Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 932

Whoosh! Like a sharp arrow.

Lin Fan was the first to enter the arena!

Like a wolf, his eyes were shining with white light, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Staring at him, Lin Feng galloped to him with provocative and murderous intentions. His heart moved gently, but it was not revealed in his expression.

"Step on." he landed steadily. The appearance of Lin Feng made everyone around him exclaim, including Lin fan.

No star armor!

Still, not wearing any star armor.

At first, in the martial arts lounge, Lin Fan thought Lin Feng was clumsy, but now it doesn\'t seem so. At this time, there was a loud noise in the audience. Everyone pointed out to Lin Feng. What\'s more, they yelled and were angry.

"My grass, who can take part in the preliminary competition without even wearing star armor!"

"Now I\'m dead. I\'m stupid to bet on this cold door. It\'s over. My money..."

"Shit, Lin Feng wants to admit defeat!"


The voice is very noisy and messy. People look at Lin Feng in the wrong eyes.

Because this is a civil war!

The rosefinch challenge is a rare civil war.

Lin Feng and Lin Fan belong to the same Lin family. The strength of both sides is very clear, and the result of the competition may have been doomed. In everyone\'s opinion, Lin Feng doesn\'t even wear star armor. It\'s very likely that he will admit defeat at the beginning.

It seems pointless to fight in the same room.

In fact, there is no such precedent. After all, the preliminary round is a draw. Many martial artists from large families and sects often encounter "bad luck" because of the large number of participants. However, the Lin family, a "small" family, can kill each other, which is obviously too bad luck.

The noise of the surroundings came into his ears, and Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Admit defeat?

I can\'t admit defeat.

It\'s never my style to say defeat before fighting. What\'s more, with Lin Fan\'s strength, I want to beat myself

Too remote.

"The star armor of the star master level doesn\'t work much."

"Star domain level star armor, I can\'t equip it yet."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The problem of star armor is not so important, especially when your body defense is strong enough.

Now I\'ve learned the mystery of "cloud walk". The second step is to discuss footwork and avoidance ability. It\'s as strong as Shi Zhi\'s heart. What\'s the use of star armor? The most important thing is that I will forget all about buying star armor.

In the audience.

"Ha ha, it\'s really lively." Lin Zhen smiled happily.

"I almost didn\'t squeeze my old bone." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and smiled slightly.

"It\'s better to come early than to come, just in time for the important play." Lin Zhongxian smiled with deep meaning.

"Yes, good luck." Lin Zhen whispered, "yanlao and I rushed over immediately after watching the feather ink competition, but there were too many people at the entrance and crowded most of the day." looking at the martial arts arena, Lin Zhen flashed a light, "fortunately, we caught up in time."

"Yes, if you can see more, you can see more." Lin Zhen sat beside Lin Zhongxian and spoke slowly.

"That\'s right." Lin Zhen didn\'t recognize the ambiguity in Lin\'s words, nodded and laughed, "it\'s rare that my Lin family can also encounter a \'civil war\'. It\'s a pity if we miss it."

"Don\'t know who will win?" Lin Yan\'s dark pupils twinkled slightly.

"Ha ha." Lin Zhongxian laughed, "Lao Yan, you have a good hand in refining weapons, but you can\'t have a good eye. Although Lin Feng\'s strength is good, he is only the peak of the star master level. Compared with Lin fan, there is not a small gap. I just hope you don\'t lose too ugly."

"Really?" Lin Yan smiled and did not refute.

"Of course," Lin Zhongxian said in surprise. "Lao Yan, don\'t you think Lin Feng will win? Look at the odds, 1:1.008, which is second only to Bai Qi\'s first game against Ji Gu. Oh, it\'s still falling. Maybe it will break the record."

Indeed, the odds are still falling.

As Lin Feng entered the arena, he didn\'t even wear star armor. Everyone lost confidence in him.

"Who\'s strong and who\'s weak? You won\'t know until you fight." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed and looked at the arena.

"What the patriarch said is very true. It\'s just a real gun battle. I\'m afraid I can\'t stop for a moment." Lin Zhen looked at Lin Zhen with a pure light in his eyes and a light smile.

This battle will be his first step in cutting off Lin Zhen\'s son!

Whistle, noise, one after another.

People almost support Lin fan, and all kinds of abusive voices come in an endless stream.

However, Lin Feng turned a deaf ear and was not affected at all. Once in tianwu continent, one person carried hundreds of millions of Warcraft without changing his face; Once in Yanling mansion, I was still calm in the face of the big fight between millions of martial artists; Now, what are these small disturbances?

Strength does not depend on speaking out.

"Are you ready?" the master\'s eyes swept Lin Fan and Lin Feng.

