Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 942

The Lin family\'s civil war is over.

Quite dramatic, twists and turns.

With Lin Feng fighting in the air, he turned the tide. When no one was optimistic, Lin Feng defeated the four strong members of the Lin family with his strength. Lin Zhongxian, Lin Shi and Lin Dadi are all outstanding among the Lin family and are well-known in Shiluo county.

Even Lin Mo, the weakest of the four, has reached the fourth level of star domain level.

But in front of the forest wind, it is like a mole ant.

The gap is too big!

There was silence around. There were nine elders of the Lin family, and the elder was stunned and a little confused. It happened so suddenly that people couldn\'t accept it. At this time, it was less than 40 seconds before the battle began!

It was terrible.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Zhenchang breathed out and lost his smile.

In fact, he didn\'t expect to win, and he won so easily.

From the beginning to the end, he was completely led by Lin Zhe. It can be said that he was completely defeated in the "plot" and was convinced to lose. Finally, he was forced to launch a civil war. Although Lin Feng pulled him into the boat, in fact, he had no way out at that time.

Lin Zhen had to fight for herself and her family.

Even if it\'s just an ugly dog jumping off the wall.

But the outcome was unexpected.

"Dad?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and spoke slowly.

"Eh? Ah." Lin Zhen quickly reacted and immediately looked at Lin Feng.

The black military uniform didn\'t wear any star armor, but at this moment, I\'m afraid no one will underestimate the young man who is not amazing. The martial arts clothes are quite clean. Lin Feng\'s spirit is refreshing. He doesn\'t look hurt at all. Inexplicably, Lin Zhen\'s heart can\'t help trembling.

At this moment, I feel the forest wind is unfathomable, and even

It\'s a little scary.

Not only strength, but also wisdom.

"Is it... Time to deal with the aftermath?" Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Although we won the civil war, it is only the beginning, and there are still many things to do next.

It is a great knowledge to deal with Lin Zhongxian and others in this way and to appease the top leaders of the remaining nine Lin families. Lin Feng smiled calmly and shook his head. He was not good at this, but there should be a way to recognize this "father".

"Hmm..." Lin Zhen nodded and frowned slightly.

Being a little by Lin Feng, Lin Zhen immediately fell into thinking. It was obviously not an easy thing.

If you don\'t handle it well, I\'m afraid trouble will follow.

Seeing Lin Zhen, Lin Feng didn\'t disturb him and looked around. At this time, Lin Shi, Lin Mo and Lin Zhongxian had fainted and completely lost their combat effectiveness. But without Lin, he fell into the blood pool.

"Well, haven\'t come up yet?" Lin Fengwei was surprised.

In the heart of a Lin, suddenly like a flash of lightning rushed out, straight into the blood pool.

At present, the matter has not been completely clarified, and we can\'t make a conclusion. Therefore, we have to find Lin Peidi first.


"Be careful!" Lin Zhen suddenly changed her face and drank.

At this time, Lin Feng just entered the blood pool, but the water in the blood pool suddenly changed, just like fire snakes dancing and attacking Lin Feng. Originally, the gentle energy became extremely violent, just like a brother who drank wine one second before, but the bayonet became red the next.

"What a terrible fire element." Lin Feng was startled, but he was not flustered.

"The fire of rebirth!" the light of the flame rose slowly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed. With the fire of rebirth all over the body, the water in the originally violent and ferocious blood pool seemed to be much quieter suddenly. Lin Feng, like a swordfish, went straight into the blood pool and stunned the people around him.

"No, it\'s okay?!"

"What kind of flame can resist the water of the blood pool?"

"Am I right?"


Everyone was stunned, including Lin Zhen.

As long as you enter the blood pool once, you can\'t enter it again. Every direct martial artist in the Lin family knows it. Once a warrior was insatiable and wanted to improve his strength again. As a result, he entered the blood pool and was swallowed up by the crazy fire element in the blink of an eye.

Even with Lin Zhen\'s strength, he didn\'t dare to venture in.

But Lin Feng

But safe and sound.

"Monster." Lin Zhen murmured, his eyes flashing.

"What is the origin of Lin Feng, why do you want to help me, and..."

"How many of Lin\'s words have come true?"

Lin Zhen stared at the blood pool and thought to herself.

At this time, I calmed down and looked back on the whole thing before I found that there were many "strange" places.

"Isn\'t he really the son of the ancient woman \'Jia Yazhu\'?" Lin Zhen thought of this possibility, and felt his heart shaking and chest undulating. "If so, isn\'t he the son of \'Lin Xiaotian\'? If so..." Lin Zhen nodded repeatedly and his eyes flashed.

Everything seems to make sense.

"It\'s useless to think more." Lin Zhen\'s eyes lit up slightly.

"Ask him directly then. Now that everyone is in the same boat, I think he won\'t hide it from me."

"Right now, it\'s important to deal with business."

Lin Zhen suppressed her curiosity and looked at the remaining nine people led by Lin Yan.

