Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 945

Time passes day by day.

Just as it is not easy for the fire of swallowing and the fire of rebirth to understand the way of star technology, so is the pupil of the star dome.

Although Lin Feng\'s qualification is indeed good, his perception can not be completed in a moment. If not, the proportion will not be so rare when the star master level is upgraded to the star domain level, which requires a strong understanding and a deep understanding of the way of time.

Lin Feng, after all, is just a beginner.

"Time energy absorption is already sufficient."

"With the promotion of life soul, the star dome pupil has reached the top of the second floor. Now -"

"Only lack of understanding and breakthrough!"

Lin Feng looked calm and meticulous.

But the more anxious, the more difficult it is to understand.

After all, this is not like the increase of pupil energy in the star dome, which changes with the continuous absorption of energy over time.

This requires a \'qualitative change\'!

"What\'s missing?"

"What else is almost..."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows tightened, and all the information of the star dome pupil constantly appeared in his mind, but it was just exercise and cultivation. As for how to understand, it seemed that it was different from personal nature. It was in his mind that Lin Feng was stunned, and all the information in his mind was erased in time.

Everything, pause in a moment.

Memory, back to the place of blood inheritance on that day.

At the moment when I finally worked with clan leader Lin Zhen to defeat Lin Zhongxian, I felt a point

"Yes, the power of the star dome pupil!"

"The powerful energy that changes the control of surrounding time!"

Lin Feng opened his eyes and stood up.

He shook his head in a funny way.

Don\'t let go of the great opportunity in front of you. Why do you have to cover your head and realize it?

"The patriarch also cultivates the star dome pupil, and the \'Tao\' of his star dome pupil seems to be much better than me."

"If I can watch his performance closely, and even teach by example, I will benefit from it. Moreover, my star pupil is a special pupil of the \'learning department\'."

"Have basic capabilities -"


Inner city.

"Please inform the patriarch that Lin Feng wants to see you." Lin Feng spoke softly.

"Lin Feng?" the two guards looked at each other, but they had never heard of the name.

"You are..." one of them hesitated.


"He is a martial artist of the sub lineal family and enjoys the treatment of distinguished guests." Xu slowly stepped out of the hall. He was dressed in blue and white armor and thought about his body very much. His slender and tall body had a refreshing breath. His face was somewhat similar to Lin Zhen, and the most striking was undoubtedly his eyes.

It\'s moving!

As bright as stars.

"Star dome pupil?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up immediately.

I\'m familiar with the star dome pupil. It\'s like seeing someone wearing the same clothes as myself.

The identity of the visitor is ready to be revealed. Among the Lin family, there are and only two people who have star dome pupils.

Lin Zhen and his eldest son Lin Zhan.

"Dad isn\'t here. Let\'s talk while walking." Lin Zhan smiled and walked towards Lin Feng, hugged Lin Feng\'s shoulder, and his bright eyes were shining.

"Er." Lin Feng was quite surprised, but he didn\'t meet Lin Zhan for the first time.

But he was obviously a little too enthusiastic.

"Could it be..." Lin Feng suddenly moved in his heart.

"How do you think, you should not be as old as me. Call big brother in the future." Lin Zhan smiled brightly at Lin Feng. "Although you and I were not born of the same mother, you and I always have the same blood. There\'s no need to see outside. Let\'s take you to meet your second brother \'Lin Yi\' and younger sister \'Lin Lan\'."

"Sure enough." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

But Lin Zhan really regarded himself as Lin Zhen\'s "illegitimate son".


"How do you know?" Lin Feng said strangely.

Although there is no airtight wall, Lin Zhen will not publicize it everywhere.

Lin Zhan smiled, "it happened that I overheard it. Dad thought I wouldn\'t know if he didn\'t say it. He would underestimate me." Lin Zhan\'s eyes flashed and elated, "I also heard that he was discussing with Yan Lao to take you as an adopted son and roundly and skillfully set a name. Just admit it as I said. What\'s shameful, really."

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, but Lin Zhan\'s personality is more free and easy than his father.

Straightforward and heroic, you know there\'s no intention at first glance.

"I don\'t care." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

His eyes flashed lightly, but his heart understood Lin Zhen\'s motivation.

If you accept yourself as an adopted son, the name is father son relationship. Whether you really have a father and son is no longer important.

At least, it can confuse the public.

"Oh, I said, brother." Lin Zhan looked at Lin Feng up and down and joked, "you\'re too generous. For me, hum, the old man doesn\'t recognize me. I don\'t want to recognize him!" then Lin Zhan couldn\'t help shaking his head and looked speechless to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled dumbly, "by the way, brother Lin Zhan, where has the patriarch gone?"

"Still called the patriarch?" Lin Zhan frowned. "It\'s time to call me \'dad\', and I should call me \'big brother\', do you hear me?"

"OK, big brother." Lin Feng smiled.

