Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 944

Lin family.

"Thanks to you this time, yanlao." Lin Zhen smiled.

"It\'s too polite to say this after so many years of friendship." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said hehe.

In the land of blood inheritance, no one knows, but the two played a double reed, making the remaining eight strong members of the Lin family "obedient". Regardless of his reputation and status, Lin Yan is a "representative" among the remaining nine people. It is like a weathervane. Lin Yan was pushed out to represent their wishes and decisions.

Suddenly I didn\'t know that Lin Yan and Lin Zhen had a very tacit understanding.

"Did the patriarch blame the old man for not standing on your side that day?" Lin Yan\'s eyes flashed.

"I know Yan Lao must have a plan." Lin Zhen smiled brightly.

Lin Yan smiled calmly. "I didn\'t hide it from the patriarch. In fact, I thought you would lose that day. Instead of dying with me, I might as well leave my body. Maybe I can find a way to save the patriarch you, but I didn\'t expect..." Lin Yan\'s eyes flashed and whispered, "Lin Feng was born in the sky, breaking all the rules and dogmas and reversing the situation."

"I didn\'t expect it either." Lin Zhen was in a good mood, nodded and smiled. "I want to... Lin Zhen will die in peace."

"Of course." Lin Yan stroked his long beard. "In fact, the most important thing is that my old bone can stand fighting."

Lin Zhen smiled calmly. He really didn\'t blame Lin Yan.

In terms of strength, Lin Yan can\'t even rank in the top ten in the family, and it doesn\'t help to participate in the battle.

It would be better to be a weathervane to keep other elders and elders neutral. However, he did not expect that this "weathervane" could help stabilize the situation. It was an unexpected surprise.

"Lin Zhongxian, Lin Shi and Lin Mo have been put in prison for the crime of rebellion." Lin Yan opened his mouth with a deep voice and was lonely. "The pulse of Lin land is also closed, and the civil war is a complete end, but..." he sighed softly, and Lin Yanna said, "in this battle, my Lin family\'s vitality has been greatly damaged."

Lin Shi, Lin Mo, as an elder, Lin Zhongxian\'s relationship is very complicated and huge.

As the vice chief of the clan, Lin zhe Di is the pillar of the clan. In particular, he is not only a ground level tool refiner, but also the best star armor refiner in the family, which is better than Lin Yan. Including Lin Zhongxian, in the family, the comprehensive strength of refining tools is second only to Lin Yan.

It can be said that the death and abolition of the two people dealt a great blow to the Lin family.

"There\'s no way. The branches and leaves are rotten and must be cut off." Lin Zhen sighed lightly with deep eyes. "At present, the most troublesome thing is that there is civil strife in the family. The county city Lord will send someone to check. I don\'t know if he can prevaricate it at that time. The weapon refiner alliance is also very troublesome. Lin Zhongxian and Lin Zhendi are members of the weapon refiner alliance after all..."

"Let me take over the alliance of weapon refiners." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "my old bone speaks a little. It\'s not difficult to press it down."

"Then the trouble will grow old." Lin Zhen smiled and nodded.

But he knew that Lin Yanqian was modest. With his qualifications and status, he was very successful in the alliance of tool refiners in Shiluo county.

The alliance of weapon smelters has been settled, but I don\'t know what will happen to the county and city leaders. After all, strictly speaking, the civil strife really violated the "rules" formulated by the saints. However, there is nothing to do now. We can only take one step at a time.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Zhen took a long breath. These days, he felt as tired as he had been for several years.

Fortunately, however, the storm of civil strife finally subsided, and he should meet the "originator" of the storm——

Lin Feng.

Linfeng mansion.

"I\'ve seen the patriarch." Guan Zhong arched his hand in surprise.

He never thought that Lin Zhen, as the patriarch, would come.

"Don\'t be polite. Where\'s Lin Feng?" Lin Zhen waved her hand casually without any airs. She was in plain martial clothes, and there was no one behind her. His relationship with Lin Feng is "secret", and he has signed a contract and issued a password. No one knows except the people in the place of blood inheritance that day.

"Young master, he\'s closed." Guan Zhong replied truthfully.

"Shut up?" Lin Zhen frowned.

"Yes." Guan Zhong nodded and slowly opened his mouth, "the young master asked me to tell the patriarch three words."

"Oh?" Lin Zhen\'s eyes burned when he heard the words. "Which three words?"

"Lin Xiaotian." Guan Zhong read it word by word.

In an instant——

WOW! Lin Zhen\'s face suddenly changed and her eyes widened.

This name also gave a password in the family. Judging from Lin Feng\'s age, he simply can\'t know this "name". Most importantly, at this moment, Lin Feng told him the meaning of this name? Lin Zhen\'s chest fluctuated constantly, and her heart became brighter and brighter.

Combined with the scenes in the blood pool, Lin Feng\'s strange behavior, the mysterious origin and the identity of the lineal blood of the Lin family, he can almost confirm a fact.

Lin Feng, nine times out of ten, is the son of Lin Xiaotian!

