Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 936

Competing with each other, Lin Zhen and Lin Di are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Lin Feidi, in particular, was ready to win this battle.

At this time, there was a cry of surprise around. Lin Zhen and Lin Zhen were shocked when they heard their reputation. After a short time, the situation in the blood pool turned into a dragon.

With the forest wind as the center, the water vortex in the blood pool boils.

The thick blood fog surrounded the blood pool. It was so strong that it turned into a fiery red phoenix!

"God, the real Phoenix, what pure blood!" Lin Yan\'s dark eyes were bright and full of unbelievable looks, including elder Lin Zhongxian and elder Lin Shi, who were shocked by the wonders in front of him.

Such visions were recorded in the genealogy of the Lin family.

The purer the blood, the more intense the fog in the blood pool, and to the point of "Phoenix\'s real body", according to records, there is only one person.

That was the founder of the Lin family——

Lin Yuhuang.

Now, there is a second.

In the blood pool.

The forest wind was bathed in warmth.

I feel that there are many energy surges in the body, countless meridians are connected, and the penetration of water in the blood pool makes those sleeping forces in the body seem to wake up, incomparably enriched. The change of cells and the great increase of activity drive the qualitative change of the whole body.

There is no pain, only the continuous improvement of strength.

It\'s like

This is my own power!

"Family blood, so it is." Lin Feng thought lightly.

It\'s no wonder that many martial arts practitioners in Shiluo county have improved so rapidly. For example, Shi Zhixin is so strong. She is only 15 years old. I think she also has a "blood" that is no worse than the Lin family in her family inheritance.

"Body, greatly improved."

"The level of strength has not changed, but it doesn\'t matter."

Lin Feng smiled calmly. He had already reached the peak of the star master level. He was not in a hurry to absorb the energy of the constellation.

Into this blood pool, there is a biggest change——

Constellation sensitivity!

"With the Phoenix constellation, it feels like it fits a lot."

"Since the integration of Phoenix\'s blood, my constellation sensitivity has been far higher than that of ordinary martial artists. I can\'t imagine now..."

"It can be greatly improved!"

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

The strong sensitivity of your constellation has exceeded expectations.

Other martial arts players who have just entered the star master level can only sense one or two constellation master stars at most, but they can sense all seven master stars themselves. What does that mean? I can not only easily understand the advanced Star Technology of the seven main stars, but also absorb more energy than other martial arts!

For martial artists above the star master level, constellation sensitivity and understanding rank first!

But savvy is innate, and constellation sensitivity has unlimited possibilities for improvement. Now

Just like, welcome qualitative change!

Some people, who tap their physical potential quickly and explode early, are called "geniuses". Lin Feng is obviously not among them. He may be a powerful man in tianwu mainland, but that\'s just because the "martial level" of tianwu mainland is lower. Compared with the martial artists in Jiuzhou, it\'s not too much to call Lin Feng a "mediocre talent".

Before the integration of Phoenix\'s blood, according to a lot of blood evaluation, Lin Feng\'s limit is only Xinghai level.

And this is only the average standard of martial arts in Jiuzhou. In Jiuzhou, as long as you have money and constantly take Xingdan, lingguo and Xianguo, you can promote a martial artist who doesn\'t know anything to the star master level!

It should be Lin Yun who really counts as a genius.

The star dome pupil woke up early, building a wall and shining on both sides. Because he changed his eyes once, Lin Feng\'s strength was greatly improved.

But in fact, Lin Feng\'s real blood "xingcang pupil" has been sleeping all the time.

Until a few days ago, xingcangtong had just begun to \'recover\'!

This giant dragon hidden in Lin Feng\'s body.

"Pa, Pa." clapped his hands.

"The patriarch is the patriarch without loss. The purity of blood is indeed the strongest in the family." a little jealousy flashed in Lin\'s eyes, and his smile was cold to the bone.

"What do you want to say?" Lin Zhen\'s eyebrows tightened, her eyes changed, and she vaguely felt a little trouble.

Lin didi ignored Lin Zhen, and suddenly looked around and drank, "you guys, do you remember why Lin Zhen was able to sit as the \'patriarch\'?" the people nodded suddenly, whispered, and talked for a while.

"It\'s the purity of blood! It\'s the pupil of the star dome!" Lin\'s eyes moved sharply with white light.

"As we all know, our Lin family has inherited blood for a long time. The third grade pupil, the purer the blood, the stronger the pupil."

"There was only one person who reached the first pupil, that is, the first blood."

"That\'s you, Lin Zhen!"

Lin\'s words were chiseled and sonorous.

Everyone\'s eyes suddenly focused on Lin Zhen.

The first pupil is xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil. The blood of xingcang pupil is almost cut off, and the blood of xingqiong pupil is only owned by Lin Zhen and his eldest son Lin Zhan in the whole Lin family! He is definitely the purest lineage of the Lin family.

Tightly pursed her lips, Lin Zhen\'s eyebrows were deeply clustered.

