Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 928

The recovery of xingcang pupil doubled Lin Feng\'s confidence.

It\'s like a dragon going out to sea, roaring and surging. Just for the first time, I took 199 steps and stopped at 799 Baiyun. The second time, he successfully broke through the 100 step bottleneck and entered 800 steps.

If you fail less than three times, go to step 850.

It took only an hour for Lin Feng to reach step 899.

Efficiency, extremely amazing.

Having and not having pupils is like the difference between a blind person and a normal person.

If you can\'t do it before, it doesn\'t mean you can\'t do it now!

"That\'s the feeling!" the eyes on Lin Feng\'s right side are bright and extremely bright. The spatial sensing ability of xingcang pupil is very strong. After only a few attempts, he crossed the 900th step and entered the last hundred steps. The end is close at hand!

Baiyun tower.

"There\'s still one last day." shakara looked at the horizon with his hands on his back.

"The second round of the preliminary round is about to begin."

"I don\'t know what good seedlings will emerge in this session."

His eyes twinkled, and Sakyamuni slowly strolled out of the tower.

Standing on the edge of the railing of the Baiyun tower, shakara looked down at him casually, just as he had done every day for the past three months.

See how Lin Feng is progressing.

But this time, Sakyamuni was stunned.

"What?" his eyebrows were light, and shakara\'s eyes glowed. "Step 990?"

The heart jumped fiercely, but after becoming a saint, there were few things that would make him lose his peace. The wizard of Oz was once a year ago, and now it is again! The breath of Peng ran appeared around shakara\'s body, and the golden pupils were very attractive.

Staring at the "tiny" figure under the tower, shakara\'s chest fluctuated slightly.

"Sure enough, as Zhixin said, it\'s a special pupil." sakara breathed out a deep breath and was shocked by the distraction.

He would not be so surprised if it were just a special pupil.

However, Lin Feng can increase the second level of "Lanyun step" in one day, from step 599 to step 990

That\'s completely different.

"Even Zhixin doesn\'t have such terrible cultivation speed, and he\'s not Aries." shakara was surprised. For a long time, he thought that Lin Feng\'s qualification was only between Bo Zhong and Hua Wei, but it was obviously that he was clumsy, and he was not clumsy at all.

"I didn\'t expect that I, sakara, also had a time to see the eye." sakara smiled.

I didn\'t feel any anger at all, but I was in an excellent mood.

Because of him, I got a good seedling!

Haze cloud array.

Lin Feng has seen the end.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" "whoosh!" the footwork is the best.

Every change of space makes the surrounding gas flow very strange and disordered. Lin Feng\'s range of action is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, he is like shakara when fighting with Shi Zhixin. The feeling of blinking is very obvious. This kind of footwork is in the battle——

Quite terrible!

"That\'s the feeling."


Lin Feng closed his eyes and screwed his eyebrows together.

The focus of the heart, the mind and spirit are completely concentrated together, and all the obstacles around them are removed.

At this moment, at this moment, I am completely independent of space.

In front of me, there is only the last shining light spot.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Bright light and shadow.

The sound of three winds made the whole Lanyun array explode and vibrate violently. The body was like a phantom. Lin Feng completed the second cultivation of LAN yunbu at one go. He shook his fists and said, "very good." when he stepped on the clouds, Lin Feng opened his eyes, his state of consciousness returned to normal, and his face burst into a slight smile.

I finally succeeded!

"Although it is only a preliminary grasp, there is a lot of understanding of the way of constellations."

"As long as you practice hard and master this set of footwork completely, it\'s only a matter of time."

He clenched his fist and Lin Feng was confident.

It is of great help to the upcoming rosefinch challenge.

"For Shanglin fan, if he uses this set of \'thousand cloud steps\', he has no chance." Lin Feng smiled calmly and smiled, "I almost forgot that now xingcang\'s pupil is not only completely recovered, but also transformed and refined. His pupil technique is useless to me."

Before, I was afraid of his pupil technique because the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil were sleeping, leaving only a lonely shell and soul.

But at present, although his star dome pupil has not recovered, he can only deal with a Lin fan——

Star pupil is enough.

Baiyun tower.

"Zhi Xin, do you still remember how much time you spent practicing the mystery \'cloud walk\' that day?" shakhala said faintly.

"Well..." Shi Zhi\'s small head deviated slightly and said in a deep voice, "it seems like a few hours."

"What about the second weight?" the pure light in shakara\'s eyes flashed away.

"I don\'t remember." Shi Zhixin shook her head and said curiously, "why do you ask, dad?"

