Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 937

Twenty years ago!

In an instant, everyone\'s face changed greatly.

All the 14 people present were at the top of the power pyramid of the Lin family. Naturally, they knew what had happened that year. Don\'t mention the past 20 years, even in the past 100 years and millennium, nothing is more shocking than the incident that happened in the past 20 years!

So far, it is still fresh in my memory.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng, who was in the blood pool, was shocked.

At this time, the cultivation and application method of xingcang Tong just reflected in his mind.

"Lin Dadi, you won\'t forget that you have given a password." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were sharp and sharp.

"Of course you want to bury it in the ground and forget it slowly." Lin Zhen sneered, "but I\'m sorry, it may not be what you want." looking around at the people, Lin Zhen said solemnly, "if Lin Feng is really such a simple \'illegitimate son\', why should Lin Zhen be so secretive?"

Everyone whispered and nodded in agreement.

In the fighting spirit world, the stronger the martial arts are, the more difficult it is to reproduce.

Especially now Lin Zhen\'s strength is at the star level, which is even more difficult. Even if there are three wives and four concubines, now they are only two sons and one daughter. Moreover, they were born when their strength was still weak decades ago. It can be seen that they are generally. One more descendant with such pure blood has all advantages and no disadvantages for Lin Zhen himself and his family.

"Even if Lin Feng\'s mother status is inferior, whether it\'s a second-hand goods, a brothel woman, or even a slave..." Lin Chudi said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Just because she gave birth to a son for the head of my Lin family is enough to offset her merits and demerits."

"Besides, do you lack women?"

Lin Ying smiled, but everyone understood.

The implication is, with Lin Zhen\'s strength and status, what kind of woman do you want? The brothel woman mentioned by Lin Peidi just now is just an analogy. The real key point is obviously what happened 20 years ago!

"In those years, my eldest brother Lin Xiaotian eloped with Jia Yazhu of the ancient Qiang Feng family. Dare you say it wasn\'t your idea, Lin Zhen?"

"This is the land of our ancestors of the Lin family. If you have half a word of falsehood, you will be punished by heaven!"

Lin is fierce and aggressive!

Jia Yazhu!

Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked, but he heard his mother\'s name for the first time in his life.

And hear a big secret!

"It was the patriarch\'s idea that father and mother eloped?" Lin Feng was surprised, but he didn\'t make a sound. When he was in the blood pool, the star pupil began to absorb the energy of the blood pool, and the sleeping star pupil was ready to move and showed signs of recovery.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng felt very happy.

"It should be the awakening of the star pupil, absorbing the energy of the blood pool, and the blessing shadow star dome pupil."

Feeling, quite profound.

His own star dome pupil absorbs the energy of the blood pool, as if he was gradually awakened.

Blood pool, quite magical.

"It seems that today is indeed a good day."

"Not only does the star sky pupil degenerate, but the star dome pupil wakes up. The most important thing is..."

"What happened that year will be revealed."

Lin Feng\'s eyes\' PA \'opened, and the star pupil was bright.

However, at this time, no one will notice changes in forest wind. With Lin Zhe\'s words falling, everyone was in an uproar, and all eyes focused on Lin Zhen. It was the first time Lin Yan heard it, and he looked at Lin Zhen in surprise. The latter looked calm, but he did not refute it.

Lin Zhen, default!

In the land of his ancestors, he can\'t lie.

Lin Zhen smiled heavily and his eyes flashed.

Now the whole situation is under his control. He must be suppressed with a thunderous momentum, and Lin Zhen must not be given a chance to breathe.

Beat a drowning dog!

"Fortunately, the ancient family did not anger our Lin family at that time, but after this, our Lin family suffered heavy losses in both fame and strength."

"Why do you, Lin Zhen, as the patriarch, protect Lin Xiaotian regardless of family interests?"

Lin Zhen smiled coldly, "don\'t tell me you\'re just compassionate."

"Otherwise?" Lin Zhen\'s voice was a little hoarse and said in a deep voice.

Although unwilling to admit it, he knows that the situation is quite bad.

That year, he did.

"Otherwise?" Lin Zhen looked up at the sky and laughed. His laughter was full of uninhibited, bitter and sad color. He suddenly looked around and his body trembled. "Everyone was deceived by Lin Zhen\'s appearance. In fact, it was not my eldest brother Lin Xiaotian who had an affair with Jia Yazhu of the ancient Qiang Feng nationality in those years, but he --"

"Lin Zhen, the head of the Lin family!" he glared angrily, and Lin\'s eyes were about to crack.

Boom!!! Such shocking news shocked everyone.

And the first to bear the brunt is Lin Feng in the blood pool!

"How could it be?" Lin Feng was confused.

His identity sounds more and more mysterious. Is his father the patriarch Lin Xiaotian?


"Lin Dadi, don\'t go too far!" a flash of fire flashed through Lin Zhenhu\'s eyes.

