Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 941

"Boom! ~" the fire was boiling and lit up the sky.

In mid air, the Fire Phoenix had disappeared, but it was completely swallowed by the fire.

The forest fell into the blood pool and flooded it. Lin Feng was also shaken back dozens of feet by the strong reaction force, which was as strong as Lin\'s ground. The counterattack force could not be underestimated, but for Lin Feng, he suffered only minor injuries. Even without the protection of star armor, the energy of Phoenix\'s blood can be restored as before soon.

"This blow was enough to make him seriously injured and lose his combat strength." Lin Feng looked deeply at the blood pool.

One after another blood pool blisters surfaced, but Lin Zhe\'s figure was not seen. Lin Feng took a deep breath and his eyes were bright.

At present, I have no time to waste.

The battle is not over yet.

"Self state, second floor!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his body was like a sharp arrow passing through the entrance to the place of blood inheritance.

There, Lin Shi and Lin Mo are in full battle with the hundred poison color Python!

It\'s a war knife. The wind is loud. Lin Shi\'s face is calm. His body method is not exquisite, but it\'s very practical. Each escape just avoids the venom of the hundred poison color python, but it can\'t kill the hundred poison color Python effectively because it doesn\'t dare to get too close.

Lin Mo is behind Lin Shi and focuses on assisting the attack

One near and one far, is indeed the most perfect match, each director.

It is more dangerous for two people to get close at the same time to deal with the terrible monster of hundred poison color python.

What\'s more, Lin Mo thinks his strength is really inferior to Lin Shi. Giving up the position of the main attack can make their strength play more fit and perfect.

Two people fight a python, and the fight is equal.

Lin Shi and Lin Mo are actually satisfied with this situation. In their opinion, the joint efforts of Lin Zhongxian and Lin Dadi should be more than enough to deal with the patriarch Lin Zhen. Even if Lin Zhen is strong, he will not be the enemy of the two strong forces.

They just need to delay the situation and don\'t let this terrible hundred poison color Python participate in the war and disturb the situation.

However, Lin Shi and Lin Mo never thought

A "little man" in their eyes.

Lin Feng, kill in the air!

"Clank!" the clank of weapons sounded like thunder.

Lin Mo\'s face changed suddenly, but he felt the strong wind coming behind him. The fireball that was constantly released in his hand suddenly stopped falling. Lin Mo Meng turned around and saw a purple light falling from the sky, completely enveloping him.

"What\'s the matter?!" Lin Mo, who had never changed his face when the sky fell, suddenly turned pale.

"Fire moves to shoot, the second way." Lin Feng\'s voice penetrated into Lin Mo\'s mind like Tianwei, which shocked his heart.

The intense fire, mixed with the roar of Amethyst gun, shrouded the surrounding space. It was completely concentrated on Lin Mo who cooperated with Lin Shi to contain the hundred poison color python. I didn\'t expect to be attacked secretly. Moreover, less than ten seconds have passed since the battle began!

In fact, who would want it?

Lin Dadi was defeated by Lin Feng in just a few seconds.

The strength of the family ranks fourth. Lin Ying has no ability to fight back against Lin Feng at the peak of the star master level!

Now, there are more people.

烀~ The devouring fire will burst all the defenses of the forest and desert.

Lin Feng\'s attack is as powerful as bamboo!

With the dazzling slaughter of fire, Chi! The purple light pierced Lin Mo\'s body in an instant. Lin Feng\'s eyes burned, and his right hand holding the Amethyst gun suddenly turned and shocked. Peng! The ultimate blasting power will completely destroy the remaining power of Lin Mo!

"Poof!" the blood vomited wildly. Lin Mo\'s eyes showed an unbelievable look, and he fell straight back.

In fact, if Lin Feng didn\'t keep his hand, this blow alone would be enough to kill Lin mo.

In terms of strength, he is a full grade worse than Lin.

And now——

"What?!" Lin Shi immediately reacted and felt the disappearance of Lin Mo\'s breath. He avoided the venom attack of hundred poison color Python again. Lin Shi\'s sword flashed a fierce fire and turned back fiercely. But waiting for him is a pair of black hole like pupils, extremely shining.

"Yumiao, magic!" Lin Feng\'s pupils were as dazzling as stars.

In the battle with Lin Dadi just now, although his pupils were slightly injured, it was no big deal.

Dealing with the unprepared Lin Shi was enough to kill him by surprise.

"Peng!" his head shook, and Lin Shi was completely confused.

At that moment, the venom was just a hundred poison color Python avoided by Lin Shi. A tail whip with the potential of a thousand troops roared with the sharp wind. It was too late to dodge. Lin Shi\'s waist suddenly seemed to be severely hit by a giant hammer. With a miserable hum, he fell from a high place.

But this is not the end.

"Star Technology, hundreds of beacon bombs." Lin Fengshen drank, and his hands instantly agglutinated pieces of fire bombs.

I know very well that the tail whip of the hundred poison color Python is not enough to make Lin Shi lose his fighting ability completely.

Still need to make things worse!