"OK." Lin Feng and Lin Fan jumped back into their respective "areas" at the same time.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides must be separated by no small distance. Otherwise, if the distance is so close, it will be unfair to Tianling abbess who is not good at close combat. The four eyes were opposite. Lin Fan clenched his hands, and his fierce and strong killing intention couldn\'t stop venting.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

He wants to prove to everyone that Lin fan is much stronger than Lin Feng!

Lin Yumo, wrong person!

"I declare..." the voice of the martial artist in charge of the host suddenly increased, and a deafening cry broke out in the audience.

"The game officially begins!"

"Boom!!" amazing breath, burst out in an instant.

It was a terrible and powerful star power. With Lin Fan\'s ferocious face, he gave full play to his extreme in an instant.

"Die, Lin Feng!" Lin Fan clenched his teeth and shouted angrily. His eyes shone with a terrible light. The white light seemed to destroy everything and annihilate everything!

"Bai Mu Tong Sha Mie!" the terrible breath broke out completely.

Lin Fan\'s move is the strongest trick.

He has no time to spend with Lin Feng.

As my father said, the lion and the rabbit also need to do their best.

Give play to the strongest strength with the strongest strength, and the white light of the pupils is dazzling. Bai Mu Tong, who reached the top of the third floor, showed the most extreme destructive power. Although he was far away, Lin Fan was full of confidence. Even if he reduced his power a little, it would be the same——

Can play a strong effect!

Lin Feng?

It\'s just a star master level peak. Can he stop it!

The answer is revealed in an instant.

"It\'s really powerful." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and his body galloped forward instantly felt a terrible force. It was the most direct attack, just like a sharp spear into his eyes and into the depths of his soul.

If xingcang\'s pupil was still sleeping, Lin fan would be unable to resist this blow.

Even if the distance is so far, the power will be reduced by more than 80%, and the power will still deeply pierce your defense.

But that\'s all.

"Star Cang pupil." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled for a moment.

Without any evasion, the attack ability of xingcangtong is not inferior. Even without the help of the star dome pupil, now the transformed star pupil is more than enough to deal with Lin fan. What\'s more, Lin Fan\'s attack is too careless. How much can he play at such a distance?

I underestimate myself!

"Peng!" the contest of soul, the direct collision of pupil art.

The white light, however, scattered in an instant, suddenly changed Lin\'s face in the audience. On the contrary, Lin Zhen, sitting across from Lin Zhongxian, has bright eyes and pupil skills. They can no doubt see the change of the situation at that moment.

"Not good!" Lin Fudi\'s right fist was unconsciously clenched, and his hands were full of sweat.

But it\'s out of reach!

"Roar!" Lin Fan looked pale and his mind roared.

Not only did he not gain any advantage, but he was cracked by Lin Feng and swallowed by Bai Mu Tong.

The stronger the attack, the more terrible the counterattack!

"Damn!" the situation was unexpected. Lin Fan bit the tip of his tongue and the whole person was full of war. Although he failed to hit Lin Feng as planned, the first blow was to hit Lin Feng hard, he was absolutely confident to fight head-on. With his star level strength, he had no problem killing Lin Feng.

Moreover, the most direct collision of the soul, he was affected by the force, how can Lin Feng avoid it!

"Jiong!!" the flame suddenly appeared in Lin Fan\'s hands.

Surging extreme, red light all over the sky, I have to say that Lin Fan\'s reaction ability is quite fast.

In terms of combat ability and strength, he does have the capital to be proud.

However, what he met was a more terrible forest wind.

"Where are the people?" Lin Fan was stunned.

Just for a moment, there was no figure ahead.

Just now his Bai Mu Tong still locked Lin Feng. Now it seems that the world suddenly evaporates and can\'t see at all. It was empty around, and it seemed that there was a noisy voice in my ears, and it seemed that it suddenly became very quiet in an instant.

Heart, trembling.

In an instant——

"Hissing!!" the spine is cold and creepy.

Lin Fan\'s face changed greatly. At this moment, he finally felt the breath of Lin Feng.

That inconspicuous but terrible extreme breath is close at hand. The towering power of the flame was like the presence of the Phoenix. At this moment, Lin fan had a picture of the phoenix spreading its wings in his mind. It was majestic and overwhelming, especially the ferocious and terrible flames around the Phoenix\'s body.

It\'s like swallowing everything!

"No!!!" Lin Fan\'s face was twisted, and the flame in his hand exploded wildly, trying to stop Lin Feng\'s attack.

However, it is too late.

"Die." the cold voice came out of the wind.

Without half feelings, it was like a high emperor who sentenced Lin fan to death.

The black figure appeared behind Lin fan. The mystery of "Lan yunbu" was terrible. In the second round of the preliminary round of the rosefinch challenge, it showed unparalleled power for the first time. Lin Feng\'s hands, the fire of swallowing, surging and shining, directly submerged the flame of Lin Fan\'s hands and burst through all his defenses.

"Boom!!!" the amazing flame burst and rang through the arena.

Let\'s all be stunned.