Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 934

Linfeng mansion.

"Young master, there are ten top-level stars, 100 top-grade stars, more than 8000 medium-sized stars and more than 100000 lower-grade stars." Guan Zhong handed over a small purple ring with clear luster. "This\' Purple stewed ring \'was presented by Roche chamber of Commerce and is worth 100 stars."

"Just right." Lin Feng smiled calmly and took the purple stew ring.

I happen to lack a storage ring. The Zhuzi ring I wear is a token of love with ziyao on that day. In terms of specifications, the "meager" space has already been filled up, and it\'s time to replace it with a new one. The purple stewed ring is more exquisite than the Zhuozi ring. The faint purple light flashes, which is quite similar to the Zhuozi ring.

The storage ring worth 100 star crystals is quite good.

As for jizijie, the "token of love" between himself and ziyao, you can put it away and take good care of it.

"Young master, I have placed another order to Roche chamber of Commerce as you ordered."

"Roche chamber of Commerce has signed a contract. In three months, the star Miranda worth 10000 star crystals will be settled as soon as possible. Do you have any other orders?"

Guan Zhong said slowly. He had been a housekeeper for more than a year, but he gradually adapted to his new identity.

Although he is subordinate to others, Lin Feng has great kindness to him. Moreover, Lin Feng has never regarded him as a servant. It can be seen that he has paid for Guan Qing and Guan en\'s treatment for countless times. It is not the relationship between master and servant, but more like friends or relatives.

"HMM..." Lin Feng was slightly silent.

Although these star pills are worth 2000 star crystals, it is only a drop in the bucket to completely improve the strength of tianwu mainland warriors.

However, to be able to promote a group of potential elite warriors is also to gradually enhance the strength of tianwu mainland warriors. After all, my ability is limited. I can only slowly change the current situation of tianwu mainland. It\'s impossible to ascend to the sky step by step. I\'m too anxious to eat hot tofu.

"By the way, ah Zhong, can there be a long-distance transmission channel for sale?" Lin Feng asked, his eyes slightly bright.

"Long distance transmission channel?" Guan Zhongwei was stunned. "How far is it, young master?"

"A transmission channel like the wizard of Oz." Lin Feng murmured, his eyes flashing light. If the transmission channel between tianwu mainland and Shiluo county can be established, it will be much more convenient for me to go back and forth. Moreover, my brothers and sisters can enter Jiuzhou.

Even the warriors of tianwu continent can come here, which is of great use.

"Oh!" Guan Zhong suddenly realized, "what the young master said is the" top transmission channel "that can span the whole fighting spirit world? I\'m afraid it\'s quite expensive. It needs at least hundreds of thousands of star crystals, and only the ground level engraver can install it."

Lin Feng frowned slightly and nodded.

As Guan Zhong said before, the money needed to heal Guan Qing and Guan en is about the same.

Today, I can\'t afford it.

"No, Guan is just hearsay, not really contact with specific information." Guan Zhong truthfully said that hundreds of thousands of star crystals are astronomical for star domain level warriors. He can\'t touch this level, so Guan Zhong bowed slightly. "Young master, you might as well ask Master Yanqing for detailed information. He should be very clear."

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened slightly.

The third highest engraver in shiroshire.

Master Yanqing naturally knows the "top transmission channel" like the back of his hand.

However, even if you know what, you can\'t afford the heavy cost.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t continue the topic. It still needs to be discussed in the long run, and he wasn\'t in a hurry. Suddenly, there was a noisy voice outside. Lin Feng and Guan Zhong looked at each other and flashed a look of doubt. For a moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his breath spread.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng moved in his heart.

Looking straight ahead, I saw many Lin family people in the hospital.

The first one, expressionless and like cold stones, is one of the top of the family pyramid and the leader of the law enforcement hall——

"Iron face" Lin Mo!

"Lin Feng, the patriarch wants to see you." Lin Mo said coldly.

"What should come will always come." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, not surprised.

As the son of the vice patriarch, Lin fan is a rising star cultivated by the family and one of the two rising stars. He was killed by himself in the fighting field. The civil war of the Lin family, which attracted the attention of the public, ended with this outcome. It was really shocking.

If the family is indifferent to this, it\'s strange.

But it\'s useless to escape. This matter must always be ended and solved.

What\'s more, why should I be afraid of being aboveboard?

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

After leaving the inner city, Lin Mo didn\'t take himself into the conference hall of the clan, but went through the light curtain into an area he had never passed——

Central area!

The essence of the Lin family.

This is the place where all the lineal warriors of the Lin family live, representing the highest power and status of the Lin family. On weekdays, non lineal fighters simply can\'t enter it, but today, they bring an "outsider" into it. Why?