Step on it again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!! Roaring, every fire bomb is filled with power beyond the star master level. Lin Feng bombed with both hands quickly. Poor Lin Shi has no power to fight back. With his strength, he may be able to block the attack of Lin Feng\'s hundreds of beacon bombs, but now

Peng! Peng! Peng! The light of the fire was dazzling, bringing up the sad hum of the forest stones.

The attack of hundreds of fire bombs ripped the flesh of Lin Shi and was dying.

"Bang!" he landed heavily, Lin Shi fainted directly, and the sword in his hand lay alone, silent again.

Lin family, the three strong ones——


"Silk ~ ~" all the onlookers breathed.

He looked at the forest wind in the air, high above, full of mystery and strength.

At this moment, they finally understand why Lin Feng can accept such a powerful hundred poison color python, I\'m afraid it\'s not luck, but this bottomless terrible strength. With one\'s own strength, he defeated the forest, desert and stone. No one is the enemy of Lin Feng\'s three moves.

What strength is this!

Even Lin Zhen, the strongest in the family, couldn\'t do it.

And Lin Feng, it took less than 20 seconds to easily defeat the three, and


It\'s terrible!

"Strange, monster," murmured Lin Huo, the ground level smelter.

"What a terrible strength." the beautiful eyes of another ground level Smelter \'Lin Yu\' flashed an incredible look.

"Is he really Lin Feng..." Lin Zhong was completely shocked.

"Powerful, too powerful." Lin Yan\'s dark pupil was shining, stroked his long beard and looked at Lin Feng.


The remaining nine people were amazed.

Before the battle just now, they had the idea of standing by, but now

The idea was long gone.

The people secretly said that they were lucky. Fortunately, they hesitated for a moment. Otherwise, Mao rushed up and matched Lin Feng with their strength. I\'m afraid it\'s not even good to plug his teeth. This appalling strength makes people lose the idea of resistance from the bottom of their heart.

Not fear, but fear, fear.

Lin Feng did not stop.

The battle is not over.

There is still one last enemy.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and moving, and his body moves very fast. That is, the people around him have reached the star domain level, but only see a layer of illusion. This year, Lin Feng took snake gall and star fruit, which greatly improved his physique.

Now the awakening of blood is even more amazing!

Lin Feng\'s physical strength is comparable to that of the top rank of the star domain level.

Speed, terrible extreme.

"Hoo!" the wind was terrified. Lin Feng attacked Lin Zhongxian, who was fighting with Lin Zhen, with bright eyes.

"Peng!" "Peng!" the battle between Lin Zhen and Lin Zhongxian was hot. Although Lin Zhongxian was in a defensive state, he had to avoid it because Lin Zhen\'s star pupil was too threatening. But the gap between the two is not too big. Although Lin Zhen can get the upper hand, he wants to win him

It\'s not that easy.

Lin Zhongxian was confident and worked hard to resist Lin Zhen\'s attack.

He was not worried that Lin Zhen could break through his defense, because before that, his "reinforcements" would arrive in an instant.

"Coming." Lin Zhongxian drew a proud smile around his mouth and felt a sharp approach.

With four to two, how can we not take advantage of the number advantage?

"You\'re dead this time, Lin Zhen." Lin Zhongxian sneered and retreated quickly. Then the flame of his hands erupted again. He wanted to drag away the distance and make the "reinforcements" attack first, but Lin Zhongxian was stunned and looked suspicious, "ah, the smell is so strange..."

It is not a forest land, nor is it a forest stone and forest desert.

Lin Zhongxian\'s face changed. He was confused, but he was surprised in Lin Zhen\'s eyes.

No, it\'s a surprise!

"No?!" Lin Zhongxian glanced back in horror and was scared for a moment.

The terrible murderous breath was not from his "reinforcements", but Lin Zhen\'s "reinforcements"!

A man who is almost impossible to appear here——

Lin Feng!

"Lan yunbu." Lin Fengshen drank.

The body is like an illusion, as if it is blinking.

The Amethyst gun clanged, and the purple light changed Lin Zhen\'s eyes.

In an instant——

"Star dome pupil!" Lin Zhen drank violently. The shining eyes were full of changes in the way of time, completely enveloping Lin Zhongxian. The latter felt the extreme pressure of the soul and was shocked. The fighting spirit has already disappeared, but now it has disappeared. Facing the two intersecting terrorist forces, Lin Zhongxian has no space at all.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s eyes were indifferent.

The stabbing of Amethyst gun is just right with Lin Zhen\'s star dome pupil.

No one knows the time better than Lin Feng. It seems that it is the induction of the heart.

Because he also has star pupil.

"Chih!" the cold light shines, the time energy of the star dome pupil and the power of the Amethyst gun pierce Lin Zhongxian\'s defense. With that sad voice, Lin Zhongxian fell from the sky like a fallen leaf. Lin Zhen\'s flashing eyes were full of curiosity and disbelief, staring at Lin Feng.

At this time, there was silence and no other sound.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Zhen and smiled calmly, "we won."
