Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 930

Baiyun tower.

One person, one knife, clank and proud.

Hua Wei\'s\' Shura Tu \'was held horizontally in his hand, with a faint green light flashing and a strong breath. At this time, he was closing his eyes, his eyebrows tightly screwed together, and his face was very dignified. In front of him, a middle-aged man was carrying his hands and his eyes were like electricity. Although he only looked at Hua Wei, the amazing pressure was higher and higher.

In the air, there is suffocating pressure.

Sweat kept flowing out of his forehead. Hua Wei clenched his teeth, and the Shura Tu in his hand trembled, trying his best to resist this terrible force.

Every second is suffering.

But every second is not a small fortune.

This is the training of the Holy One!

Many people wanted it. Under the pressure of shakara, the sweat on Hua Wei\'s forehead increased more and more, and his closed eyes felt painful. Suddenly, as if he had reached the limit, Hua Wei opened his eyes and gasped. He looked very embarrassed.

Simulated combat!

Simulate the battle between life and death to understand the combat skills and improve the strength.

Only when he is as powerful as shakhala can he have the ability to help Huawei carry out this "cultivation". Indeed, every martial artist is eager for it.

At this time, the feeling of suffocation in the air has disappeared.

Hua Wei\'s breath slowly calmed down and arched his hand, "thank you for your teaching."

Shakara looked unchanged and said calmly, "today is the last day. I have returned all the human feelings on that day to you. After all, the road of martial arts still needs to be taken by myself. With your current strength, few people can compete with you in the preliminary competition of Shiluo County, but don\'t be careless."

"The preliminaries are just a warm-up, and the main race is the real beginning of the rosefinch challenge," shijaro said.

"Yes, master." Hua Wei thanked him again. Almost every day in the past three months, shakara helped him cultivate and improve.

It\'s really thanks to Shifu that you can improve so much in just three months. But the master also needs to practice. He doesn\'t have so much time to "help" him. It\'s the so-called master who leads him in and cultivates himself. A warrior who only knows how to rely on is not a real warrior.

Moreover, the third-order star domain level is more than enough to cope with the preliminaries.

"If it\'s all right, I\'ll go first, master." Hua Wei respected shakara very much.

However, it is not early. The second round of preliminary competition is about to begin.

"Wait a minute, go with him." shakara said calmly.

"He?" Hua Wei was slightly stunned.

"Well, he\'s coming." shakara\'s eyes flashed. In front of him, two figures came walking, talking and laughing, with a close relationship.

It is Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin!

There were no scars on their bodies. They were just "exchanging views".

Naturally, there won\'t be too much damage.

"Lin Feng?" Hua Wei looked back and couldn\'t help opening his eyes.

"Hua Wei?" Lin Feng also saw Hua Wei at this time, but he didn\'t expect it.

Just after seeing the Beiming ocean, I came to say goodbye to the Holy shakara. I didn\'t expect to meet Hua Wei by chance.

"Long time no see." Lin Feng smiled.

"I didn\'t think you were still alive." Hua Wei\'s eyes twinkled and sighed gently. He didn\'t pay attention to the advanced fighters in the first round of the preliminary competition. In fact, it doesn\'t matter who his next opponent is, let alone Lin Feng in a martial arts arena.

Lin Feng smiled, "I didn\'t expect it myself."

"Smelly air." Shi Zhi\'s heart whispered.

Although the voice was small, the Holy shakara heard it clearly, and his figure flashed and appeared in an instant.

A familiar pressure!

Lin Feng\'s sight immediately moved from Huawei to sakara, and his heart was light and cold.

Although the middle-aged man in front of him saw it for the first time, he felt quite familiar.

"I\'ve seen the saint." Lin Feng bowed respectfully. Although he didn\'t know Shi Zhixin\'s father, he could see his identity only from Shi Zhixin\'s eyes. What\'s more, the amazing and terrible pressure and control over the surrounding area all proved his identity——

Holy One!

Only the holy one has such power.

"Don\'t be polite." sakara smiled calmly.

There was a different temperament between his hands and feet. Lin Feng was slightly cold in his heart and smiled, "I haven\'t thanked the saint for imparting skills."

"It\'s just reciprocity." shakhala calmly replied, "you deserve to save the little girl. Besides, I haven\'t taught you any skills. It\'s your own efforts to learn the mystery \'LAN Yun Bu\' to the second level."

Mystery \'cloud walk\', second!

The speaker was careless and the listener was intentional, and Hua Wei\'s eyes immediately brightened.

As a disciple of Sakyamuni in Baiyun tower, Hua Wei doesn\'t know the existence of "Lanyun array" and the power of Lanyun walking.

That can almost be said to be the sign of shakara! As far as he knows, LAN yunbu\'s understanding is not easy. Even Shi Zhi\'s heart is only two-fold. For a moment, looking at Lin Feng, Huawei\'s eyes flashed bright light.

"The saint speaks seriously." Lin Feng smiled.

Sure enough, as I had guessed before, shakara was trying to repay his "human feelings.".

"Lin Feng," Hua Wei said quickly.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and looked at Hua Wei.