"I\'m too much? It\'s you!" Lin zhe raised his head and disdained, "when Jia Yazhu was six years old, you asked my eldest brother Lin Xiaotian to protect Jia Yazhu from leaving and live in seclusion to avoid the wind, but you claimed that Lin Xiaotian ran away with Jia Yazhu."

"What a trick! This plan should have been perfect, but you never expected that my eldest brother told me this secret before he left."

Peng!!! Lin Feng\'s head exploded.

But I didn\'t expect Lin Dadi to be his father\'s brother.

"No wonder, no wonder he is so similar to his father." Lin Feng\'s heart was light and cold, and he understood for a moment, but his mind suddenly turned. "Is what he said true? Is my biological father really the patriarch Lin Zhen? Yes, in the whole Lin family, only the patriarch Lin Zhen has the star dome pupil, while my brother and I, one has the star dome pupil and the other has the star dome pupil..."

"It seems that this is really the case." if Lin Feng thought in his heart, his eyes kept changing.

However, the doubts in my heart came out one by one.

I can\'t understand it!

"Pity my eldest brother for being a ghost of death, but he still thinks of you. He wants me to help you."

With his eyes burning, Lin Zhen stood up and was filled with righteous indignation. "I, Lin Zhen, have taken over the position of vice patriarch in place of my eldest brother more than 20 years ago. I ask myself that I am worthy of working hard for so many years! But I didn\'t expect that today, for the sake of power and interests, Lin Zhen, you are even murdering my only son Lin fan!"

"On the surface, he supports Lin Feng. The star treasure star armor equipped for him is announced in front of everyone, but secretly he is equipped with the best congenital treasure for his son!"

"Build the plank road openly and cross the Chencang secretly!" Lin Zhen gave a thumbs up and said sarcastically, "Lin Zhen, you are so insidious."

"Who can bear it? Who can\'t bear it! If I can swallow it..."

"Then I\'m a father in vain!!!"

Gnashing his teeth, Lin\'s expression was distorted and ferocious.

The white light bloomed like a wolf staring at Lin Zhen, eager to peel him off.

There was more and more discussion around. The people looked at Lin Zhen with a completely different look. Indeed, what Lin Dadi said resonated. In the world of fighting spirits, descendants are a very important part, which means the inheritance of blood, and Lin\'s "performance" has to be said——

Quite perfect!

After all, Lin Jiandi and Lin Xiaotian are close brothers. What he said can definitely represent Lin Xiaotian, and the evidence cited, including motivation, is reasonable and reasonable.

Lin Zhen, time has become the target of public criticism.

Everyone\'s eyes focused, and Lin Zhen sighed in her heart.

He didn\'t want to refute, but Lin was obviously prepared. It was like playing chess. Every move of his chess was controlled by Lin, and all advances and retreats were under Lin\'s control. This chess game began when Lin Feng was labeled as his illegitimate son

In fact, he has lost.

A single mistake is a full loss.

Then Lin Dadi moved out of the identity of Lin Xiaotian\'s younger brother, which made people deeply believe.

Whatever he said, because Lin Xiaotian had already died. In terms of his ability to plot, he is much worse than Lin Peidi. He is not inferior in wisdom, but different in "heart". Because he has conscience and compassion, and Lin Dadi will do anything to achieve his goal.

Even the dead eldest brother can slander.

This man is cold-blooded.

In the blood pool, Lin Feng fell into deep thinking.

The situation changes so fast that it is as complex and changeable as silk, which makes people confused.

But one thing is certain.

"What Lin zhe said must be false." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

"At least, the patriarch Lin Zhen doesn\'t know my identity. What\'s more..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and nodded slowly. "If I were really the son of patriarch Lin Zhen, my father would mention it in the letter, but he didn\'t mention it. For revenge? Dad doesn\'t seem to be that kind of person."

"In the end..."

"Who is lying?" Lin Feng frowned.

And now——

"Wow!" his head shook violently.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened. The originally dark left eye was bright in an instant, absorbed sufficient blood pool energy, and the sleeping star dome pupil finally recovered and woke up. A clear feeling fills my heart, full of powerful energy, and the surrounding breath becomes vivid and energetic.

"This......" Lin Feng was surprised.

Indeed, misfortune and blessing are unknown. When you enter the blood pool, your star sky pupil and star dome pupil are completely changed!

In my mind, I once again have a lot of subtitles like files, which constantly emerge, like a deep brand in my mind. This time, it is not the cultivation and exertion of the star sky pupil, but the cultivation and exertion of the star dome pupil. With the irrigation and moistening of blood pool energy, the star dome pupil follows the star sky pupil——

Same metamorphosis!!!

Like a waking beast, he slowly opened his eyes and exposed his tusks.

In today\'s muddy situation, when everyone\'s attention is focused on the civil war between Lin Zhen and Lin Dadi

Lin Feng is like a dragon, about to break through the clouds.

Blood, wake up.