Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 938

"Patriarch." Lin Yan\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered and his voice was low.

"Lao Yan, even you don\'t believe me?" Lin Zhen smiled bitterly.

"I don\'t believe it, just..." Lin Yan sighed and hesitated.

In love, he and Lin Zhen have been friends for thousands of years, and he naturally believes in it; But in theory, what Lin Dadi said was flawless and correct, and it seemed that it was true.

"Don\'t say more." Lin Zhen nodded to Lin Yan gently and smiled calmly. "I Lin Zhen do things, but I want to be worthy of my heart. Right and wrong have their own day to comment." when I raised my chest, Lin Zhen\'s eyes were burning, stared at Lin Huidi and said, "everything is just your one-sided words. Lin Huidi, do you have evidence?"

"Evidence?" Lin Zhe\'s eyes lit up and laughed. "Isn\'t the evidence right in front of you!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhen frowned.

"It\'s very simple." Lin Dadi\'s eyes were cold and bright, pointing directly at the blood pool. "As long as it can prove that your illegitimate son \'Lin Feng\' really has ancient blood, it\'s like a mountain of hard evidence!" he smiled coldly and looked around, "even if you want to deny, I\'m afraid you too elders and elders will not stand idly by."

"Naturally so." elder Lin Zhongxian said first.

"I agree." the neutral elder Lin Shi\'s eyes were bright and nodded.

"That\'s it." "crack said very well."... The elder and the eldest elder all expressed their attitude, and the people agreed one after another. Lin Yan and Lin Zhong looked at each other. Although they wanted to stand on the side of clan leader Lin Zhen, they couldn\'t choose right now. They looked hesitant and hesitated.

"OK, I\'ll bet you on this game." Lin Zhen said calmly.

As the patriarch, Lin Zhen has his own courage. This situation really can\'t let him choose.

Instead of passive acceptance, it\'s better to turn passivity into initiative. There may be a glimmer of vitality. As long as Lin Feng\'s identity is verified, there is no ancient blood. He can even turn defeat into victory! However, Lin Zhen stared at Lin zhe Di, who looked calm, as if he had a winning ticket.

Lin Zhen was full of doubts.

Why is he so sure?

In the blood pool.

"The patriarch agreed." Lin Feng felt a little chilly in his heart.

"This means that he knows that I\'m not his son..." Lin Feng smiled thoughtfully and sighed in his heart. "In fact, why should I be so tangled? How has my father treated me from birth to now? Although this father\'s love is strict, it has strong family affection and is not false."

"If I can\'t even trust my closest relatives, who else can I trust?"

He shook his head calmly, and Lin Feng was finally sure.

Since there is no way to distinguish, it\'s better to choose to believe in your heart and your closest relatives.

Whether the patriarch Lin Zhen or his father\'s younger brother Lin Huidi, his father was expelled from the Lin family and was seriously injured and nearly died, which is enough to prove that they are not the same people. Maybe there are brothers and friends, but so what?

From what happened in those years, we can see that this feeling——

Very thin.

"All along, I\'m too confused in the game."

"But actually jump out of the game and look at the whole situation... It\'s like peeling onions, layer by layer, just open the first layer."

"The rest is much simpler."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the recovery of star dome pupil made the breath of life soul gradually recover.

The return of the most powerful power to the body brings not only strength, but also confidence and a clear state of consciousness, which makes your mind clear.

I couldn\'t figure it out before, but now I can figure it out a lot.

"If what my father said was true, the patriarch Lin Zhen didn\'t lie."

"He\'s the one who lies -"

"Forest land!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was so fierce that he suddenly remembered.

If my father didn\'t trust the patriarch, it might be excusable, but Lin Dadi just said that his father told him such a big secret before eloping with his mother. Obviously, the relationship should be the most intimate. At least, it\'s much more "close" than uncle Lin Jing.

However, in his father\'s letter, he didn\'t mention anything about his brother Lin Fudi!

"Lin doesn\'t know, so he\'s lying."

"Knowing means that he knows that I am his nephew, but he is still ruthless and does not break his means."

Lin Feng clenched his teeth tightly and was very clear in his heart.

What will happen if you are "verified" to have ancient blood and prove your identity?

It is hard to imagine, but it is certain that it will never be much better than the father of that day. The ancient people insisted on breaking up their father and mother. Today, there will never be a descendant of the ancient people and the ancient people, because it is a disgrace to the ancient people who regard themselves as highly connected!

They will certainly use all their strength to wash away this disgrace.

If this happens, the originator——

It\'s the forest land!

"No wonder."

"No wonder dad never mentioned him, Lin Dadi."

The water in the blood pool moistens the body, and Lin Feng\'s head is clear.

In an instant, I realized many things.

Either way, Lin is definitely not a good person.