Although Lin Feng\'s identity is unknown, the purity of Lin Feng\'s blood has been "verified" by the blood pool.

The purity of this blood is better than the first-class blood of the family. Now everyone\'s spearhead is pointing at him, which is not groundless. As the saying goes, dragon begets dragon and Phoenix begets Phoenix. Now there are only two first-class blood in the family——

He fought with his eldest son Lin.

But Lin Zhan was under thirty.

The scene was quiet, and everyone was watching Lin Zhen.

in perfect silence!

All kinds of suspicious eyes and all kinds of complex expressions stared at him. At this time, Lin\'s pupils were full of white light and shouted, "Lin Zhen, don\'t you recognize?!" pointing to the blood pool, Lin\'s voice suddenly increased, "look for yourself, what\'s that!"

Lin Zhen turned her head and stared.

Looking at the change of the blood pool at the moment, Lin Zhen\'s chest fluctuated violently and was extremely shocked.

There was a sharp light in the pupil, just like the bright stars. It echoed with the shining stars in the blood pool at this time, and the feeling was very profound!

"No, it\'s impossible." Lin Zhen murmured, with a very complex expression.

Originally, he also doubted whether this was a bureau, a precise Bureau laid by Lin.

But now, all doubts are released. At this time, in the sky above the blood pool, the huge stars were shining and wrapped in the forest wind, which made the fog condensed by the blood fog more vivid, and the Phoenix seemed to live.

No one knows such visions better than him.

The as like as two peas in the forest, and the stars are opened.

More far-reaching, once when he entered the blood pool, he opened the star dome pupil, which was also such a shocking scene. In the Lin family, he was alone!

He shook his head. Lin Zhen looked stunned. He couldn\'t figure it out

Lin Feng, how can you have star dome pupil!

Is it really his son?

What Lin Zhen doesn\'t know is that this scene is not only when the star dome pupil awakens, but also when the star sky pupil awakens. But in the Lin family, the existence of the star dome pupil has almost been completely forgotten. Who would have thought of the star sky pupil that has not appeared for decades?

Only according to the records in the family file can we know that the Lin family has two first-class pupils.

However, as the family blood passed from generation to generation, the purity of blood weakened from generation to generation, and the situation of the Lin family in full bloom on that day was no longer the case.

The transmission of blood will decrease layer by layer.

When the Lin family was brilliant, there were more than 100 people with xingcang Tong and xingqiong Tong.

Now, only Lin Zhen is left.

And now in the blood pool.

Lin Feng did not expect that his star pupil was transformed.

The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil are like a growing divine beast. The first awakening and exertion of strength is like just being born; This transformation, the real awakening, is like growing up to childhood.

Xingcang pupil, you can start cultivation.

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng was shocked in his mind, and countless messages kept emerging.

It\'s like witnessing books and records. The contents of the book are printed into my mind at a glance, very clear.

Feeling, never had a profound!

"This, this is?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously.

All along, I have been looking for the cultivation of pupil art, but I can\'t start.

I didn\'t expect that the things I\'ve been looking for are right beside me and close at hand!

The cultivation of xingcang pupil, show it..

Everything, everything!

"Great." Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Greedy absorption, memory and perception. Such opportunities are naturally available but not available. How can we control whether the outside world is noisy at this time. Even if it\'s about yourself, for now, it all has to be put aside.

Wait for yourself and absorb it completely.

Indeed, it\'s been noisy.

But the scene was quite "quiet", with a cold and bleak feeling.

All eyes focused on Lin Zhen, including Lin Yan, who has always been the most supportive of Lin Zhen, and a doubt flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the evidence was so strong that Lin Zhen could not deny it. The vision of the star dome pupil appeared without a semicolon.

Not to mention other senior members of the Lin family, Lin Zhen himself

All began to doubt.

But it doesn\'t matter right now.

Because, if not, he can\'t deny it at this time.

Even if he denies, who will believe it?

"Lin Dadi." Lin Zhen looked deeply, paused, and the tiger\'s eyes were burning. "In fact, I\'m very curious. Even if you prove that Lin Feng is my Lin family, and even he is my illegitimate son." there was an uproar around, but Lin Zhen turned a blind eye and said in a deep voice, "so what?"

"Men are very romantic and normal. Don\'t you also have three concubines?" Lin Zhen snorted coldly and sneered, "besides, there is one more descendant blood of my Lin family, and it is such a pure first-class blood, even if it is a concubine..."

"I don\'t think anyone will care." Lin Zhen looked around and said calmly.

Everyone nodded. Indeed, one more son of pure blood would do all the family good without any harm.

At this time, the problem was thrown back to Lin again. However, Lin Dadi smiled angrily, "are you finally willing to admit it? Old fox, old fox, you can\'t hide it for a while, and you still want to try to fish in troubled waters? What happened 20 years ago, do you think you can hide it?"

"The net of heaven is magnificent. Now I see how you deny the appearance of Lin Feng!" Lin\'s eyes are shining.