Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 948

Back to the mansion, Lin Feng still felt an abnormal heart shock.

It\'s not only between himself and Yu Mo, but also between Lin and di.

Did he really betray his father?

It\'s hard to believe that for the sake of power and status, even their closest people can push down the sea of fire. But my intuition tells me that this is likely to be true, especially Lin\'s performance in the civil strife makes me sure. But anyway, Lin Dadi is dead.

"Many things are already doomed."

"Whether he did it or not, everything has happened."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

It\'s meaningless to quarrel with a dead man.

"Let this secret be buried in the earth." Lin Feng thought.

From beginning to end, I didn\'t want it to be really done by Lin Peidi, so inhuman.

The dead are dead.

"I didn\'t expect that so many things would happen in those years." Lin Feng sighed with deep feeling. Now his life experience is suddenly enlightened. Although he doesn\'t know whether his mother is still there, it is certain that her name is\' Jia Yazhu \'; She is a member of the ancient Qiang Feng nationality.

And I do have ancient blood.

This is beyond doubt.

As for the holy one who pursued and killed his father that day, there is no way to know.

Even if we know now, what can we do? Do you have the ability to avenge your father?

"Only when we reach the saint level and really enter the top class of the fighting spirit world can we have the possibility to contact other saints." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning. "At that time, there will always be opportunities and ways to find the ancient saint and avenge our father!"

"However, at present, I should practice at ease and improve my strength."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and firm.

As for himself and Yumo

"Alas." Lin Feng shook his head and felt a headache.

In the blood pool.

A figure wrapped by thick fire elements, with bright eyes.

All the time, the star pupil is ascending. Blessed by misfortune, Bai Mu Tong of Lin Peidi evolved into a star pupil. Without practice, he can absorb the energy contained in the water of the blood pool, including the "Tao" of the star pupil.

It\'s like being enlightened and rising in strength.

Today\'s forest is not what it used to be.

He stayed in the blood pool longer and longer. The fiasco more than a month ago had gradually calmed his anger. Lin Fudi was more and more sober at this time.

"I thought Lin Feng was just an ordinary \'illegitimate son\', but I didn\'t want to..."

"It\'s really big."

Lin Zhen thought in his heart and looked calm.

"That Lin Feng has a clear conscience. Does he really have the blood of the ancient family?"

"But it\'s impossible. Apart from my stupid big brother, there seems to be no one else in the family who has anything to do with the ancient women. Can you say that the patriarch is him..."

"Do you really have an ancient wife who is unknown?"

The more you think about it, the more confused you are. Lin\'s eyes are constantly changing.

The answer always seems hazy, more and more curious about Lin Feng\'s blood.

"Anyway, one thing is certain." a flash of pure light flashed in Lin\'s eyes.

"That\'s the \'forest wind\'. Nine times out of ten, it really has --"

"Ancient blood!"

Family, especially lively.

As the civil war ended, things gradually calmed down.

Finally, a happy event came and dispersed the family\'s stuffy atmosphere.

Lin Zhen, the patriarch of the clan, took Lin Feng as his adopted son and held a celebration with the clan. Lin Feng also cooperated. Without hesitation, he took out 2000 Xingjing and distributed it to all the people, not only to buy people\'s hearts, but also to cover the impact of the civil war, so that the people can calm down and stabilize people\'s hearts as soon as possible.

This is a small effort.


"Congratulations, Lin Feng."

"Prosper and rise step by step!"


The people who came to congratulate were smiling.

Lin Feng also responded politely one by one. At this time, the grand meeting held in the family was celebrated all over the world. Without Lin Zhongxian and Lin Jiandi, although the Lin family has greatly damaged their vitality, they are at least more united, and the patriarch Lin Zhen has more control.

In the long run, there are advantages without disadvantages.

"How do you feel?" Lin Zhan came quietly.

"Tired." Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

It\'s really tiring to wait for appearance skills.

It\'s far more tiring than fighting a hard battle, but today I\'m the protagonist, and I can\'t help being polite.

"There\'s something else that makes you feel tired, ha ha." Lin Zhan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said happily, "you didn\'t see how tired you were when you beat me down that day." blinked, Lin Zhan whispered, "by the way, listen to Dad, you took out the 2000 Star Crystal this time?"

"Well." Lin Feng nodded without concealing, "why, are you short of money?"

"I\'m kidding! Lin Zhan will be short of money!" Lin Zhan raised his head and suddenly attached himself. "I\'m just curious. Where did you get so much money? 2000 Xingjing, that\'s 200 billion doling coins, several times more than all my possessions! To be honest, did the old man Lin Zhen secretly give it to you?"

Lin Feng smiled: "you know all this."

"Shit, I\'ll say!" Lin Zhanmeng got up and muttered, "this old man is really eccentric. He gave me so much pocket money."

