Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 946

Suddenly interrupted, the messenger in Chinese clothes frowned, slightly unhappy.

"No rules." the messenger in Chinese clothes glanced at the two people, raised his head, still carrying his hands, and looked arrogant.

"What are you doing here!" Lin Zhen glanced at the messenger in Chinese clothes, and then whispered to Lin Zhan, slightly angry.

At present, he and Lin Yan are receiving "distinguished guests", so it would be disgraceful for the family to be disturbed on the way. If it were just an ordinary guest, but in front of him, the messenger in gorgeous clothes was a man of "county and city government". He was in a high position and power. Even he had to look at other people\'s faces.

"I......" Lin Zhan scratched his head, but he didn\'t know why his father was angry.

"I asked big brother to bring me." Lin Feng took a step forward and interrupted.

Hearing this strange address, Lin Zhen was stunned, and immediately frowned again.

But now on such occasions, he doesn\'t have much communication with Lin Feng.

"When I finish this, I\'ll find you." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were deep and whispered to Lin Fengdao.

"Can you handle it?" Lin Feng smiled calmly. His eyes swept over the messenger in Chinese clothes and his followers behind him, as if he were making a fuss over the host. He didn\'t pay attention to Lin Zhen and Lin Yan at all. Just looking at the arrogant appearance, we can see that it\'s general, and the most important——

I heard all their conversations just now.

It is obvious that Lin Zhen, the patriarch of the clan, is in a dilemma.

"This..." four eyes looked at each other. Lin Zhen knew that Lin Feng couldn\'t hide it. He closed his eyes and signaled that things were not easy to do.

"Give it to me." Lin Feng smiled and nodded to Lin Zhen.

The latter light Leng, Lin Yan\'s face changed greatly, and said, "Lin Feng, these are distinguished guests, you must not..."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t mess around." Lin Feng raised his hand and interrupted, feeling dumbfounded.

In Lin Yan\'s eyes, he seems to have become a "reckless man" who has to solve a disagreement.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t explain too much, but took a step directly, turned around and faced the messenger in Chinese clothes.

"Hello." Lin Feng smiled.

The messenger in Chinese clothes frowned and felt very unhappy.

But I don\'t know what the Lin family means. What is it to send such a young generation to receive themselves?

His face was cold, and the messenger in Chinese clothes was waiting to speak.


A black light flashed in front of him, and the expression of the messenger in Chinese clothes suddenly solidified. His open mouth was enough to swallow an egg. Staring at the front, the young man with a simple black token in his hand was completely stunned.

Lin Zhen and Lin Zhan were also stunned and unsure.

Only Lin Yan opened his eyes in horror and said, "this is... Heiyao token???"


Heiyao token!

Four words fell like thunder.

WOW! WOW! WOW! In an instant, there was a neat sound of kneeling. Led by the messenger in Chinese clothes, dozens of martial artists from the county and city government immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully, "I\'ve seen your excellency." they looked like they were half bossy, just like soldiers who dared not move at all when they saw the general.

Lin Zhan was a little silly, but after Lin Zhen was stunned, a thick surprise flashed on her face and looked at Lin Yan. They even nodded.

But unexpectedly, Lin Feng had the legendary "Heiyao token" representing his noble status!

This is the keepsake of the county and city Lord \'Wang mo\'.

See the token, such as the Buddha.

"Get up." Lin Feng said calmly.

"Lord Xie." all the fighters led by the messenger in Chinese clothes immediately got up. However, except the messenger in Chinese clothes, they all bowed their heads and dared not look directly.

"Dare you ask, sir, this is..." the messenger in Chinese clothes asked carefully.

"This matter has something to do with me. I don\'t know if you want to check it out?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, with a continuous light in his pupils.

"Subordinates dare not." the messenger in Chinese clothes bowed his head.

"Well, don\'t let your brothers come in vain and accept the \'gift\'." Lin Feng opened his mouth slowly.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction.

But I don\'t want Lin Feng to be young and sophisticated, but he knows a lot.

Although Heiyao token can solve the current situation, I\'m afraid there may be variables after the messenger in Chinese clothes returns to the county city hall. As the saying goes, eating people\'s mouths is short and taking people\'s hands is soft. Once you accept this gift, even if you go back, you won\'t have much problem.

"This..." Huafu messenger hesitated slightly.

Once he accepts the "gift", it means that the matter will be settled.

But don\'t take it?

"Don\'t you give me some thin noodles?" Lin Feng\'s voice was calm, but the smile on his face disappeared in a flash.

He changed his face as soon as he said he would. The speed of the change made the Chinese messenger\'s heart tremble fiercely.


"Don\'t dare, subordinates don\'t dare." the Chinese messenger even flattered and laughed, turned back and drank, "come on, accept the patriarch\'s meeting gifts, and turn back to share them with the brothers." the people behind him were immediately happy, and even ran over happily. The "gifts" given by the Lin family are not inferior goods.

act tough and talk soft!

Lin Feng smiled again and was quite satisfied.