Shakara looked out of the tower with bright eyes. A piece of white clouds covered the fog and hazy transmitted a bit of beauty. "Three years ago, you spent nearly five days practicing \'haze cloud step\', the second time, of which the last 100 steps took three days to understand."

"I remember, Dad, you praised me." Shi Zhixin\'s big eyes flashed and suddenly smiled.

"Yes, you are better than your father in terms of qualification Zhixin." shijaruoci smiled and touched shijaruoci\'s small head and flashed a light in his eyes. "I always thought that in Shiluo County, no warrior\'s qualification potential could surpass you, but I think I was wrong."

"Ah?" Shi Zhi was stunned. "Dad, what do you mean?"

Put away his smile, shijara\'s face was just right, and stared at the tower, "just now, Lin Feng took the second step of" Lanyun step "and began to practice from step 599. Up to now, he has fully realized success. It took less than a day, which is twice as fast as Zhixin\'s understanding speed!"

Shi Zhi\'s beautiful eyes lit up and exclaimed, "Wow, really, this bad man is really powerful."

There was no jealousy. In fact, Shi Zhixin guessed that Lin Feng had strong potential.

But I didn\'t expect that it would be so strong!

"Of course, this is only a part of the qualification, not all." shijaro nodded slowly, "but it\'s amazing to see a hundred. He has top pupils and such savvy. It\'s impossible to know where Lin Feng\'s upper limit is, but his lower limit..."

"It\'s certain that it\'s not just the star domain level." the light shines in shakara\'s eyes.

Haze cloud array.

"It\'s over at last." Lin Feng looked around.

At this time, the violent vibration has stopped, and everything around has returned to the original beginning.

The distance as like as two peas of white clouds is restored to normal as it did three months ago. In the array, the "feeling" of the way of constellations weakened a lot, as if everything was back three months ago, and the whole maze array was restarted again.

However, the flashing light door in front proves that——

I have been able to play.

"Strange maze array." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

I feel like I\'m not trying to "trap" myself. If I think about it carefully, it\'s like helping myself.

In order to let yourself learn this "thousand cloud steps"?

"It should be impossible." Lin Fengxiang smiled, but there was no such a good thing. Lin Feng jumped down from the white clouds with bright eyes. Now with the recovery of xingcang pupil, the feeling around him is completely different. He can see many things he couldn\'t see before.

"Space energy is not fixed."

"It\'s moving around and changing."

"Every white cloud, the next step of a thousand cloud steps, is not just a single line."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and he thought in his heart.

Any white cloud corresponds to three white clouds. Although there is the fastest next step, there are also slow other two steps, which are full of variables. The difference is that only the first step has the strongest spatial energy, but in the other two steps, although the spatial energy is weak, it feels very profound.

It\'s like playing chess. It\'s the sharpest step you can take.

But obviously, there is more than one way. The other two steps are offensive and defensive, hidden and present, full of various variables.

"If so, three steps after three, three steps after three..."

"How many changes should there be in the accumulation of a thousand three steps?"

Lin Feng feels incredible.

If it\'s really what I think, the other side of the "thousand cloud walk" may be more complicated.

Far more complex than I thought.

"It\'s a mysterious array."

"There are so many secrets."

Lin Feng nodded and was shocked.

I thought I had seen through it, but when I looked back, I found that what I saw was only the tip of the iceberg. Without thinking about the ways of change, we can continue to understand the simplest and quintessential "way of space".

What if we reduce the distance and increase the speed?

The way of space that I feel is only a small part.

Think more deeply, what would it be like if we combined the way of change with the way of space?


"Sure enough, there is no end to learning." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Thinking more, Lin Feng immediately put down his mind and stepped out of the array.

I have stayed too long.

"What a beautiful place." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Leave the array and enter the mountainside of qiancengyun mountain. The scenery here is unique.

The white fog all over the sky is hazy with a sense of beauty, like a lute half covering the face, making the whole mountain vaguely blurred and moving. My sight was blocked, but as I climbed the mountain, everything around me gradually flashed.

"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his head.

"Is that the top of the mountain? Sure enough, there is a tower."

Lin Feng looked at it. Although there were many white clouds covering it, he could still see the existence of the tower.

The tower is not high and looks very ordinary. However, under the shadow of white clouds, it seems hazy and somewhat immortal, which makes people yearn for it.

"I don\'t know if it\'s Baiyun tower." Lin Feng thought lightly.

I smiled when I thought about it. When I came to look for the Baiyun tower, the result was unexpected.

Galloping away, the forest wind suddenly shrouded in white clouds.

(second change ~)