"No, I want to talk to him!" Lin Zhan immediately flew away.

Looking at Lin Zhan\'s back, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

Lin Zhen has two sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Lin Zhan, is the most straightforward and suitable for making friends.

Lin Yi, the second son, is not like his father at all. He seems to be like his mother. He is cautious in his words and deeds. When Lin Zhan introduced himself to him that day, although he always kept smiling, he gives people a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away. Unlike Lin Zhan, he seems to be really like a brother.

As for my daughter Lin Lan, she seems to have been addicted to her sister.

But in fact, he is just a "fake".

The party will be over soon.

For Lin Feng, this is just a routine, just cooperate.

If it\'s not necessary, I really don\'t want to participate.

At this time——

In the cultivation room, Lin Feng and Lin Zhan compete again.

Although Lin Zhan\'s star dome pupil has reached the top of the third floor, even better than his father Lin Zhen, and is only one step away from breaking through to the fourth floor, he is still unable to cope with Lin Feng. Although the double pupil in self state has only two layers, its power is equivalent to the four layers of the first-class pupil, which is better than Lin zhangang.

"Come again!" Lin Zhan shook his teeth and got up again.

He lost again and again, but he was still full of fighting spirit and didn\'t admit defeat at all.

"Good." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. Every time he fought with Lin Zhan, he could feel the star dome pupil more deeply. After the last fight with Lin Zhan, I went back to latent cultivation for three days. The level of xingqiong pupil has reached the top level of the second floor, and I understand a lot.

The road is no longer far away from stepping into the third floor.

"It\'s better to fight and break through than to sit and realize the breakthrough."

"The source of power of the star dome pupil lies in the control of time and energy."

"Indeed, it should be \'the way of deceleration time\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear in his heart.

Fighting is the best way to break through. For the promotion of the star dome pupil, I already have a definite feeling. It\'s like seeing the outline, shape and even all the details of the road. The only difference is to step on this road and make my soul degenerate!

And Lin Zhan, who is cultivating the star dome pupil to the third layer, is the best opponent!

"Come!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were positive, and the star dome pupil was bright.

This time, I no longer use the "self state" and fight with a separate star dome pupil.

Of course, in terms of soul power, it is inferior to forest war.

But that\'s what you want!

Crisis, stress.

The greater the pressure of combat, the stronger the inhibition, and the stronger the outbreak!

The easier it is to break through.

"Star dome pupil!" Lin Zhan\'s eyes were bright.

The bright eyes constantly threaten Lin Feng.

It\'s not a direct attack. At present, it\'s not a fight between life and death, but the deceleration effect brought by the star dome pupil brings the threat of life and soul is completely real. In the battle of the warrior, the change of every inch of the region and the influence of every space are very important.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" "Jiong!" the fire was fierce, and Lin Zhan didn\'t keep his hand.

The sword in his hand condenses a strong flame, opening and closing, just like his character, like Mount Tai.

Use the deceleration effect to match with the melee attack to condense the fury of the way of fire. Lin Zhan, as its name suggests, is good at fighting. Its real strength is not as good as Lin Zhen and Lin Zhongxian, but in fact, it is not far away. It is at the same level as Lin Shi and Lin Peidi.

Star dome pupil, after all, is a pupil.

"That\'s the feeling."

"Yes, that\'s it."

Lin Feng\'s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but his star dome pupil was completely oppressed.

The same level of energy, but their own star dome pupil is just inferior to the forest war. Every oppression, every bondage of space, brings great pressure to yourself. In particular, the soul of life seemed to be pinched, as if out of breath.

However, just like a spring, the deeper the pressure, the stronger the extrusion——

Outbreak, the stronger!

Again and again.

"Peng!" something burst in my mind.

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his body seemed to become light in an instant, and the pressure of the surrounding deceleration space completely disappeared in an instant. At this moment, the collision of time and energy is still inferior to the forest war, but it is only inferior to the "quantity". In the same "quality", I am not inferior.

Stalemate and fight!

"I feel it."

"That\'s it!"

Outside the body, there is a thick time energy package. Facing the crazy attack of Lin Zhan\'s sabre, Lin Feng\'s face blooms a smile.

His star pupil finally broke through, and now the "way of time" is clearly printed into his mind.

Pop! Sitting cross legged in an instant, Lin Feng closed his eyes.

And now——

"Zheng." the sabre made a circle and fell into the scabbard.

"Hey, brother, elder brother retired with success." Lin Zhan smiled brightly and his eyes sparkled. "Really good qualification."

Lin Zhan left the cultivation room in a moment.

Looking back at Lin Feng who began to "realize", Lin Zhan smiled calmly, locked the door of the cultivation room and left immediately.