Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 939

Time, minute by minute.

At this time, the fog in the blood pool is getting lighter and lighter, and the energy fluctuation of the blood pool is gradually dissipated.

"Wow!" Lin opened his eyes like a lion.

The corners of his mouth began to scratch coldly, still with a little confidence. He has already made arrangements. The "verification" of the meeting is enough to make everyone believe that Lin Feng has the blood of the ancient family. As for Lin Feng\'s real identity... He doesn\'t care at all. What he wants is to avenge Lin Fan and

Take the opportunity to bring down Lin Zhen and take the position of patriarch.

On this day, he has been waiting for more than 20 years.

Since he betrayed his eldest brother Lin Xiaotian and took the position of deputy patriarch, he has been peering at the position of patriarch.

Life is alive, the pursuit is nothing more than——

Power and potential!

She closed her lips tightly, and Lin Zhen was confused at this time.

For ten hours, but he didn\'t think of any way. Even he couldn\'t figure out the back of the forest. But it is absolutely certain that the next situation will be extremely unfavorable to him. Nine times out of ten, Lin Dadi will make everyone believe that Lin Feng really has ancient blood!

Just like what he is doing now, everyone has believed that Lin Feng is his illegitimate son of Lin Zhen.

In the "conspiracy" area, he is willing to bow to the disadvantage.

The forest is very deep.

"Is there really no way?" Lin Zhen looked pale.

He can almost predict what will happen next. Lin Feng\'s identity has been verified to prove that what Lin Dadi just said is true, and his position as patriarch will be difficult to guarantee.

"More than that." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were deep.

"By means of the forest, you will betray me regardless of the interests of the family."

"At that time, I\'m afraid Lin Xiaotian will follow suit, and the end will be worse. My wife, son and daughter will be implicated."

"There is no place to die!"

Lin Zhen\'s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and her heart trembled.

Lin Fudi knew exactly how to do it. He would do anything to achieve his goal.

"In those days, there was a rumor that he betrayed Lin Xiaotian. I just thought someone envied him for taking the post of deputy patriarch at a young age and maliciously slandered him." Lin Zhen had deep eyes and bit her teeth.

"But now it seems that he can do it with his character."

"Moreover, the possibility is great!"

Lin Zhen fully realized, but it was too late.

In addition to secretly regretting that he saw the wrong person and led wolves into the house to feed the tiger, what else can he do?

Now, just wait for the result to be pronounced.

In the blood pool.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng breathed deeply for a long time.

The short and long ten hours have passed, and the body has completely changed at this time. The integration of the water in the blood pool makes the blood vessels fully awakened, which is a \'basic\' improvement, changes the cells, and changes the most basic structure of the human body.

Every moment, strength is rising.

At first, the promotion was very fast, and then it slowed down a lot, but

The awakening and transformation of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil are more important.

"Bastard?" Lin Feng smiled in his heart.

Although he was in the pool of blood, all the words they said went to his ears without a word missing. Originally, I was worried about whether I would blame Lin Peidi, but obviously it was completely superfluous. The word "hybrid" alone shows how Lin Peidi is.

"No wonder father didn\'t say a word to him."

Take a deep breath, Lin Feng slowly opens his eyes and shines.

At present, I am afraid that this "struggle" centered on ourselves is unavoidable.

This is the "land of blood inheritance". It is guarded by strange energy. Yudun can\'t use it at all.

In fact, I\'m not going to go. As soon as I leave, I\'m afraid the secret of 20 years ago will be buried in the earth. Most importantly, Lin\'s "conspiracy" will succeed, and the patriarch Lin Zhen will be in great trouble because of his departure.

Implicating innocent people is not what you want.

What\'s more, the patriarch Lin Zhen seemed to be kind to his father.

It\'s none of your business, you can hang high, but if it\'s none of your business, as a man——

There must be commitment!



The fog in the blood pool dissipated completely, and the blood pool vibrated violently after the vortex rotated rapidly.

The bright red pool water is much darker, and gradually returns to calm as the energy is absorbed. At this time, no matter Lin Zhen, Lin Dadi, Lin Zhongxian, Lin Yan and others, their faces were gradually calm. With Lin Feng\'s blood awakening, the fight in the field will come to an end.

In fact, people also want to know——

Lin Feng, what\'s the origin!

"Shua!" Lin Feng broke through the water and looked calm.

He fell firmly in the center of the crowd and didn\'t care at all. At this time, he has become the target of public criticism.

"Lin Feng." Lin Jiandi\'s eyes were white, and he said in a cold voice, "I ask you if you are the son of Jia Yazhu, a woman of the ancient Qiang Feng nationality!" the people gathered their eyes and waited for Lin Feng\'s answer. Lin Jiandi looked calm and calm. He just asked as a routine. It is certain that Lin Feng will deny it.

And then

The cold light in Lin\'s eyes flashed, but the abacus sounded very loud.

But sometimes, the plan can\'t keep up with the change.

