Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 947

Four eyes looked at each other, and Lin Feng looked calm.

He had already told Lin Zhen about it through Guan Zhong\'s mouth.

He knew that if he didn\'t even have this logical ability, Lin Zhen would definitely not be able to sit as a patriarch. Unlike his son Lin Zhan, Lin Zhen looks bold and straightforward, but he is rough and meticulous and careful. This can be seen from how to deal with what happened during this period.

Lin Feng smiled calmly. "The patriarch doesn\'t think there are many problems. Is it difficult... Really think I\'m your illegitimate son?"

"Cough." Lin Zhen\'s old face is red, but he had suspected for some time.

A little word eased the solemn atmosphere.

Lin Zhen looked at Lin Feng and nodded slowly. "In fact, I have always suspected it, but I have never confirmed it." after a pause, Lin Zhen pursed her lips, hesitated and asked, "Lin Feng, your father and mother... Are they all right?"

"Not good." Lin Feng shook his head decisively.

The fist was clenched fiercely and loosened slowly. Lin Zhen sighed, "in fact, I guessed that although I arranged for your parents to leave that day, the ancient people came after all. He left not long after your parents left. He should have found clues."

"He?" Lin Feng\'s eyes sank and his light flashed.

"Yes, the ancient saint." Lin Zhen\'s voice was very helpless.

Ancient saints!

Lin Feng\'s face was cold, but he heard the shocking news for the first time.

In those years, the saints were sent out to hunt down dad. No wonder dad would be embarrassed and escape to tianwu mainland. He would be so seriously injured. As far as I know, my father was the hope star of the family in those years. He was first-class in both strength and refining. Ordinary star domain level warriors couldn\'t help their father at all.

"Pa!" Lin Feng clenched his fists and flashed a fierce light between his eyebrows, "what\'s his name?"

He broke up his family, seriously injured his father and left his mother unaccounted for.

How can you swallow this breath!

If you have a chance one day, you will be the enemy.

"I don\'t know." Lin Zhen shook her head, looked up slightly and fell into thinking, "he came alone and left soon. Oh, yes!" Lin Zhen suddenly seemed to think of something and said, "I remember that his right index finger had a faucet ring, and his right wrist seemed to have been hurt and had a very deep scar."

Faucet ring? Scar on right wrist?

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and his heart immediately remembered that although there was a vast sea of people, it was better to have clues than not.

"But it\'s really strange. How can a saint\'s physical recovery ability leave a scar?" Lin Zhen murmured to herself, then shook her head. It was the level of Saint level, which he could not peep at. Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Zhen nodded happily, "if Xiao Tian\'s spirit in heaven sees such an excellent son, he will be deeply comforted."

Lin Feng shook his head, "Dad is not dead."

"What?!" Lin Zhen stared, "didn\'t you just say..."

"It\'s a long story." Lin Feng didn\'t continue the topic. His mood gradually calmed down. He looked at Lin Zhen and said positively, "patriarch, I want to know what happened that year. Please tell me exactly, as you promised me just now."

Lin Zhen nodded calmly, "I won\'t hide it from you. You really have the right to know about it."

His chest fluctuated slightly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling. He listened carefully.

What happened in those years, for myself——

Very important!

Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed, immersed in memories, and ran ran said, "say twenty years ago..."

In a quarter of an hour.

"Probably, that\'s it." Lin Zhen sighed. The secret had been hidden in his heart for twenty years.

Lin Feng clenched his fists at this time, his green tendons were exposed, and he felt strong anger.

As I guessed, my father and mother were indeed beaten with a stick that day. With the arrival of the ancient saint, the patriarch Lin Zhen arranged for the two to enter the secret road and elope from Jiuzhou. He knew nothing about the latter.

But what actually happened can be imagined.

It\'s not easy for Dad to keep a crippled life in the hands of the ancient saints.

"My mother... Her name is\' Jia Yazhu \'?" Lin Feng whispered softly.

"Yes, your mother should be a member of the ancient Qiang Feng nationality, but I\'m afraid only your father knows the specific identity." Lin Zhen shook her head with a bitter smile. "When your father brought your mother back to the family, I was deeply shocked. No one has been so bold in zhuquezhou, your father..."

"But it sets a precedent."

Lin Feng\'s look is constantly changing.

From head to tail, I heard Lin Zhen talk about what happened that year, and the mystery in my heart was finally solved.


"Why did the ancient people know this, and why did they know that my mother was hiding among the Lin family?" Lin Feng asked, looking straight at Lin Zhen.

"I\'ve always wondered about this." Lin Zhen frowned slightly and began slowly. "When your father took your mother back to the family, he didn\'t hold a wedding, but everything was simple. Except me, no one should know your mother\'s identity, let alone bored to explore a woman\'s identity background."

