Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 929

"Release Zhi\'s heart?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

As soon as I stepped on the top of the mountain, I saw a smiling face.

A familiar Qi bangs, like a porcelain doll, with a face carved in pink and jade, and big eyes smiling at himself.

"Bad guy, you\'re here at last." Shi Zhixin hummed softly. "I\'ve been waiting for three months."

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly, quickly reacted and said with a bitter smile, "who makes you not say where the Baiyun tower is? I\'ve been groping in Sakya district for a long time, and many people know nothing."

"Those ordinary martial artists don\'t know." Shi Zhixin snorted, "how stupid! Where did you see me when you came back?"

Lin Feng was stunned, clapped his hands and said, "yes!"

When I came back, didn\'t I see Shi Zhi\'s heart in the famous building?

And he has the "Heiyao token" given by the county and city Lord Wang Mo, and he can go in and out freely. Others may not know where the Baiyun tower is and where Shi Zhi\'s heart is, but how can the county mayor know? How can people in famous buildings not know? Yu Mo once mentioned that the owner behind the famous building is the county and city Lord "Wang Mo".

With a wry smile, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

Indeed, I didn\'t think so much.

"Let\'s go, fool." Shi Zhixin sniffed.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

Live and die together and share weal and woe.

Now, Shi Zhixin has no hostility to herself.

Walking side by side with Shi Zhixin in the Baiyun tower, Lin Feng looked around curiously.

The tower looks ordinary, just like what I saw outside the tower, but the tower contains deep breath and inside information, full of mystery. One layer after another, one side around the other, quite tortuous, with heaven and earth inside.

Most importantly, there is a strong pressure in the tower.

Vaguely, it makes people feel pressure.

"Is this Baiyun tower... Very special?" Lin Feng hesitated and asked.

"That\'s right." Shi Zhi smiled lightly and her eyes twinkled. "This Baiyun tower has a history of thousands of years. Don\'t mention you and me. Even my father doesn\'t know. I only know that Baiyun tower has existed since my Buddhist family began to guard Shiluo county."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and his heart was shocked.

Not shocked by the thousands of years of history of Baiyun tower, but what Shi Zhixin said.

Shijia, guard Shiluo County!

In other words

"Zhi Xin, who is your father?" Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly.

Shizhi turned her head, looked at Lin Feng\'s burning eyes and said with a smile, "the saint \'shakara\', the guardian of order in Shiluo county."

"Hiss ~" Lin Feng took a deep breath.

As expected, the origin of Shizhi\'s heart is really great.

It\'s no wonder that as the county and city Lord "Wang Mo", she has to flatter her. It turns out that Shi Zhixin\'s father is actually a "Saint"! Although I don\'t know what "order Guardian" means, the holy one knows that it is a respectful title of human warrior.

Strength, surpass the star domain level and reach the holy level!

Ranking at the top of the human pyramid is the goal of all warriors.

Including myself.

"Silly?" Shi Zhixin smiled.

Although she is young, she is very smart. She can see Lin Feng\'s surprise.

There\'s nothing to hide about his identity. He knows the existence of the Buddhist family. There are a lot of people in Shiluo prefecture where Baiyun tower exists. There are not many duolinfeng, but a lot less. For Shi Zhixin, she has regarded Lin Feng as a friend. There is no need to avoid East and west between friends.

Lin Feng smiled, "a little scared."

"Fool." Shi Zhi\'s heart was light and her beautiful eyes flashed, "but it\'s only the holy level. It may be difficult for other martial arts to ascend to heaven, but for you and me, one day we will reach this level. And this day will not be too long."

The voice is calm and reflects the confidence of Shi Zhi\'s heart.

And she does have the qualification to say that.

"Holy Level..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

I also want to reach the holy level, but how can it be as easy as Shi Zhixin said?

"Is there a doubt in her heart?" Shi Zhi\'s beautiful eyes looked at her, flashing a light and said with a smile, "this is not what I said, but what my father said. My father\'s eyes have always been good. Since he said that you can reach the holy level soon, there must be no problem."

"What your father said?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Shizhixin\'s father, the holy "shakara"?

He knows himself?

"Yes." Shi Zhixin nodded and said with a smile, "do you think anyone can easily break through the \'Lanyun array\' arranged by your father? Not to mention learning the mystery of Aries\' Lanyun step \'. Your every move has been watched by your father in the past three months."

Peng! A blow to the head.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of disbelief.

no wonder! No wonder I always find this maze array very strange.

I was skeptical before, but now I\'m sure.

"The mystery of Aries\' cloud walk \'?" Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked, but he felt incredible.