Lin Feng smiled at Lin Jidi, turned his head and looked straight at Lin Zhen. Lin Zhen saw Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkle. The luster and energy flashing in his left eye were very similar to him. It was in his mind that Lin Zhen suddenly——

"Dad, we have no way back." Lin Feng\'s voice was light, but everyone was shocked.

It is Lin Zhen who bears the brunt!

Completely stunned.

With his mouth open, Lin Zhen was shocked.

Did he hear right? Lin Feng even called him "Dad"?! Staring wide, Lin Zhen suddenly saw a touch of extreme cold from Lin Feng\'s twinkling eyes. In an instant, Lin Zhen\'s back was like a cold wind. Her body trembled and she fully understood!

Do not need to say superfluous words, just a look, a murderous spirit.

All the things in my heart!

Jedi survive!

"Colorful staff!" Lin fengdun drank.

For a moment, a violent and bright white light shone.

Before the people had recovered, a huge hundred poison color Python appeared in an instant. He once made great contributions to the wizard of Oz neutral, but was seriously injured by the red goose. Now he absorbs enough energy in the thousand snake cave. The hundred poison color Python has been completely revived. Not only that, but also his strength is improved!

"Peng!!" is like fireworks.

Everyone retreated around in an instant, looking frightened.

Everyone present is an experienced and experienced person. No one knows the fierce name of the hundred poison color python. The terrible toxicity is below the saint level martial arts, and can be called the natural enemy of the martial arts! The fastest reaction was undoubtedly Lin Dadi, who immediately drank, "let\'s kill this evil animal and take Lin Zhen\'s father and son!"

Lin Zhen looked ugly, but she felt extremely unlucky.

Lin Feng\'s "father" cut off all his retreat and tied him to the same boat.

But I have to say that Lin Feng\'s move is drastic——

There is no way.

"Wow!" the hundred poison color Python fell at the only entrance to the blood pool.

Here, deep in the land of blood inheritance, there is only one entrance. Although the entrance is large, the shape of the hundred poison color Python is larger. The faces of the Lin family were very ugly. A star region level hundred poison color Python guarded the entrance. They obviously couldn\'t leave here.

Even using star symbols is useless, because they can\'t be used in the land of blood inheritance.

"Sorry, I want you to stay here for a while." Lin Feng stood above the huge head of the hundred poison color python. It was not a tall body, but it gave people a feeling of being high. "This is a personal grudge between us and Lin, and I sincerely hope you won\'t be involved."

"Right, dad?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen was stunned, then remembered her identity and sighed helplessly.

But for now, he has no choice.

Looking around at the crowd, Lin Zhen bit her teeth, but also broke out and looked coldly at Lin Jiandi, "I have nothing to say, but I tell you Lin Jiandi, don\'t be happy too early. Although I Lin Zhen is not a bad person, I\'m not a good person. You can\'t sit as the head of the Lin family if you want to sit!"

Looking around coldly, Lin Zhen\'s star dome pupil twinkled, patted his chest fiercely, and his ruffian Qi was exposed. "Those who want to fight against me, Lin Zhen, can stand on the side of Lin Zhen, but I tell you not to regret. It\'s better to be broken than complete. Who wants to die with Lin Zhen today, I can help you!"

Breath, full burst.

The pupils of a double star dome are bright and dazzling.

The Lin family were completely confused, but they had never seen Lin Zhen like this.

For a long time, Lin Zhen always feels like a forthright patriarch. For hundreds of years, they have almost forgotten

The rough man in front of us is the strongest of the Lin family!

No one.

A naked threat.

So what?

Lin Zhen has completely let go. To be exact, he has no way out.

He and Lin Feng are tied together in a boat. Once Lin\'s plot succeeds, waiting for him will be a great sin for the nine families. Who will pity him at that time?

Lin Yan or Lin Zhong?

no one.

In the most critical moment, people can only rely on themselves.

"It\'s not a smart decision to be strong." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

"If I were you, I would continue to choose neutrality and wait for the situation to become clear before making a choice, but if who has a burst of sense of justice..."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "then I have nothing to say."

"But I advise you to stand on the wrong side. The consequences are quite serious."

"If the last winner today is my father and I..." Lin Feng looked around coldly and showed his killing intention in his eyes, "then who stands on the side of Lin Peidi, we will never repay good for bad. Don\'t blame us for being cruel and cruel at that time!"

The sound is like coming from the ice cellar.

Lin Feng can\'t do anything harmful to his wife and children, but the necessary threat is still inevitable.

Enemy, one less is one.

Lin Zhen glanced at Lin Feng and said, "what a cruel little fellow."

But there was no refutation. Since I have spared myself, I still worry about what to do so much.

If you don\'t do it for yourself, heaven will kill you!

What\'s more, as soon as Lin Feng said this, the elders around him, too elders, although their faces were iron green and their bodies could not help shaking, but their eyes showed hesitation. As Lin Feng said, if you stand on the wrong side, the consequences are quite serious. Is it worth it for the sake of a sense of justice?

At this time, the forest ground was pale.