Most of them are the mainstay of the family——

Ground level refiner.

In the blood pool.

"What a big pool." Lin Feng was shocked.

I thought it was just a small pool of hundreds of square meters. But when I entered it, I found that it was not what I imagined. The water in the blood pool kept churning, and the ferocious fire element was revealed aggressively for a moment.

"The fire of rebirth really deserves to be the strongest defensive flame."

"Can resist such a cruel element of fire."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he was surprised.

The defense of fire element is much stronger than you think.

On the level of the way of star technology, it is still inferior to the fire of phagocytosis, but on defense, it is far from comparable to the fire of phagocytosis. One is aggressive, while the other is defensive. Most importantly, combined with the Phoenix chart, the fire of rebirth is endless!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the fire of rebirth is consumed continuously, but it is replenished in an instant.

"If it were the fire of swallowing, I\'m afraid it would have been exhausted." Lin Feng\'s eyes were a little bright and his heart read lightly.

"It seems that if you enter this\' blood pool \'for the second time, you will be attacked by it. I am not the exception, and Lin Dadi should not be..."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and thought.

If you calculate by yourself, I\'m afraid Lin\'s land has been swallowed by the blood pool.

When he was hit with all his strength, Lin Dadi was seriously injured. If he wanted to resist the crazy fire element in the blood pool, he would be unable to do what he wanted. The most important thing is that he hasn\'t surfaced for such a long time.

"Nine times out of ten, he has been buried in the blood pool." Lin Feng sighed in his heart, feeling a pity.

He didn\'t want to kill him, but he always died because of himself.


"Look again."

Although there is little hope, Lin Feng doesn\'t want to give up.

What\'s more, I also want to "explore" such a large blood pool.

The land of blood inheritance.

The senior leaders of the Lin family headed by Lin Yan hesitated at this time.

Although they didn\'t stand by just now, they still have lingering fears. After all, they "know" so many secrets that they can\'t be killed. It\'s useless to resist. I\'m afraid the strength of the nine of them is not enough to kill Lin Feng alone. He just wants to escape

At the only entrance, a hundred poison colored Python was valiantly coiled up, and its eyes were cold.

There is no way in, no way out, no way out.

But they are obviously worried.

What do the Lin family rely on to gain a firm foothold in Shiluo county?


There are only eight local level tool refiners in the family, of which Lin Fudi and Lin Zhongxian are dead, and there are only six left. If you kill all the rest, isn\'t Lin Zhen the only one left? Without the earth level weapon refiners, is the Lin family still called the weapon refiner family?

I\'m afraid the Lin family will decline.

Moreover, once the family changes greatly, it will be suspicious.

Especially the alliance of refiners!

If so many ground level weapon refiners die, they will investigate carefully. It will only be more troublesome at that time.

No matter from which aspect, Lin Zhen will not kill people. As a matter of fact, they have already proved that they do not have a "sense of justice" just now. Compared with meaningless principles and family rules, their small lives are much more important.

"I hope this is the end of today."

"In the future, no one is allowed to mention another word. This time, it\'s not only the next password, but also..."

"A contract must be signed."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were burning, and he said in a deep voice, "it\'s definitely a disaster for my Lin family."

"I escaped last time, but I don\'t know if it will be involved this time."

"The best way is when nothing has happened."

"I have to. I hope you don\'t blame me."

The eyes are burning, and the star dome pupil is bright.

Lin Zhen stared at the crowd and finally made a final decision.

The remaining nine people talked and followed Lin Yan\'s lead. He did not give in to his qualifications and family status. The discussion continued, but Lin Zhen looked calm and didn\'t say a word. For him, what should be done has been done, and the rest can only be chosen by them.

Fate is in everyone\'s own hands.

After a long time, the discussion finally stopped.

Standing at the head of the crowd, Lin Yan looked straight at Lin Zhen and said in a deep voice, "I have only one question. What if... We don\'t agree?"

Lin Zhen frowned and her eyes were deep.

At this time——

"If you don\'t agree, I\'m sorry." the cold voice came from the blood pool.

Lin Feng rushed out of the pool with a whoosh, and the fire on his body was still bright. The double star pupils emitted extreme light, but they had a strong killing intention.

I said this sentence on behalf of Lin Zhen.

If Lin Zhen said this himself, he would certainly offend everyone.

If he offends all the middle and high levels of the clan, even if Lin Zhen sits on the head of the clan, I\'m afraid it\'s like sitting on a needle blanket

But I don\'t care.

Lin Yan\'s faces changed from time to time, which was very ugly.

They have seen Lin Feng\'s strength just now. They do have the strength to say this, and I believe he can do the same. If you don\'t do it for yourself, heaven will kill you! Lin Yan sighed a long time, but there was no choice in his eyes. He nodded slowly, "we agreed."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth were relieved.

Looking back at Lin Feng, he nodded gently.

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

This result is not bad.


"It\'s a pity that Lin Dadi seems to have really died in the blood pool." Lin Feng sighed slightly.