"It seems that the comer is not good."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, but his mood was magnanimous.

Even if you are about to face danger, so what.

I\'ve been prepared for the possible consequences of killing Lin fan, not to mention

This "change" is not necessarily a disaster.

Walked for a quarter of an hour.

The surrounding aura is rich and dense. Together with the forest desert belt, the forest wind comes to an area like a "Valley". There was quite a burning feeling, a suffocating smell, and the heat wave seemed to melt people.

The smell here is completely different from that outside.

"Herringbone rock?!" Lin Feng\'s expression changed slightly.

Looking straight ahead, a natural stone gate opens at the bottom of the valley. Two huge rocks form a "man", so it is called herringbone rock. The Lin family, as a family of tool smelters inherited from generation to generation, has many secrets, of which the most mysterious is undoubtedly——

Land of blood inheritance!

The "herringbone rock" in front of us is the entrance to the land of blood inheritance!

"Lin Mo brought me here..." Lin Feng thought, his eyes shining.

My heart is full of doubts. During the chat, Yumo mentioned to himself several times the land of blood inheritance and herringbone rock. Only the people really cultivated by the family can enter here. Even Yumo has never entered, because she is not a family member.

Themselves, not to mention.

"Strange." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

It seems that it is not as you think.

"You stay here." Lin Mo turned back and ordered.

"Yes, hall leader." all the law enforcers responded in unison.

"Let\'s go." Lin Mo nodded to Lin Feng.

"OK." Lin Feng answered, looking at the herringbone rock hundreds of feet high, with ups and downs in his heart.

But I didn\'t expect that I could enter here today!


What are you afraid of.

"I\'d like to see what\'s going on." Lin Feng smiled calmly and walked forward slowly.

If you don\'t go into a tiger\'s den, you won\'t get a tiger\'s son.

The hot air waves came on my face.

The forest wind slowly passed through the herringbone rock with the forest desert, and the front suddenly opened up.

Entering a hot valley like mountains and rocks, it seems that there are fire snakes around, revealing bright red letters. With more and more depth, several shadows in front are clearly visible. Lin Feng\'s eyes moved slightly, and he had seen several familiar faces.

Clan leader Lin Zhen, deputy clan leader Lin Dadi, elder Lin Zhongxian, chief tool smelter Lin Yan

The patriarch of the highest power in the family, the three giants under him, the nine high-level leaders under him, and the law enforcement hall "Lin Mo" brought by himself, a total of 14 people arrived!

"It seems that things are not small." Lin Feng\'s heart is slightly Lin.

A bunch of eyes looked at themselves, with different looks, but it was obvious that the goal was themselves.

It is absolutely rare among the Lin family. Generally speaking, great things must have happened to those in power at the top of the 14 pyramids of the family.

"I\'ve seen the patriarch, deputy patriarch and elders." Lin Feng bowed his head and saluted, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Well, Lin Feng has already brought it. Lin Dadi, what do you really want? Tell me." Lin Zhen\'s tiger eyes are bright and call his name. It\'s obvious that he has torn his face at this time. In fact, it was not that he wanted to tear his face, but that Lin was already in a desperate situation.

How can ordinary people enter the place where the family\'s blood is inherited!

Lin Feng is far from qualified.

"Scared?" the white light in Lin\'s eyes flashed with a chill.

"What am I afraid of?" Lin Zhen lost her smile and shook her head speechless.

"I don\'t think you\'ll laugh later, Lin Zhen." Lin Zhen\'s voice was low, his eyes flashed cruel light, and there was a sense of sadness and pain. Tiger poison doesn\'t eat its son. Although the surface of Lin Fan\'s death is calm, who can understand the pain in his heart?

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, looking at Lin Zhen and Lin Zhe, and his heart moved.

The two people with the greatest power in the family seem to be "fighting"? Look at their faces, the fight is quite serious.

"Because of me?" Lin Feng was more and more curious.

One stone aroused thousands of waves, led one hair and moved the whole body, and killed Lin Fan himself. It seems that

Completely stimulate the contradiction!

"Come on, crack ground, how do you want to verify?" Lin Zhen\'s eyes cracked and his face was cold.

The elders and elders of the surrounding Lin family immediately focused on Lin Peidi, with the same curiosity. Lin Feng also drifted with the tide and stared away. He was still confused at this time. verification? Verify what?

"It\'s very simple." the corners of Lin\'s mouth were light and his voice was cold. "Take Lin Feng to the \'blood pool\'!"

"What?!" Lin Zhen\'s face suddenly changed and her eyes lit up. Although he was prepared, he guessed that Lin Fudi might take this step, but he didn\'t expect that he was really so bold! The elders around were also in an uproar, whispering and looking very dignified.

Only Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

Blood pool?

What\'s that