Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 935

"Chadi, you think clearly. It\'s an insult to the ancestors\' blood for non lineal warriors to enter the \'blood pool\'." Lin Yan said positively.

The blood pool is only accessible to those who are directly related to the family. The blood pool contains the blood of ancestors and mysterious power. After entering the blood pool, the blood in the body will be aroused, the potential will explode and the strength will increase greatly.

Any lineal child of a family will enter the blood pool when entering the star master level.

This is not only the clan rule of the Lin family, but also a welfare.

However, all family children who enter the blood pool can tap their potential more or less. As for how much their strength can be improved, it depends on people. There is no accurate answer. But one thing is certain. According to records, only with the pure blood of the Lin family can we stimulate the mysterious energy of the bleeding pool.

The blood pool is specially designed for the direct line warriors of the Lin family.

Not only does it have no benefit to other martial artists, but it will be life-threatening!

"The land of blood inheritance has come in. What else is not clear." Lin Zhongxian opened his mouth without salt, obviously standing on the side of Lin Peidi.

"Just as I said just now." Lin zhe Di\'s two pupils stared at Lin Zhen and said coldly, "if Lin Feng is not your illegitimate son, I can\'t stimulate the mysterious energy of the blood pool... I, Lin zhe Di, will retire from the position of deputy patriarch from now on, be dealt with by the family rules and bear all the consequences!"

The sound is sonorous and clang, covering all the sounds around.

Everyone talked and nodded, but Lin Feng kept changing.

"Illegitimate son? I... am the illegitimate son of the patriarch?" Lin Feng said secretly, but he felt incredible. He didn\'t know how he could cause such misunderstandings. Although I don\'t know exactly what happened, I can still sort out a lot of "information" from what people have just said.

Obviously, this so-called "blood pool" can only be entered by children of the immediate family.

"I have a star pupil, and my brother has a star pupil, no doubt." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Although I don\'t know my father\'s status in the family before, my blood must be very pure. The Lin family has and only has two primary pupils, xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil, which are extremely rare. Now only the patriarch Lin Zhen and his son Lin Zhan have xingqiong pupil.

This alone shows the "purity" of one\'s own blood.

"It seems... The situation is quite delicate." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, his eyes flashing.

At present, it\'s like a complex chess game. Everyone has their own thoughts, and they seem to have no way back when they are caught in the middle.

However, it is not a bad thing.

"Sometimes, change is not necessarily a \'disaster\'." Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

When I turn my mind, I will take care of it immediately!

Blood pool.

Not really a pool made of blood.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. As the Lin family came to the land of blood inheritance, one of them was a partial pass, surrounded by a rock with overlapping clouds. It seems to be a natural existence here. There is a pool of red light in front of it, and the hot air waves come to our faces.

Temperature, quite high!

Ordinary warriors can\'t resist this heat.

But the weakest strength on the scene is the star master level, and the Phoenix, who is good at controlling fire, doesn\'t care.

"Poof!" "poof!" red bubbles keep popping out, which looks very strange.

However, this is not "blood".

Ancestral blood?

Lin Feng\'s eyes moved lightly. Even if it was the blood of his ancestors, it had evaporated and dried up after many years. The "blood pool" in front of us contains a unique feeling of energy. The breath is violent and terrible. It seems to suppress some power, like a creeping beast.

Dangerous, great!


"It should be for outsiders." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and his eyes flashed.

The feeling of blood pool to oneself is very gentle, just like the inheritance of blood. This unique feeling is enough to prove his blood——

And blood pool, quite fit!

"What are you hesitating about?" a cold light flashed in Lin\'s eyes and opened his mouth calmly.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other, nodded, looked at Lin Feng, and Lin Zhen said, "don\'t worry, Lin Feng, I\'ll save you before your life is in danger." although they were slandered by Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen knew that Lin Feng was not his illegitimate son, but it\'s difficult to ride a tiger at present.

Although he is the patriarch, he does not monopolize power. He also needs to explain to his people.

"Good." Lin Feng was just indifferent and didn\'t say much.

For myself, the current situation is like a maze.

However, just as in the "cloud array" at that time, there is no way out, and there will always be a potential way out. Moreover, once you find this way out and get out of this maze, you may be able to harvest a lot of things. Especially the information I have been longing for but can\'t get.

The most important message!

What happened to Dad that year!

At present, it is a great opportunity that can not be missed!

"Success or failure depends on this time." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his heart turned sharply.

Blood pool is a key to yourself, a key to open this stable situation and the secret of 20 years ago!

This time, don\'t lose!


"Wow!" Lin Feng flashed into the blood pool.

