Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 943

The Lin family is still so lively and prosperous at this time.

In qianluo District, the Lin family has a unique status and glory. Even in the whole Shiluo County, the Lin family has a place. It is famous for its strong foundation of tool refiner family. However, no people know that there was a huge civil war just now in the place of blood inheritance!

A war enough to subvert the whole Lin family.

Linfeng mansion.

When Lin Feng returned safely, he didn\'t look like he had just experienced a battle of life and death.

In fact, it is true.

"Young master, you... Seem to have changed a little?" Guan Zhong\'s eyes were very sharp.

"Yes, double happiness." Lin Feng smiled calmly and did not hide his joy.

It\'s no surprise that Guan Zhong can see through himself. Although Guan Zhong has only the strength of the star master level, after all, he was once a strong star domain level. His experience and vision will not change with the decline of his strength. This time, I experienced blood pool washing, marrow cutting and body cutting to improve my potential. I made a qualitative leap in both strength and potential.

Especially the star sky pupil and star dome pupil.

The eye is the window of the soul.

"Congratulations, young master." Guan Zhong was surprised and congratulated.

Smiling slightly, Lin Feng nodded to Guan Zhong, "ah Zhong, I want to shut up. If the patriarch wants to find me, tell him three words for me."

"Ah?" Guan Zhong looked surprised.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, "Lin Xiaotian."

Practice room.

Lin Feng enters the pattern carving array for 300 times.

Just to fuse blood and stimulate potential, there must be a period of precipitation, especially now——

Great progress in strength!

"I hope you don\'t let me down, patriarch." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly ran.

The reason why Guan Zhong told Lin Zhen was that, on the one hand, it was a natural thing, and now it was time to show his identity. On the other hand, I also want to see what the patriarch Lin Zhen\'s reaction to this matter will be. The period of my isolation is just a buffer period.

Including clan leader Lin Zhen, I\'m afraid he was busy and had a headache for some time.

It is not only necessary to appease the people led by Lin Yan, but also to deal with three major problems. It is also necessary to face the changes of personnel in the family, the factions led by Lin Zhongxian and Lin Peidi, as well as their relatives and friends. The whole thing needs a full stop. It can\'t be finished in a moment.

"If you let your brother Lin Yun deal with this trivial matter, you will be familiar with it."

"But let me do it..."

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, but he could only shake his head.

For myself, it is far less simple and direct than cultivation.

"Whether tianwu mainland or fighting spirit world, it is the same. The winner is the king."

"Big fist is the truth."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and knew the key to this battle.

Both in terms of reason and situation, our side was completely defeated by the Lin Peidi department.

But so what?

He who laughs to the end is always himself.

"But the blood pool is mysterious." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and felt curious.

The further down, the larger the blood pool, not only the water pressure increases sharply, but also the attack of fire element becomes more and more fierce. When the recovery speed of his rebirth fire can\'t catch up with the consumption speed, he can\'t explore further, so the search can only end in failure.

"Generation after generation, it can awaken the blood of the Lin family."

"This blood pool is an unusual thing. There must be a big secret in the depths of the blood pool."

"Unfortunately, I can\'t peep now."

Lin Feng sighed. Although he was curious, he had nothing to do.

After all, I can\'t \'conquer\' this blood pool with my current strength.

"The key is strength."

"Practice first. Anyway, the blood pool is there and won\'t run."

"One day, I\'ll make great progress in my strength. When I explore the blood pool again, the truth will come out."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and nodded slowly.

The bottom of the blood pool.

At this time, a figure covered with blood mist was wrapped in a flame boiling.

Ten thousand fire devours the body, but it is easy to set it.

"Haha, haha! I can\'t imagine that Lin pengdi can\'t die like this!!!" the laughter is very sad and his face is a little twisted. Lin pengdi\'s face is ferocious and terrible, dark as coke, very terrible, like a fierce ghost.

That handsome face has long been destroyed.

Not only the face, but also the skin on the body seems to be burned, which is extremely frightening.

However, Lin Dadi did not die.

"Xingcang Tong, I didn\'t expect that there was xingcang Tong blood on me!" the cold light in Lin\'s eyes condensed the powerful space force. Thinking of the scene of falling into the blood pool just now, Lin felt the rest of his life. It was incredible.

I fought hard and burst out all the strength in the end, but I still failed.

The power of the blood pool can\'t be resisted by the seriously injured Lin Dadi, even in its heyday, because he doesn\'t have the rebirth fire like Lin Feng. With the complete depletion of his strength, Lin Dadi was disillusioned. Although he had great hatred and died in peace, but

But he couldn\'t help but deny it.