It\'s not a bad thing to have one more "big brother".

Being an adopted child seems quite interesting. At least there are many more friends. No, it should be said that they are brothers and sisters.

Lin Zhan nodded with a teachable expression and said: "there has been a civil strife a while ago. The family has changed greatly. The Deputy clan leader and the eldest elder have been detained. There are people from the county and city government. It seems that they want to investigate this matter. It sounds very troublesome."

"Trouble?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Yes, the saint has made rules. No force is allowed in all large and middle districts of Shiluo county." Lin Zhan said, "violators..." after a long time, Lin Zhan didn\'t remember, and suddenly looked at Lin Feng, "what will happen to violators, brother?"

"How do I know?" Lin Feng laughed.

"Anyway, it\'s not a good thing." Lin Zhan murmured, "don\'t worry about him. Anyway, my father will deal with it. Go for a walk." he smiled quietly. Even if Lin Zhan Xuan threw the matter away, "I\'m glad to see you. She\'s not the smallest one at last, ha ha!"

Lin Feng smiled, but he felt helpless about Lin Zhan, the "big brother".

It\'s really none of his business. Lin Zhan\'s character is really free and easy.


"I don\'t know if it\'s really troublesome?" Lin Feng frowned.

Lin Zhan may not care, but he can\'t turn a deaf ear. After all, this matter is closely related to him.

If one can\'t handle it well, it will really cause great trouble for both the family and himself.

"Wait, people from the county government?" suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and stopped.

"What\'s the matter, brother?" Lin Zhan looked back and said in surprise.

"Take me to see the patriarch, big brother." Lin Feng opened his mouth gently.

"Ah?" Lin Zhan was stunned.

Lin Fengxin smiled. "Maybe I can help \'dad\' solve this problem."

In the lobby.

"I say again, take me to the prison." his voice was calm and powerful, with pride. It was a man in gorgeous clothes. With his hands on his back, his head slightly raised, and the logo of "county and city government" printed on his chest, he wants to be high in identity and status.

"This... I\'m afraid it\'s inconvenient, sir." Lin Zhen was careful not to offend.

Although he had absolute power in the family, he had to be humble in the face of the envoys of the "county and city government".

Perhaps the emissary in front of him does not have real power, or how powerful he is, but he represents the "county and city government" and the person in charge of the whole Shiluo county——

County mayor.

"Don\'t tell me such nonsense." the messenger of Chinese clothes tilted his eyebrows and said coldly, "I don\'t care what family you can\'t help. There is no place in Shiluo county where the county city Lord can\'t enter! If you don\'t take me today, you will disobey the order of the County City Lord."

"What sin should we commit!" the messenger in Chinese clothes ordered him, and his voice was very loud.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan frowned tightly, but they were very touchy.

Now, neither advance nor retreat.

"There\'s more." the messenger of Chinese clothes made a cold scratch on the corner of his mouth and scornfully compared the gold box on one side with his fingers. "Put away your meaningless\' meeting gifts\'. I\'m not here for greedy money and want to buy me?" the messenger of Chinese clothes snorted and stared, "I think you must have done something unseen!"

Lin Zhen\'s forehead was sweating like thunder.

I thought I could get rid of it with money, but I didn\'t expect the other party to even look at it.

Quite troublesome.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other. They made eye contact and felt helpless.

In this way, they can only make a backup plan. Long ago, they had sent people to disguise as Lin Zhongxian and others. If they were unfamiliar county and city government envoys, they should be able to hide it from the world. But in front of him, he can not only shout out the name of "Lin Zhongxian", but also seems to know him.

Can you hide it?

Lin Zhen is not sure.

Once the backup plan fails, they will be charged with "deception".

Quite serious!

Moreover, in order to eliminate future troubles, Lin Zhongxian and others had to be killed. This is undoubtedly harmful to others and not to himself. It is harmful to the family, but it has to be done in order to cover up the secret. At that time, in the face of the severe punishment of the county mayor and the family civil strife again.

I\'m afraid

Lin Zhen didn\'t dare to think about it.

I was afraid that the Lin family would be destroyed in his hands.

As a patriarch, he must be conscientious and considerate at every step, but now he has to walk on the steel wire, which is extremely dangerous.

If you make a mistake, you will lose everything.

"Have you thought about it?" the messenger of Chinese clothes frowned and shouted impatiently.

Lin Zhen\'s eyes changed rapidly, but there was nothing to do at present. Although she was very reluctant, she still nodded, and her voice was a little hoarse, "OK, Messenger."

As soon as the sound fell, suddenly——

"Dad!" the familiar voice sounded, and Lin Zhen was stunned.

Looking at him, he saw Lin Zhan waving to him with a sullen smile.

The most amazing thing is that beside Lin Zhan, the figure dressed in black military uniform is very familiar. Lin Zhen stared with horror.

Lin Feng?

What\'s he doing here!?