Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 933

It\'s over.

It\'s all over.

"No, No." Lin zhe stood still.

Feeling the pain of distraction, tightly screwed together, the heart seems to be torn into countless pieces. The complexion was pale, and there was no light in the eyes. It\'s hard to control the miserable state of mind in the forest where Mount Tai has always collapsed without changing its face.

The world seems to collapse.

The smell of Lin Fan disappeared.

He saw his son killed, but there was nothing he could do.

Tiger poison doesn\'t eat its son. Lin has placed too much hope and feelings on his only son, Lin fan.

But now, everything is empty.

Lin Zhen, Lin Yan and Lin Zhongxian were all stunned.

No one expected that it would be this result. Looking at the fighting field where the fire gradually dissipated, he was stunned and couldn\'t say a word. Just like all the audience around at this time, no one guessed that this would be the result. The popular "Lin Fan" was even in front of each other——

Directly killed by the second!

There\'s no fighting back.

The game broke a record.

The race began and ended in less than two seconds.

"I\'m kidding, I\'m kidding."

"Lin fan, just die?"

"My grass!!"

In the audience, a curse broke out in an instant.

Countless martial artists beat their chests and feet, and they blushed when they lost. The warrior who put pressure on Lin Feng was jubilant and excited at this time, but he didn\'t expect the situation to turn around. A star master level warrior who didn\'t even wear star armor directly wiped out a star domain level warrior!

It\'s incredible!

How on earth did this happen?

Not many martial artists know that not everyone has such a good \'eyesight\'.

In the crowd, there was a man with the eyes of a Swertia rat. He smiled foolishly. It was the man who sold tickets to Lin Feng in the martial arts arena. Originally, he didn\'t want to "bet" on this game, but when he saw Lin Feng, he thought of Lin Feng\'s confident words. He didn\'t know why he believed it. He bet on Lin Feng inexplicably.

Several experts around him were still laughing at him just now, but now they lose and their necks are green.

Only he makes a lot of money!

"Ha ha! Ha ha!" the Swertia headed man laughed wildly.

"What a mysterious space footwork, unspeakable feeling." Hua Yidao\'s eyes were bright and shining.

"This is not a star skill, but a \'mystery\', but he is just a star master martial artist. How can he feel the mystery?!" Hua Yidao\'s look changed and felt incredible. Looking at the black figure on the fighting field, with deep curiosity.

"Even the \'ghost valley\' is a mystery realized after entering the star domain level."

"If it is true, I\'m afraid it will become the second heart to release Zhi, even more terrible."

Hua Yidao\'s heart was light, but Shi Zhixin had a saint\'s father who carefully trained her.

But what about the forest wind?

In the arena.

The fire gradually dissipated.

Lin Feng\'s figure appeared. At this time, Lin fan had already turned into ashes.

Without the slightest kindness, Lin Feng will not show mercy to a martial artist who hates himself, no matter what his status. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself. This is not empty talk. When he was in tianwu, he suffered many losses.

Failure often brings valuable experience.

"If you want to blame, blame yourself." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed away.

Whether it\'s killing intention or determination, and even the direct assassination of Bai Mu Tong just now, Lin Fan\'s killing heart is too strong!

Such people can\'t stay!

Son of the vice patriarch? I don\'t care.

The rule of the game is that there is no limit to life and death. If you stay, there will be endless trouble. Even if the Deputy patriarch Lin Peidi wants to make trouble for himself, he must at least have an "excuse". Dying in a battle in the arena is not a good reason.

What\'s more, I\'m not afraid of vice patriarch Lin Fudi!

"It\'s not easy to infiltrate the Lin family." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning and he thought lightly in his heart.

"Maybe this time is an opportunity to find out the year..."

"What the hell happened!"

He clenched his fist and Lin Feng looked calm.

Safety is not necessarily a good thing. It seems troublesome, not necessarily a bad thing.

At least, it is a "change".

"The game is over." the martial artist in charge shouted, "No. 881, Lin Feng won!"

WOW~ There was a lot of noise around. With the announcement of the final outcome, there was no objection. At this time, people looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes, which were completely different. No matter how they saw it before, now the facts are in front of them.

Lin Feng defeated Lin fan, the first-class strongman in the star domain.

And a fair victory!

This is the first time since the start of the preliminary competition that a star master level warrior has defeated a star domain level warrior. It\'s very common to win by leaps, but it\'s quite rare to win by leaps; Not to mention the overwhelming victory like Lin Feng!

From qualifying to qualifying, and then to the preliminaries, he has been carrying the name of "the weak".

But at this moment, Lin Feng finally proved his name!

He has great strength!

However, Lin Feng just smiled calmly and didn\'t care.

"The secret \'lanyunbu\' is really extraordinary. It has excellent effects in both attack and defense." Lin Feng was very satisfied with his eyes. His three months of hard cultivation were not in vain, and the effect was unexpectedly good.