This is life.

He was very unwilling to lose.

Take advantage, but lose in the hands of a yellow haired boy.

"I remember my father once mentioned that both my great and distant ancestors have xingcang pupils, but xingcang pupils have disappeared since liezu."

"It didn\'t disappear, but it was hidden in the blood."

"Cannot fire on!"

Lin\'s eyes were frozen. He was almost dead just now.

The body has been devoured by the violent flame, and life and death are only a line. But the strong reluctance and hatred, the strong will to survive, forcibly pulled him back from the edge of death. More than that, this willpower has stimulated the tiny blood of the "star pupil" that has been hidden in the body.

Second metamorphosis!

It is an unprecedented secondary potential stimulation that has never been recorded in the family tree.

But it just happened.

"Lin Zhen, Lin Feng, you can\'t think of the it!" Lin Zhen laughed fiercely with the a ferocious face.

"God has eyes. I can be blessed by misfortune. I have star pupil. I will fly to the sky in time!"

"Just wash your neck and wait."

Lin Fudi clenched his teeth and looked ferocious.

"When I bleed."

"One by one, all of you have to die!"

"Don\'t leave half!!!"

Anger and hatred are also a force that can not be underestimated.

Lin Dadi not only has these two qualities, but also has the same qualification as his brother Lin Xiaotian.

Just like Lin Feng, it is always hidden in the body.

Now, full release!

In the cultivation room, Lin Feng has already started latent cultivation.

The blood pool energy absorbed by the body still has residues, which supplement the physique, strengthen cells and make the whole body slowly and stably degenerate. For Lin Feng, the biggest change in entering the blood pool this time is the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, which are now different.

Real change.

"The star dome pupil controls the way of time."

"The star pupil controls the way of space."

"Only on the power of the star dome pupil, I can only play half, and the star sky pupil is the same."

"But once the two merge, they are completely different."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was bright.

It\'s like their own fire of swallowing and rebirth. Let alone the perfect integration between the two, it\'s just a simple magnetic pole collision, and its power is unimaginable. The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil are the same, but they are different from fire.

Because the two are not exclusive.

It should even be said that the two themselves belong to a quite consistent category.

As if they were one.

"The initial integration is mutual adaptation and cooperation, individual cultivation and individual cooperation."

"Let\'s call it \'self state\'."

Lin Feng smiled slightly. Before entering the blood pool, he had understood it by mistake. After entering the blood pool, the self state will rise to the second level, because the transformed star sky pupil and star dome pupil have reached the second level at this time.

Integration will naturally enhance the power of the second layer.

"A single star pupil and star dome pupil can practice the ultimate, with a total of ten layers."

"The message shows that after reaching the tenth floor, we can really integrate the two and make perfect changes."

"Become the star pupil of the sky!"

Lin Feng\'s heart moved lightly and his eyes flashed.

Although the message does not mention the mystery of the so-called "sky star pupil", it is obviously by no means ordinary.

"In my self state, the power of my star sky pupil and star dome pupil has exceeded the first level and has the strength of \'top\' pupil."

"And this\' sky star pupil \'must go to a higher level."


Lin Feng clenched his fist.

This time, I really have full potential.

It\'s like a fish leaping over a dragon\'s gate. It feels completely different.

The promotion is quite great!

But one of the most troublesome things is that compared with the owners of ordinary star sky pupil and star dome pupil, I\'m afraid my cultivation speed is twice as slow. Others only need to concentrate on one of them, but they have to practice two of them.

If not, let alone opening the star pupil in the sky, it is the most preliminary "self state", which is difficult to maintain.

For example, if one reaches the third layer and the other has only the second layer, it is obviously impossible to integrate and the energy is not conserved.

Moreover, it is almost impossible to practice at the same time.

After all, time energy and space energy belong to completely different core energy.

"To reach the star domain level, in addition to the total star repair to reach ten levels, the strength and other levels should be sufficient."

"Another most important thing is..."


Lin Feng\'s eyes are light.

A strong enough soul can bear strong enough strength.

Even if you now light up the water life chart, it is useless. If the soul is not advanced, even if the body is abnormal, it will be limited.

"Phoenix, control of fire and time."

"There are only two possibilities for the advanced level of soul, one is to understand the \'way of fire source\', and the other is to understand one of the \'ways of time\'."

"And my soul attribute is\' time \'."

Lin Feng said softly and breathed deeply.

Now, with the cultivation method of star dome pupil, you can understand the \'way of time\'——

It\'s not difficult.