I also said that I had such a good opportunity. I didn\'t expect that behind it was Shi Zhixin\'s father. The holy "sakara" was controlling everything. No wonder the whole thing looked so "weird". Thinking of these three months, he has been observed. Lin Feng is only shocked.

I don\'t feel at all!

"The saint is indeed a saint." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

Today, I am still far away from the strength of Saint level.

Walking in the white cloud tower.

"By the way, Zhixin, what\'s the secret? Is it different from Star Technology?" Lin Feng flashed a curiosity in his eyes. "Doesn\'t the book say that star technology is unique to all constellations? Why can I practice the \'secret\' of Aries? What\'s going on?"

In his heart, there were countless questions, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Although Shi Zhixin is younger than herself, it is obvious that her knowledge is much better than herself.

"The mystery is certainly different from the star skill." Shi Zhixin shook her head, looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I ask you, what else do you see after you see the seven main stars and before you enter the main star to practice Star Skill?"

"After seeing the seven main stars, before entering the main star cultivation?" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly cold and his eyes were slightly closed.

Every time I practice, I realize that when I enter this sign, I see seven bright main stars, and then choose one to enter, except the main star


"Ah!" Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and remembered.

"Those are the light spots of stars! Are these \'mysteries\'?" Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart tightly.

In addition to the seven main stars, there are countless other star spots in this constellation. Although they are not as bright and bright as the main star, they are numerous. If they are assembled, they are much larger and brighter than the main star.

Shi Zhixin nodded gently, "yes, this is the mystery. It is not only the martial arts of the original constellation that can cultivate, but also other martial arts can cultivate." after a pause, Shi Zhixin said again, "but it is much more difficult for other martial arts to cultivate, and they will never understand the deepest layer of the mystery."

i see!

Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

"So Shi Zhixin\'s father specially arranged for me to practice the mystery \'LAN yunbu\'?" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and his heart thought, "I understand that it should come from Shi Zhixin\'s mouth. Well... It may be my saving feeling that day."

It is easy to speculate that he and Shi Zhixin\'s father have no relatives and no intersection at all.

The only intersection point is Shizhi heart.

"Thanks." Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart and suddenly opened his mouth.

"You\'re welcome." Shi Zhixin blinked at Lin Feng and stopped with a malicious look. Lin Feng was slightly stunned, but he saw that he had unconsciously come to a closed space with Shi Zhi\'s heart. There was a faint light shining around, which was empty.

"Here is..." Lin Feng said strangely.

"Martial arts room." Shi Zhixin\'s eyes were shining, looked at Lin Feng and spoke slowly, "I want to know your real strength."

The four eyes were opposite. Lin Feng saw a firmness in Shi Zhixin\'s eyes, as if he had returned to the wizard of Oz. at that time, he saw the grown up "Shi Zhixin". Raise your hands and feet. It has terrible and amazing power. At that time, it turned the whole situation on its own!

"Obedience is better than deference." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his fighting spirit was boiling.

I also want to try. How strong is Shizhi\'s heart!

Shiro county.

There was a lot of excitement.

With the end of the three-month interval, the second round of the preliminaries began again.

This time the ticket price is better than the first round. Although the number of games is nearly half less, the quality is much better than the first round. The battle between star level warriors is rare in the first round, but it will never be less in the second round.


At this time, with the competition about to open, all the contestants hesitated for preparation.

At this point, no one wants to lose!

Cloud zone.

"Whew!" whew! "The sound of breaking the air sounded rapidly.

A young man with white hair, holding a soft sword, flashing bright light in his eyes, looked just like that.

The sword technique is full of flexible feeling, just like a swallow changing rapidly, up and down, left and right. The sword is permeated with thick mysteries. The white haired youth is like an illusion, and his strength is quite good. It is Bai Qi with the number of \'1\' who ranks first in the peripheral competition!

"Lin Feng, I know you won\'t lose."

"Three months later, you and I will continue the qualifying game."

"This time, I will win cleanly and convincingly!"

Bai Qi\'s look is solemn, and his breath is extremely amazing.

Today, he is more than ten times stronger than in the qualifying competition.

In the third round of the preliminary round, his opponent will be the winner between Lin Feng and Lin fan.

Lin family.

"Pa!" "pa!" a pair of white pupils shone fiercely.

Sitting alone in the martial arts training room, Lin Fan hasn\'t even stepped out of the gate in the past three months in order to prepare for the war. All the enmity and all the hatred condensed together. Lin Fan gnashed his teeth like a ferocious wolf. His hatred for Lin Feng came from the bottom of his heart!

Whether in public or private, he must get rid of Lin Feng and then quickly.

"Lin Feng, today next year will be your death day!" Lin Fan\'s murderous spirit revealed madly.

At this time, it was already early morning.

There are only four hours left until the second round of the preliminary round.

(third shift ~)