The pupils of those eyes were shining brightly, transmitting a strong sense of war, and Lin Feng\'s heart suddenly moved.

It feels like returning to the wizard of Oz, deja vu.

"In the wizard of Oz that day, you and I never had a chance to fight, but you shouldn\'t refuse me this time?" Hua Wei clenched his fist with a sense of war. In the wizard of Oz, he wanted to compete with Lin Feng, but he didn\'t have a chance.

Now, it has been waiting for a long time.

Lin Feng smiled and felt helpless.

Just after a heart to heart discussion with Shi Zhi, there was another Hua Wei. Did he have the word "provocation" written on his face?

"Younger martial brother, don\'t humiliate yourself." Shi Zhixin glanced and said, "the bad man doesn\'t know where to study in March. His strength has improved a lot. Even I\'m not his opponent. If you want to challenge him, you\'ll have to be beaten down in two or three moves."

WOW! The faces of the people suddenly changed.

Not only Hua Wei, but also shakara, his eyes twinkled with dazzling luster, as if surprised.

He knows the strength of Shi Zhixin!

Lin Feng, can you win?

Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling bitterly when he felt two pairs of sharp eyes.

"It\'s just a tie." Lin Feng said, "Zhixin, don\'t talk nonsense. I didn\'t beat you just now."

Shakhala and Huawei\'s complexion slowed down.

However, I still feel very frightened and can draw with Shi Zhixin

Also not simple!

Shi Zhixin chuckled, "I\'m level Four of the star domain level. You\'re the peak of the star master level. Didn\'t I lose the tie?" although I was a little unconvinced, Shi Zhixin was very aboveboard. If you lose, you\'ll lose. There\'s no shame.

Lin Feng smiled, "that\'s because you didn\'t do your best."

I totally feel that Shizhi\'s heart has not yet recovered to its peak.

In addition, Shi Zhixin still has some unique skills that have not been used. If she suddenly "grows up" like the wizard of Oz on that day, Shi Zhixin can win even the strong dog family of the Ninth level of the star domain level. With one enemy and ten, she has not lost the slightest. If she is superior, she will undoubtedly lose.

The scene of that day was deeply imprinted in my mind.

Shizhi heart, too strong!

"Did you try your best?" Shi Zhi\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

"Well, well, others are fighting for who wins. What are you fighting for?" shijaro interrupted with a dumb smile. His eyes looked at Lin Feng and said slowly, "if you continue to fight, I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to catch up with the second round of the preliminary."

Lin Feng and Hua Wei\'s eyes lit up.

Indeed, there is less than an hour left from the beginning of the second round of the preliminaries.

"I forgot." Lin Feng laughed in an uproar. After discussing with Shi Zhi, he went to see Beiming Yang again. After chatting with Bei Ming Yang and Shi Zhixin, who had just recovered from his serious injury, for a long time, he completely forgot the time. But with your own number, you won\'t be late.

After all, I rank quite low.


Lin Feng looks at Hua Wei. Obviously, his game is much ahead.

Hua Wei looked at Lin Feng and smiled calmly, "the third martial arts arena, No. 12, is in time, but it\'s time to start. Lin Feng, if you don\'t mind, let\'s go together? I\'m familiar with the region here, so that you won\'t go the wrong way."

"Nature is good." Lin Feng smiled.

Some people lead the way, but they can save some strength.

As Lin Feng and Hua Wei leave, they leave shakala and Shi Zhixin.

Baiyun tower, suddenly quiet a lot.

"You really lost, Zhixin?" shijara\'s eyes flashed.

"It\'s true." Shi Zhi\'s heart pursed her lips, hesitated, and said, "Dad, I want to learn close attack skills."

"Oh?" shakhala said in surprise, "didn\'t you say that close combat is too rough and barbaric?"

"It was!" Shizhi\'s heart tooted her little mouth, "I\'m so angry that he didn\'t have any power to parry." he didn\'t say it clearly, but sakharuo laughed in an uproar. With his experience, he understood what his daughter said. Shi Zhixin was taught by him, and his qualification is unique in all.

Adhering to the characteristics of Aries warrior, strong defense and strong control.

However, there is also a "weakness".

Once the opponent keeps up with the speed and disrupts the rhythm with close combat, it will be in trouble. Lin Feng can also perform the mystery of "Lan yunbu". Although Lin Feng is only the star master level peak, his speed is not inferior. In terms of combat ability, she just restrained Shi Zhi\'s heart. Although she couldn\'t break the defense, but

As Shi Zhixin said, being beaten has no power to parry.

Although it was a draw, the situation must be ugly.

"A real martial artist should not have weaknesses." sakhara looked at Shi Zhixin with sparkling eyes and sincere words. "It\'s right to focus on strengths, but Zhixin\'s close body ability is too poor. Your father and you mentioned it many times before, but you turned a deaf ear to it and didn\'t expect..."

"It seems that I want to thank Lin Feng for making you suddenly open your eyes." sakara couldn\'t help laughing.

"Dad!" Shi Zhixin blushed and said angrily, "do you teach or not!"

"To teach is to teach." Sakyamuni laughed.