His mother was an ancient woman who caused a great storm in the family 20 years ago——

Jia Yazhu!

"Unexpectedly, it\'s true." Lin Zhen murmured.

Although I had doubts before, I was not sure.

Now, finally get the answer.

"Xiao Tian, Xiao Tian, what a surprise." Lin Zhen sighed helplessly.

"More than twenty years ago, I personally sent you away. I didn\'t expect that your son would come back to me more than twenty years later."

"Besides, it\'s another big storm. Did I owe you in my last life?"

With a long sigh, Lin Zhen felt helpless and remembered the events of that year.

When the ancient people didn\'t know how to get the news, they came to catch Lin Xiaotian and Jia Yazhu. He hid them in the tunnel, arranged them to escape, and nominally expelled Lin Xiaotian from the Lin family to ensure the safety of the family.

In fact, not many people know Jia Yazhu\'s identity.

"After Lin Feng leaves the pass, ask him to come to me." Lin Zhen said slowly.

"OK, clan leader." Guan Zhongying said.

Lin Zhen gave a long sigh and even turned away, as if she were much older in a moment.

He would not betray Lin Feng, just as he did not betray Lin Xiaotian and his wife that day. Even if Lin Feng did not sit in the same boat with him, he would not do so. As a patriarch, although he should be selfless, Lin Zhen is not a person with little love and righteousness. He has his bottom line.

What\'s more, what can he get by selling Lin Feng?

Family, what can you get?

Linfeng mansion, training room.

The surrounding time energy continuously infiltrates into the forest wind body, forming an invisible existence like a vortex.

Time energy!

"The basic ability of the star dome pupil is\' simulation \', which belongs to the special pupil of the imitation system."

"Every move and ability I have seen will be deeply simulated in my mind and replayed in the form of deceleration."

"This is exactly the \'way\' of the star dome pupil and the way of deceleration time."

"The understanding of Tao determines everything."

Lin Feng is immersed in the encirclement of time.

The soul of life is full, and the stronger the soul of life, the stronger the ability to perceive time, and its own understanding of the "Tao of time" is also very important. Just like constellation sensitivity, the stronger the constellation sensitivity, the stronger the ability to perceive the way of time.

The strength of the soul is equivalent to the amount of constellation energy.

"Only when the second eye pupil reaches the third level can it understand the existence of \'Tao\'."

"But the first pupil, as long as the second layer, can begin to understand."

"And I should... Only be one and a half."

Lin Feng thought to himself.

After all, my star dome pupil is half less.

"I thought it was just twice the cultivation time..." Lin Feng whispered in his heart.

In fact, at least several times the efficiency is reduced. Besides, the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil need to be cultivated separately. Only the sensitivity of the two drops by 50%, the efficiency of cultivation has been reduced by as much as half. Fortunately, the combined power of the two is really good, which can also make up the gap.

Even if it\'s only the second level, it\'s better than the third level. Even if it\'s a little better than the fourth level.

As for the second gear pupil, not to mention, even the sixth floor can be defeated. On that day, the self state of the second layer can beat the fifth layer of Bai Mu Tong in Lin Di, which can be seen as general. Moreover, we should know that the power of the "life soul" of Lin Dadi is more powerful than Lin Feng.

However, the class gap is too large.

"If only we could use the array of time engraving patterns." Lin Feng felt helpless.

At first, I thought I could practice slowly in the array of engraving patterns, but obviously this is not the case. In the array of engraving patterns, the environment is completely changed and the way of time is disordered, just like refining utensils can\'t be carried out in the engraving patterns of time, so can understanding the way of time.

Only the cultivation of star skills has no obstacles.

Because star technology is only a simple understanding, an immersion of consciousness.

Unlike the cultivation at present, it needs one of the four cores hidden in time——

Time energy.

In the blood pool.

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" the water in the blood pool keeps churning.

Lin Ying sits in the blood pool of fire elements, and his potential is constantly developed. Now his eyes are no longer pale and dead, but just like the stars. Just like Lin Feng\'s eyes, the feeling of space is quite strong.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!".

"How difficult it is to cultivate the pupil of the first gear. Lin Zhen\'s old fox star dome pupil is only the third layer."

"My second grade pupil \'Bai Mu Tong\' has been cultivated to the fifth level. Now, the second excitation of the blood pool makes Bai Mu Tong advanced and condensed into a \'xingcang Tong\', and even the level will be retained. As long as it is completely transformed, at that time..."

"I can have the fifth layer of a star pupil!"

"Who can stop it?"

When Lin Zhen thought of it, he was very excited, and his ugly face was even more ferocious.

Indeed, whether it is a special eye pupil or a special bone, the higher the grade, the more difficult it is to practice. The first eye pupil is better than the second eye pupil. I don\'t know how many.

"Unfortunately, it takes quite a long time to turn the white Mu pupil on the fifth floor into a star grey pupil."

"Let you live a little longer."

Lin Zhen smiled coldly and didn\'t care.

This "time" is almost negligible compared to the fifth level of star pupil.

Now, there is no need to practice, every moment——

He is understanding!