At that moment, the wind and cloud in the blood pool changed, and the water in the pool seemed to be boiling. With the entry of Lin Feng, the water in the blood pool rushed madly from all directions, like a group of piranhas. The amazing heat wave broke out completely, and several elders with slightly inferior strength twisted their eyebrows and stepped back one after another.

Blood pool, no kidding.

Lin Zhen and Lin zhe stared at the blood pool with their eyes burning.

At this time, Lin Zhen was already holding her fists. The surge of breath was quite strong, and her bright eyes were dazzling. As the patriarch, he has the responsibility to protect the blood pool and Lin Feng. On the one hand, he can\'t let the blood of his ancestors be stained. On the other hand, Lin Feng is a talent after all.

"Lin Zhen, don\'t worry." Lin Zhen smiled coldly and looked at the blood pool. "The good play will open soon."

As soon as the voice fell, the blood pool turned pale.

The violent heat wave, the forest wind in the middle of the pool, instantly set off a huge wave. Everyone\'s pupils were dilated, especially Lin Zhen, who was completely stunned. He saw Lin Feng\'s body shining, forming a faint halo, and "shielding" the water in the blood pool.

It\'s like a natural protective layer outside the body.

"Wow!" "Wow!" the water in the blood pool, the heat wave rolling, is full of joy.

Form a strong vortex, tightly wrap the forest wind in circles and rotate constantly. The fire red light is bright and completely integrated with Lin Feng\'s body, just like the feeling that blood is thicker than water. The vortex is full of vortex pressure, and the whistling wind forms a fire awn around.

The fog is boiling and the blood pool is fully open!

All of them stared and shook their eyes.

Especially Lin Zhen, a pair of tiger eyes full of incredible, kept shaking his head, "impossible, how can it be!"

Not to mention that Lin Feng is an outsider, even if his lineage is not "pure", it is impossible for non Lin family martial artists to open the blood pool and stimulate the energy contained in the water of the blood pool. But the scene in front of him, as the patriarch, he could not be more familiar.

"Ha ha, ha ha!" Lin Fu burst out laughing, full of bitterness.

Everything was as expected, and his estimation was absolutely right!

"Lin Zhen, what else do you have to say!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes were cold and his voice was cold and penetrating. "See? The power to stimulate the water in the blood pool is enough to prove that Lin Feng\'s blood is in line with you! What an illegitimate son, look at the intensity of the water mist in the blood pool. Oh, the blood is not generally pure."

In his tone, with a little jealousy, Lin\'s face flashed ferociously.

"Wow! ~" all the elders around me reacted and whispered constantly.

Seeing is believing, everything, just as Lin Dadi said!

In the blood pool.

"What a rich energy."

"The water in this blood pool contains the essence of energy."

Lin Feng closed his eyes and his body was completely relaxed. Although the heat wave was rolling, the water in the blood pool was not malicious to him. Rich energy seeps into your skin, nourishes bones, meridians and blood, and spreads all over every tiny inaccessible cell.

I\'ve never felt comfortable before.

It\'s like going back to my mother\'s arms when I was a child.

It\'s like going back to the place where you were born and the origin of life, warm and moist.

"It\'s so comfortable."

"Moreover, the physique has improved greatly."

He felt every part of his body clearly, and Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

Absorbing so much "snake gall" and star fruit in qianshe cave, I thought my body had reached its limit, but now it is like a dry plant crazy absorbing water. The speed of improvement is quite terrible. Every second, every moment, the body is constantly changing.


"Lin Zhen, what else do you have to say?" Lin Zhen\'s eyes showed a cold, aggressive look.

Tightly pursed her lips, Lin Zhen recovered from shock. Although I don\'t know what\'s going on in the blood pool, whether it was tampered with or whether Lin Fengzhen has "pure" blood is not so important at present. The important thing is that everyone witnessed it!

This is an unalterable fact.


"Lin Feidi, you seem to have forgotten something." Lin Zhen turned back and looked at Lin Feidi.

"Hmm?" Lin zhe made a faint stroke at the corner of his mouth.

"The water in the blood pool can be opened as long as it is the pure blood of the Lin family." Lin Zhen looked calm and indifferent. "It seems that I am not the only one in the family who is directly connected with the martial arts?" Lin Zhen pointed to Lin Fudi, and her eyes were bright. "I can say that Lin Feng is your illegitimate son, why not!"

There was a sound of discussion around, and everyone agreed with what Lin Zhen said.

However, Lin Dadi smiled deeply, "the old fox is really an old fox. The reaction is fast enough, but..."

"I expected you to have this."