

"This is..." Lin Feng was shocked.

The feeling of breath, I felt a very familiar energy!

The energy of xingcang pupil!

"How is that possible?"

"In addition to me, there are people in the family who have xingcang pupils?"


Lin Feng\'s forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Although he was far away, he could still feel the terrible feeling of energy. The power of xingcang Tong is much stronger than what he wants to have. These are at least two classes!

"What a terrible power."

"Who is it? Who has such a star pupil!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and his eyes flashed.

In an instant, looking into the distance, Lin Feng galloped along with the source of his breath.

Lin Yumo mansion.

After three months of latent training, Lin Yumo is preparing for the preliminaries in a few hours.

Suddenly, the "didi" sound of the star crystal watch on the white wrist sounded, and the clear voice made Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flash. When she saw the name displayed above, Lin Yumo\'s sunken fish and wild goose like face burst into a smile. It was the only person who could affect her heart.

"Brother Lin?" Lin Yumo opened his lips and smiled.

However, there was no sound on the other side of the star crystal table.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo was stunned. At the moment of doubt, he finally heard the familiar voice——

"Lin Dadi! Are you not dead?!" in his ear, Lin Feng\'s surprised voice came, and Lin Yu Merton\'s eyes widened. Smart as she is, she reacts instantly. She also heard about the civil war three months ago, and now

Lin Dadi didn\'t die?

"Whoosh!" suddenly, Lin Yumo galloped out like a wind.

A little worry flashed in her eyes and gently bit her lips, "brother Lin, don\'t have an accident!"

Blood pool, still that blood pool.

But now the blood pool is completely different.

The color is much darker, just like those \'energy pools\' in the land of blood inheritance. It is unimaginable that such a big change has taken place in just three months. However, Lin Feng\'s eyes only lingered in the blood pool for a moment, and he looked directly at the "ugly" figure above the blood pool.

Lin Yudi, your face is ruined!

However, the breath of the warrior will not change!

Especially for Lin Feng, who has such a keen sense of martial arts, the change of appearance has no interference effect.

"Lin Feng!!" was suspended over the blood pool, and the face of Lin was ferocious.

He didn\'t expect that the star Cang pupil had just evolved before he met Lin Feng in the bleeding pool.

This bureau, which he has carefully planned for 20 years, is the culprit of the failure!

Now, right in front of you.

"I didn\'t expect you were really not dead." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his fists clenched unconsciously.

This time, it\'s no small matter!

It\'s totally different from what it felt three months ago.

Although the imprint of the breath has not changed, the intensity of the breath has changed dramatically!

The most terrible thing is——

Those eyes!

Just like seeing through the sky, the essence is shining.

The star pupil energy I just sensed comes from this!

"How can I be willing to die before I kill you, you son of a bitch!" Lin Zhe\'s Jie smiled strangely, his star pupil was shining, and wrapped the whole area of the blood pool. Lin Feng\'s face turned white and suddenly felt a heavy pressure. They hated each other like the sea. Now they will kill each other if they meet again.


Lin Feng wants to find out one thing.

"Lin Liaodi, do you remember Lin Xiaotian!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked straight at Lin Liaodi without fear.

For a moment, Lin\'s eyes narrowed and looked at Lin Feng.

The energy breath of xingcang\'s pupil is much more relaxed, and Lin\'s eyes are constantly changing. For a long time, it is Shen Ran\'s mouth, "I\'ve been wondering for more than a month..." Lin\'s look is complex, looking at Lin Feng and shining for a moment, "but now I understand, my good nephew!"

That\'s it.

Lin Yidi is worthy of being an owl.

In terms of intelligence and courage, he is indeed better than Lin Zhen.

Looking at each other, Lin Feng still couldn\'t see half of the change in his look from Lin\'s eyes, and his heart was suddenly cold. For a long time, I don\'t want to believe it is true, but the facts in front of me again and again tell me

It seemed as if the adoptive father had said.

"I just want to ask you, when..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, "why did you betray my father!"

"Ha ha!" Lin zhe burst out laughing, with an unbridled smile. "I didn\'t expect that my stupid brother is really not dead, but he left a bastard. It\'s interesting, really interesting!" Lin zhe looked at Lin Feng and scratched coldly at the corner of his mouth, "my good nephew, do you want to test your second uncle?"

Lin zhe pointed to his head and sneered, "you\'re a little younger than me."

"But I\'m in a good mood today. Why don\'t I tell you?" Lin\'s eyes were filled with deep disdain. "Back then -"

"I betrayed your father!"