In fact, there is no one he can really trust now. Maybe there is Yumo, but it\'s meaningless to drag her into the water. The most important thing is that far water can\'t save near fire. The current situation is quite dangerous. Even if the patriarch Lin Zhen helped his father in those years, so what?

On the contrary, it\'s not wise to protect himself. Correctly speaking, Lin Zhen must sacrifice himself for the sake of the family.

From his standpoint, I can understand that sometimes I have to do something against my heart, but I can\'t help myself.

I don\'t blame him.

But it is unrealistic to expect him to save himself.

What\'s more, at present, he has already been tied to the same boat as himself and has no time to save himself.

To sink, we must sink together.

"The most troublesome thing is that the spearhead is pointing at me right now." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, and his brain thought quickly.

Lin Chen\'s words and words, coupled with the process of this "rebellion", completely suppressed the patriarch Lin Zhen. With his character, there is no reason to fight an unknown battle. Although I don\'t know how he will verify his identity at that time, I\'m sure

Even if you don\'t have ancient blood, Lin Dadi must have follow-up deployment.

What I wonder most is that ten percent of my body has ancient blood!

"When my father was expelled from the Lin family, he escaped several times to save his life."

"Do I want to follow in my father\'s footsteps?"

Lin Feng tightly pursed his lips and looked calm.

Such a result is not what I want.

Even if I know what happened that year, but this time it does more harm than good, for myself——

It\'s a disaster!

"There must be a way."

"There must be a way to solve this robbery!"

Lin Feng frowned and clenched his fists, and an unyielding look flashed in his eyes.

You can\'t wait to die.

The situation has become completely clear.

It\'s like fighting on the battlefield. Now the two sides are bayonets.

Lin Zhen and Lin zhe looked at each other and did not give in to each other. Today\'s civil strife is very obvious. No matter which side wins in the end, it is not a happy event for the Lin family. I just took the second place in Shiluo county\'s tool refiner family, but I didn\'t expect to face great changes.

The origin of contradiction is not one day or two.

Always, it will explode.

Lin Feng is the fuse.

"How long will we have to wait?" Lin Zhen frowned, and a look of impatience flashed in his eyes.

At this time, although the blood mist in the blood pool fades a little, it still has a fairly thick concentration, which will not dissipate in a moment. Although the awakening of Lin Feng\'s blood has been absorbed quite fast, it can\'t end in one or two hours.

"Judging from the concentration of the fog in the blood pool, it will take about ten hours." Lin Zhen\'s eyes twinkled.

"Wow!" there was a whisper around, and I was surprised in my eyes.

But Lin Zhen\'s judgment was beyond doubt.

With the star dome pupil, Lin Zhen\'s ability is unmatched among the Lin family, not to mention Lin Zhen\'s experience.

"Ten hours, it\'s amazing." Lin Yan\'s eyes lit up and exclaimed.

"It took less than five hours for Lin Zhan\'s son xingqiong Tong to wake up." Lin Zhong also felt incredible and looked at the blood pool with envy. On that day, it was he who recruited Lin Feng into the Lin family. If Lin Feng did it deliberately, it was specially arranged by the clan leader

He was always a little hard to believe.

However, now Lin Feng\'s qualification potential is undoubtedly exposed after being identified by blood pool.

100% is the descendant of the Lin family!

"Don\'t wait." Lin\'s eyes were cold. "Anyway, the bastard will be executed at that time. Even if he wakes up, what\'s the use of blood!" he said, his eyes showed a cold light, and the surging breath immediately condensed, so he had to enter the blood pool to catch Lin Feng.


"Peng!" an angry wave blocked Lin\'s body.

"Hmm?!" Lin Zhen looked at Lin Zhen with a split look. "What are you doing, Lin Zhen?"

"Don\'t be impatient." Lin Zhen opened his mouth calmly. "One day he didn\'t verify Lin Feng\'s blood, one day he couldn\'t confirm his identity, and he couldn\'t \'convict\' him casually." he looked at the blood pool with deep eyes, and Lin Zhen said slowly, "at least at this moment, he was recognized by the blood pool as a descendant of my Lin family, and a rare genius with talent potential for thousands of years."

"If he is not a descendant of the ancient family, it means that my Lin family will reap a real genius!"

"Blood pool, a warrior can only enter once in his life. If he destroys such a good seedling..."

"Lin, can you afford it?"

The voice clanked, Lin Zhen\'s words were sonorous, and everyone around nodded in agreement.

Lin Zhen clenched his teeth and looked ugly. Although he was sure of winning, he could not deny that Lin Zhen was right at this moment.

"Hum, you can\'t pass the first day of the first day, but not the fifteenth day." Lin zhe looked cold and snorted. He stopped talking, stood on his back, and his eyes closed slowly. He disdained to do meaningless things and waited for ten hours. He could afford to wait.

On the contrary, although Lin Zhen had a slight advantage at this moment, he knew

It\'s just, it\'s just a delaying tactic.