Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 949

"Thank you, brother." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

How could he not see Lin Zhan\'s painstaking efforts.

Although his character is straightforward and unintentional, it does not mean that he is "stupid". These are two different things.

But for now, there is no time to thank.

Understanding, in an instant!

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" time energy surrounds the body.

The star dome pupil changes in a moment, and the pupil flashes bright, filled with thick time energy. In the life soul space, the energy of breath is different. The only main star is bright. It seems to feel the change of life soul and feel quite happy. Just like the awakening of the soul, the whole life soul space is full of vitality and unusually flexible and open.

"Originally, this is the so-called \'way to slow down time\'." Lin Feng moved gently in his heart.

Life soul space is deeply branded with the way of time, which is one of the purest energy between heaven and earth.

Through the star dome pupil, the time energy is constantly wrapped around, the induction is more clear, and flows into the star dome pupil at a very fast speed.

This is a pure energy of nothingness.

It is the real "Tao" of heaven and earth.

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" crazy influx.

"What a strong absorption speed." Lin Feng was shocked.

The star dome pupil, which has already reached the top of the second floor, has entered a new level with the Enlightenment of the way of deceleration time.

Third floor!

Master the "way of deceleration time".

Through this battle, I not only realized the "way of slowing down time", but also transformed the star dome pupil with the improvement of cultivation. It can be said that it is a double happiness.

With the energy of the constellation, the time change of the control area affects the whole area, which is completely different from the previous deceleration space. Their own deceleration space is of no use to the master level warriors. Using the power of constellations, the simple way of time can\'t affect the enemy at all. It\'s like standing on two different levels.

Now, it\'s not.

The power of life and soul has completely changed.

The level of the way of constellations directly changes the restrictions on space and the impact on the warrior.

This is crucial.

"Star dome pupil, officially set foot on the star domain level."

"With the increase of strength and other levels, the life soul becomes stronger, and the power of the star dome pupil becomes greater."

"With the improvement of the level of the star dome pupil, the deeper the perception of time energy, the power of the star dome pupil will also increase."

"But in both cases, the increase is not the largest."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and his right eye flashed.

As long as your star pupil also degenerates to the third level, at that time, the fusion of your two pupils in your self state can reach the third level! The same star dome pupil can play a completely different power, because this is the difference between the first-class pupil and the top pupil!

This, however, has not yet taken into account the "way of space" of xingcang Tong.

a thousand things wait to be done.

The family is very busy now.

As the patriarch, Lin Zhen is busy and confused, and has no free time.

Only Lin Feng is quite relaxed. Although there are still many unsolved mysteries about life experience, it is completely different from before.

The road ahead is much clearer.

"Sure enough, it\'s not easy to be a patriarch." Lin Fengwei smiled and slowly stepped into the land of blood inheritance. Here, only those who have the lineage of the Lin family can enter, and they also have this qualification.

The improvement of the star dome pupil is certainly important to yourself.

But the real power of my two pupils comes from the fusion of my two pupils.

The star dome pupil on the third floor and the star sky pupil on the second floor cannot merge into their own state, because the non conservation of their energy will seriously damage the star sky pupil. The result of being unable to enter the self state is that he is the strongest at the moment, just the three-tier star dome pupil, compared with his strength during the previous civil war

Even worse.

After all, at that time, he had a two-tier self state, which was equivalent to a four tier star dome pupil.

"Unfortunately, xingcang Tong has nothing to learn from. He can only understand it by himself." Lin Feng also felt helpless.

This time, I don\'t have any "tricks".

In the family, no one except himself has xingcangtong.

In fact, the star pupil has been silent for thousands of years.


"Xingcang pupil is my real blood."

"If you want to understand, it should be easier than the star dome pupil."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

The star dome pupil, after all, belongs to my brother.

But xingcang pupil, which is deeply contained in his own body, is the real power of the soul!

"Here should be the \'xingcang pool\' mentioned by his adoptive father." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Looking at the pool water in front of me, I felt a deep cordial feeling, and my right eye twinkled, as if I had returned to my home. In the land of blood inheritance, there are various "energy pools" for the cultivation of family martial arts, such as the "xingcang pool" for cultivating xingcang pupil, the "xingqiong pool" for cultivating xingqiong pupil, as well as Baimu pool and dark spirit pool.

The three pupils inherited by the Lin family all have corresponding existence here.

Compared with the individual cultivation, the conditions here are undoubtedly much better. It\'s like practicing in the "array of time engraving patterns", and the efficiency is doubled.

Is the inheritance place of the family ordinary?

"According to my adoptive father, every \'energy pool\' in the land of blood inheritance has quite strong energy."