"What\'s your name, brother?" Lin Feng chatted casually.

"My subordinate \'Wang Yi\' is the cousin of the county and city Lord." the Chinese messenger \'Wang Yi\' quickly introduced himself with great joy.

It was a cost-effective trip to let the big man holding the Hei Yao token remember his name. It was much more expensive than the box of "meeting gifts". In fact, with his strength and status, he naturally does not lack so much money.

"After a long journey, I\'ll stay and have a casual meal later." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Good, good!" Wang Yilian nodded and smiled.

It\'s hard to get in touch with the big man in front of us.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan nodded suddenly.

Only then did I know that Wang Yi\'s backstage was so big. No wonder oil and salt didn\'t enter and couldn\'t bribe.

"Hoo ~ ~" long breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Zhen\'s hanging heart was finally put down. Lin Feng came forward, and the matter was finally suppressed. In addition, there was no news from Lin Yan, and the whole thing seemed to have ended perfectly.

"There should be no more trouble?" Lin Zhen said secretly.

The eyelids are beating and always feel like forgetting something.

The feast was full.

Led by Lin Feng, everything goes smoothly.

All the martial arts in the county and city government have followed Wang Yi\'s lead. Now Wang Yi tries to flatter Lin Feng and flatter the big man. All the followers are soft in accepting gifts, so everyone is happy. A meal is very enjoyable and lively. Everyone laughs and forms a group.

Lin Zhen is undoubtedly the most delighted.

Now, things are not only solved perfectly, but also climbed up to Wang Yi, the cousin of the county city Lord.

It can be said that there are twists and turns and double happiness.

"Hey, brother." Lin Zhan approached and whispered, "that black token is so awesome? How did you get it?"

Lin Feng smiled, "in exchange for a personal feeling."

On that day, Wang Mo, the county mayor, gave himself this black shining token entirely because of Shi Zhi\'s heart.

To be exact, in order to release the people behind Zhi\'s heart.

The Holy One \'shakara\'.

At the beginning, I didn\'t care much, but I didn\'t expect that at present, I was lucky to avoid a potential "crisis" by relying on this. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright. He looked around at the enthusiastic and cheerful people in the county and city government. He felt that "power" was really useful sometimes.

"Can you show me, brother?" Lin Zhan\'s eyes lit up and said curiously.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and handed it over.

Looking up and down, Lin Zhan was quite curious, just like a big boy.

"Like it? Here you are." Lin Feng smiled.

"Eh?" Lin Zhan was surprised.

"It\'s no use for me to keep it. Take it." Lin Feng said softly.

"Really?" Lin Zhan\'s eyes lit up.

"The words are all spoken. Is that still false?" Lin Feng smiled. "Aren\'t we two brothers? Mine is yours. It\'s too polite."

"Oh, oh." Lin Zhan felt happy and hugged Lin Feng\'s shoulder. "Well said, the two brothers should be like this! Brother, I really like you so much. You are much more generous than the second brother." Lin Zhan thumbed up and patted his chest, "I\'ll cover you in Shiluo County in the future. If you have anything to do, just come to brother."

"That\'s what you said." Lin Feng smiled.

Heiyao token really doesn\'t play a big role for yourself.

But for the family, it is of considerable use. At present, all this can be seen in general.

Giving this black Yao token to Lin Zhan is actually equivalent to giving it to patriarch Lin Zhen, and he can use it to have a good relationship with Lin Zhan and kill two birds with one stone. I didn\'t mean that before, but after I came into contact with Lin Zhan, I found that his "star dome pupil" was even better than his father!

Green is better than blue!

Looking at Lin Zhan\'s happy appearance, Lin Feng flashed his eyes and smiled cunningly.

It\'s the so-called coming and going.

The party will soon be over.

Wang Yi and others were satisfied and left happily.

Lin Zhen also breathed a sigh. Anyway, the impact of the civil war this month can finally come to an end. Although the strength of the family was greatly damaged this time, the good thing is that the foundation has not been shaken. At least it has retained its effective strength and can recover slowly in decades or even hundreds of years.

After all, the inheritance of the craftsman has not disappeared.

And now——

In the secret room, Lin Zhen and Lin Feng look at each other.

After the civil war, I finally had time to sit down and have a good talk.

Understand this complex relationship that can\'t be explained and rationalized!

"I think you must have a lot of questions." Lin Zhen took the lead in breaking the atmosphere.

"Isn\'t the patriarch the same?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"OK." Lin Zhen\'s eyes twinkled. "There\'s no third person here. Today, we\'ll make it clear." indeed, looking at Lin Feng, Lin Zhen looked just like, "now we\'re in the same boat. I hope we can be frank with each other and don\'t hide anything."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and nodded, "it suits me."

After waiting for a long time, I have done so many things for this moment.

Find out what happened that year!

"First of all, the first question is the most important one." Lin Zhen stared at Lin Feng and said in a deep voice, "tell me! Is your father..."

"Lin Xiaotian?" Lin Zhen looked awe inspiring.