"Patriarch, your mother\'s identity was told by your father?" Lin Feng looked straight at Lin Zhen, bright and bright.

"Yes." Lin Zhen nodded, not avoiding Lin Feng\'s eyes.

The atmosphere seemed to solidify in this moment.

Three seconds later——

"I believe you." Lin Feng\'s eyes returned to normal. He couldn\'t see any lies from Lin Zhen\'s eyes. He also had star dome pupils. He could feel any change, but Lin Zhen\'s pupils were as calm as lake water.

The most important thing is that Dad can tell the news to the patriarch Lin Zhen, which shows his trust in the patriarch.

On the same day, Lin Zhen arranged for her father to escape into the tunnel and elope. It was also true.

Only the patriarch knows the tunnel of the family.

"I don\'t know if I should say something." Lin Zhen hesitated.

"Patriarch, but it doesn\'t hurt." Lin Feng said.

"Although it seems that you don\'t respect the dead, your uncle and your father\'s brother \'Lin Dadi\' should also know your mother\'s identity that day, except me." Lin Zhen looked at Lin Feng and said calmly, "later, there was a rumor that Lin Dadi deliberately betrayed your father for the position of vice patriarch."

Lin Feng nodded. Indeed, this kind of thing should not hide his close relatives.

It\'s the same to be yourself.


"Besides Lin Peidi, does Dad have another brother \'Lin Jing\'?" Lin Feng asked.

"Another brother? Lin Jing?" Lin Zhen was stunned. She didn\'t return for a long time. She suddenly widened her eyes and said in surprise, "you\'re talking about Lin Yumo\'s father, Lin Jing?"

"Exactly." Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Zhen was neither laughing nor crying, shook her head, "who told you?"

Lin Feng was also stunned, "isn\'t it?"

Lin Feng was surprised when his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

"Of course not." Lin Zhen smiled calmly, "but it\'s true that your father and Lin Jing have an excellent relationship. They even married Jinlan and married. In those years, your mother and Lin Yumo\'s mother conceived children together. The two families agreed that if one man and one woman, they would get married in the future."

"Ah?!" Lin Feng stared, completely stunned.

I didn\'t expect that the story would be like this. Then I and Yumo

Not brother and sister!

God, there was a big oolong.

It took Lin Feng a long time to breathe out. He was shocked and unbelievable. Remembering that he and Yumo met and knew each other, from indifference to the breaking of the cold ice, now Yumo and himself are like relatives. After so many things, the relationship between them seems to be

too bad!

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed and looked at Lin Zhen closely, "does Yu Mo know this?"

Lin Zhen looked at Lin Feng incomprehensibly. "You\'re like glue. You think Yu Mo won\'t know that you\'re so good at the moment?" Lin Zhen said earnestly. "Lin Feng, listen, don\'t let Yu Mo down. Yu Mo has suffered too much for your baby kiss, and she can accept you. In fact, we all feel a little surprised."

be finished!

Lin Feng\'s head is in a mess.

But I didn\'t expect that I was "making trouble" again this time.

I thought they were brothers and sisters, so I was unscrupulous and didn\'t have any taboos. But now jump out of the circle and carefully look at the relationship between the two people. Although he is like a sister, what about Yumo?

"Trouble! ~" Lin Feng sighed.

Now I have two wives, ziyao and Qianqian. I also know a little about the feeling between men and women.

Obviously, as the patriarch said, Yumo is right to himself

It has deep roots.

Being implicated by his own family, correctly speaking, he should be implicated by himself. Yumo will fall in the family and suffer so much from snacks. If it weren\'t for this marriage, how could Yumo\'s family be involved? Now she should live a happy life, not her relatives leave one by one, almost in despair.

When I think of it, my suffering is not worth mentioning compared with Yu mo.

If you fail her, will you still be human?


Sipping his lips, Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

Many things, in fact, can\'t help but make too many choices. For the enemy, I may be able to kill cleanly and decisively. But how can you be cruel to your relatives and to a person who is dedicated to yourself?

"Have a chance to have a good talk with Yumo." Lin Feng thought lightly.

Anyway, the matter needs to be settled.

But for now, there is a more important thing!

Since Lin Jing is not his uncle, in other words, what the patriarch said is likely to be true. Lin Dadi is really likely to betray his father! Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and his heart was clear. Looking at Lin Jiandi, he seemed to be a hero and did everything to achieve his goal. My father was the only candidate for the vice patriarch, and Lin Dadi was only the second candidate!

Motivation. It seems to have.

It\'s really hard to believe that Lin can do such shameful things for power and status!

But as I had calculated, in my father\'s letter, I didn\'t mention anything about my brother Lin Fudi.

What does that mean?

"Father, I also suspect it\'s him." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.