I had already guessed the result of this battle.

And what I care about is the only one who ranked first in the qualifier and beat his strong one cleanly in the qualifier——

No. 1, white.

"Wow!" Lin Feng looked straight at the contestant\'s channel.

The four eyes are opposite. There, Bai Qi is with his hands around his chest, and a pair of bright eyes shine with pure light.

Yourself, the opponent in the next round!

The second round of the preliminaries is over.

Compared with the first round, the end time is earlier. After all, the number of events has been reduced by nearly half.

But each battle is more intense and pleasing to the eye. Especially the contest at the star domain level is an eye opener. This kind of real competition has no luck, only the confrontation of real strength. Losing and winning are the reflection of absolute strength.

Lin Feng became famous in World War I.

Although the vast majority of martial artists don\'t know how Lin Feng defeated Lin fan, it doesn\'t matter.

The important thing is that Lin Feng won. Lin fan, who can defeat the first-class star domain level, is enough to prove Lin Feng\'s strength and reach the star domain level. The streets, restaurants and teahouses are all discussing the events in the second round of the preliminaries. Lin Feng\'s effortless victory over Lin Feng is undoubtedly one of the focuses.

The third round of his battle with Bai Qi was also known as the "strong collision".

Today\'s Lin Feng has long washed away the name of "weak".

Shiluo county is bustling.

Although the second round of the preliminary round is over, there is still room for warmth.

Wonderful events are enough for people to discuss for a while and have endless aftertaste.

However, at this time, "civil strife" broke out among the Lin family.

"Lin Zhen, you secretly covered up Lin Feng and killed my son Lin fan. It\'s useless to be the patriarch! I\'ll settle this account with you today!" Lin Zhen was aggressive in the hall of the family, with cold eyes straight at Lin Zhen. The faction headed by Lin Peidi and Lin Zhongxian, and the faction headed by Lin Zhen and Lin Yan, are competing against each other.

"Crack ground, I know Lin Fan\'s death has a great impact on you, but it has nothing to do with me." Lin Zhen frowned and said in a deep voice.

Although Lin didi was disrespectful to him, he had to bear with him in consideration of the pain of his son\'s loss.

"It has nothing to do with you?" Lin Zhen sneered. "Without you secretly helping Lin Feng, how could he stop my son Lin Fan\'s\' Bai Mu Tong \'? You fought against all the opinions and expressed your support for Lin Feng at the last family meeting. Unexpectedly, it was just superficial Kung Fu and a good move to steal beams and change pillars!"

"Secretly, secretly prepare the treasure of soul defense for him!" Lin Zhen clenched his teeth and split his eyes. "You can hide it from others, how can you hide it from me!"

There was an uproar and discussion around.

Many neutral people were shocked by what Lin Peidi said.

It\'s really not a small thing.

"The soul defense is a treasure, this......" Lin Zhen frowned slightly, but he didn\'t know how to talk about it. Lin Feng today showed that he also witnessed it with his own eyes. Bai Mu Tong, who can completely resist Lin fan, killed the third floor. If only relying on his own strength, he could not do it.

It can block Lin Fan\'s Bai Mu Tong\'s attack. This treasure of the soul defense system is by no means "ordinary".

"Chadi, you misunderstood. I didn\'t give Lin Feng the treasure of the soul defense system." Lin Zhen looked solemn and said, "after all, Lin fan is a direct martial artist of my Lin family, and Lin Feng strictly speaking, regardless of his family status, in terms of blood, he is just an" outsider ". How can I help outsiders deal with their own people?"

The words were clear and thorough, and the people around nodded.

Indeed, what Lin Zhen said is reasonable.

"Outsiders?" Lin\'s eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice. "In front of us, of course, it\'s outsiders; but behind us, ha ha." Lin\'s sneer continued, and his eyes shone brightly, "Lin Feng\'s real identity is your illegitimate son!!!"

Boom!! The whole family hall was completely blown up.

What Lin Dadi said was so sensational that all the people were shocked and looked incredulous on their faces.

Lin Feng, is Lin Zhen\'s illegitimate son?

You\'re kidding!

"We know how you feel, chadi, but this\' illegitimate child \'is ridiculous," Lin Yan said slowly.

"What an illegitimate son! If Lin Feng is really my son, why should I hide him." Lin Zhen laughed in an uproar, but also felt ridiculous. Looking at Lin Yi\'s ground, she said in a deep voice, "it\'s the so-called catching thieves, taking stolen goods and breaking the ground. You say that Lin Feng and I are a father-son relationship, can there be evidence?"

The illegitimate son of the patriarch is really a great thing.

They all talked and agreed with Lin Zhen\'s words. The key to this matter is——

The question is whether there is\' evidence \'.

"Evidence?" Lin\'s eyes were cold and bright, and he was obviously well prepared. "It\'s very simple. Call Lin Feng over, and I have my own way to prove everything!"

"As you wish." Lin Zhen said calmly.