"Whether it\'s the Baimu pool, the dark spirit pool or even the star dome pool, the energy contained in it will gradually weaken with the absorption of the warrior, and will slowly recover with the passage of time."

"Therefore, the general \'energy pool\' will limit the time for people to enter cultivation."


Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked at the xingcang pool in front of him.

No one has entered here for tens of thousands of years, because the xingcangtong of the Lin family has disappeared for several generations.

Now, it\'s cheaper for me.

"Just right, no one argued with me."

"A person can cultivate as much as he wants."

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth is like the pupil of the star dome. Lin Zhan wants to share his cultivation with Lin Zhen.

The most important thing is that the energy of the star dome pool has always been very "barren". If it recovers a little, it will be absorbed immediately. It\'s like xingcang pool. Lin Feng can feel the energy contained in it even if he is so far away——

Quite abundant!

It\'s like a water tank. Now it\'s full of water.

It\'s almost overflowing!

"It\'s more than a month before the third round of the preliminary round."

"I hope we can make a breakthrough in time."

Lin Feng said in his heart and his eyes twinkled.

If not, I will have to fight with a separate star dome pupil.

The right one is Baiqi who beat himself without suspense in the qualifying match that day!

Although I am not what I used to be, I can\'t be careless.

Pop! Enter the xingcang pool.

Suddenly, Lin Feng took a deep breath and stared.

"Hua la! ~" the strong pool water energy immediately surrounded itself and was airtight.

The star pupil of the right eye is completely bright, and the rich spatial energy is filled around. The body feels an extreme oppression, and the skin is like being torn. The severe pain was at one\'s heart, and Lin Feng murmured, but it was completely unexpected.

This "kind" xingcang pool is quite scary.

"What terrible energy!" Lin Feng was shocked.

For a moment, the fire of rebirth burned and guarded it firmly.

For thousands of years, no one has ever entered the "star pupil". Even a little pool water contains abundant and incomparable energy, which is far beyond my estimation. WOW~ With the blooming of xingcang pupil, Lin Feng immediately closed his eyes, and the cultivation of xingcang pupil appeared in his mind. He was immersed in it for a moment.

Great opportunities must not be wasted.

The feeling of space energy here is quite strong.

I will be able to advance the star pupil and understand a \'way of space\'!

Cloud zone.

"Coming." the voice was faint, like autumn water. It was a woman with white gauze on her face.

"I have seen the Holy One." the voice was loud and knelt on one knee.

The speaker was a young man with white hair and bright tiger eyes.

It\'s white!

"There\'s no need to look outside. Just call me an elder." the white gauze woman turned around, and her smart eyes had a power to see through people. "Although my husband has returned to the earth, since I married into the white family, I will be a member of the white family all my life, which will never change."

Holy One, Mrs. white!

At the wizard of Oz that day, he fought against one of the saints of the heavenly dog family with Beiming divination.

"Yes, sir." Bai Qi arched his hands.

"Get up." Mrs. Bai said faintly, "the Pulsatilla asked you to come?"

"Yes." Bai Qi immediately got up, bowed slightly, neither humble nor arrogant, "I hope to get the guidance of my predecessors and improve my greatest strength in the shortest time."

"For the rosefinch challenge?" Mrs. Bai lifted her lips.

Bai Qiqu nodded and said in a positive tone, "I\'m not sure I\'ll win the next war, I don\'t hide it from my predecessors."

"Oh?" Mrs. Bai was slightly surprised. She looked at Bai Qi and said slowly, "with your current strength, it should not be difficult to deal with the third-order martial artists at the star domain level?" with Mrs. Bai\'s eyesight, it is clear how much foundation and material Bai Qi has.

White eyes slightly burning, "he is the star master level peak."

"Star master level peak?" Mrs. white frowned lightly and was slightly surprised. "Oh, is it the little guy mentioned by Gallo?"

Bai Qi was very surprised. "Do you know him, too?"

Mrs. Bai smiled slightly. Although she was across the veil, she still had the charm of dumping all sentient beings.

Without answering, the lotus step stepped lightly. Mrs. Bai looked into the distance and nodded gently, "since the Pulsatilla asked you to come to me, you can stay here."

Bai Qi was surprised and happy. "Thank you, elder."

"Don\'t hurry to thank you first." Mrs. Bai said faintly, "if you can\'t meet the requirements, I\'ll let you leave at any time. I\'ll promote the descendants of the Bai family, but if you have mediocre qualifications..." Mrs. Bai\'s voice was long. "Then don\'t waste time."

Although Mrs. Bai was born in the Bai family, she doesn\'t mind promoting the descendants of the Bai family.

But if Bai Qi didn\'t have the possibility to impact the saint, she was naturally not interested in giving advice.

Star class strong?

What\'s the difference between first order and peak.

Under the Holy One, there are ants.