Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 927

Baiyun tower.

"Boom!" "boom!!" shining.

In the training room in the tower, a golden star shines brightly. Two figures, one big and one small, crisscrossed. Shi Zhixin\'s small face was full of positive expressions. With the continuous changes of her hands, starlight energy flew out and hit straight ahead.

The roar is amazing!

However, they failed one by one.

"Pa!" "pa!" the body is like an illusion, like a blink, just a simple body swing, but it transmits a unique rhythm. If Lin Feng saw it, he must have widened his eyes. This evasive step is very similar to the "thousand cloud step" he practiced,

However, the amplitude is smaller and the speed is faster!

What is this?!

"Nebula light bomb!" Shi Zhixin did not admit defeat, and her eyes were bright,

From the starlight wall in front, a ray of light bounced out and condensed into a bright light, like a tadpole, but it flashed forward at a very fast speed. This move, in the wizard of Oz, can defeat hundreds with one, and beat the Wu family martial arts, but at this time

But it is completely useless.

WOW~ The figure in front suddenly disappeared.

"Pun!" "pun!" the nebula\'s photoelasticity failed.

Shi Zhi\'s heart was stunned and her face changed suddenly, as if she felt something and turned back fiercely.

But it was too late.

"Bang!" a palm shook Shi Zhi\'s heart.

In the rear, the indifferent figure flashed slowly, with a calm look. It was the holy "shakara".

"You cheat, Dad!" Shi Zhi stood in the air and tooted her mouth.

"I didn\'t say I could only defend but not attack." shakara smiled and a pair of star pupils were satisfied. "It seems that Zhixin\'s injury has recovered."

"People have already recovered. It\'s dad. You\'re more worried." Shi Zhi said softly.

"Be careful to drive a ship of ten thousand years." shakala nodded calmly and said, "Zhixin, after all, you\'ve been hurt too badly this time. Dad is afraid of causing permanent damage to your body, so he has to deal with it carefully. Otherwise, it\'s a pity to fall short in the future and stop on the road of martial arts."

Spit out a small tongue, release Zhi heart small face a red, but also know that her father is for her good, even change the topic, "by the way, Dad, how\'s Lin Feng?"

"I\'m still understanding the second weight of LAN Yun\'s footwork." shakara slowly opened his mouth, "but it\'s still far from enough. It\'s definitely impossible to understand it in two days and enter the third weight."

"Ah." Shi Zhi was lightly surprised, "can you give him more time?"

Sakara shook his head. "After all, he is not an Aries martial artist. Although his qualification is good, you are still inferior to Zhixin. Even if he is given another three months, I\'m afraid he can\'t understand the second level." looking at Shizhi\'s heart, sakara\'s eyes are full of love. "If it\'s not for you, dad doesn\'t have to return human favor to him. The mystery of Aries can be learned if ordinary people want to learn it."

If ordinary people broke into the Lanyun array, they would have been thrown out long ago.

Where the Baiyun tower is, how can people break in?

Shi Zhi\'s heart is very strange, "is Lin Feng\'s qualification just good?"

"I\'m with your younger martial brother Hua Wei in Bozhong." shijaro commented calmly, and suddenly looked at Shizhi\'s heart. A bright light flashed in his eyes. "In fact, I\'m very curious. Although his strength is good, after all, he\'s only the star master level. How could he shake the strong dog family of star domain level 9 and save your life that day?"

Release Zhi\'s heart light Yi, "dad doesn\'t know Lin Feng has pupil surgery?"

Shakara was stunned. "Special pupil?"

Shi Zhixin nodded and her beautiful eyes were bright: "with the strength of the star master level, those who can shake the Ninth level martial arts of the star domain level are at least first-class pupils, or even... Top pupils!"

Shakara\'s eyes twinkled and his eyebrows clustered gently.

According to what he saw for months, Lin Feng had never used pupil surgery once.

"Little guy, it\'s quite deep." shakara laughed in an uproar, showing his love and talent.

He seems to underestimate Lin Feng.

Haze cloud array.

Lin Feng is experimenting and practicing again and again.

Do your best!

Countless times of failure, but countless times of getting up and fighting again. Lin Feng knows very well that there is no shortcut to the cultivation of footwork. Nowadays, having "geographical advantage" can help practice, and the efficiency is very high. If you leave here to practice again, I\'m afraid it won\'t be so easy.

The accuracy of footwork alone cannot be grasped.

Every inch of difference is a thousand miles of fallacy.

How can you miss such a good cultivation opportunity?

Lin Feng was very clear in his heart, so he moved back his original plan to go to Baibao. After all, a hundred waterfalls can be entered at any time, but this "maze array" may be closed at any time. Naturally, one point is one point if one point is used.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s body is like lightning.

But sweat oozed from his forehead, and he felt more and more powerless later.

The feeling of space is getting weaker and weaker. The first five hundred steps have been fully mastered through a month\'s hard training, but after five hundred steps, it is becoming more and more difficult. The change of space is extremely fast and meticulous. Even if the reaction speed can keep up, the sensing ability of "space" can\'t keep up.

"Pa!" the body moved, and Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

Step on the clouds, but the "feeling" that has been maintained is to disappear.

Oneself, fail again.

"Whoa! ~" Lin Feng felt tired after a long breath.

Later on, the "Tao" of the constellation becomes more and more obvious. If it\'s just footwork, practice hard. As long as the body reaches that level, practice can make perfect, just like the first time. But now that the maze array has changed, the requirements for the "Tao" of constellations are becoming higher and higher.

If for the first time, the focus is on "form" and is the foundation.

Now, what we pay attention to is "meaning", which is a grasp of "Tao".

"Is it the way of constellations to which this set of footwork belongs?" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were light and thought slightly.

Then he shook his head, and Lin Feng wiped away all the doubts in his heart.

"Since I can practice for the first time, why can\'t I practice for the second time?"

"As like as two peas, the way of constellation is difficult, because the ascension of this constellation means that I can\'t get caught."

"No other reason."

Nodding, Lin Feng has bright eyes and firm will.

Since I can complete the first cultivation, why can\'t I complete the second cultivation?

Since you can master the first 500 steps, why can\'t you master the next 500 steps?

"Don\'t make any excuses for your failure!" Lin Feng shook his fist.

His eyes were bright and he began to practice again.


Fail again!

Or failure!

For each additional step, you have to experience countless failures.

Every hundred steps is a bottleneck. Lin Feng is now stuck in Step 600, more than one day. Countless failures fell in this barrier, but Lin Feng was more and more frustrated and brave, and the light in his eyes was still bright.

"I\'m sure I can master this feeling."

"It\'s the feeling of space!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth tightly and his heart was firm.

The willpower honed from childhood makes Lin Feng\'s faith extremely strong.

Failure after failure turns into power and momentum, just like waves, constantly putting out!

Once again into the 600th white cloud!

The consciousness of Lin Feng is completely concentrated.

At this time, there is no other thought in my mind, only a deep sense of the spatial position, the intersection with the original world. Everything around seemed to be completely lost and disappeared. There is only the shining light spot in front of us, only the only existence.

Constellation energy!

"Boom!" his head shook violently.

For a moment, a familiar energy burst, just like a long drought and sweet dew. The original bitter feeling became extremely abundant at this moment. The whole person is full of vitality, and the extreme light flashes in his right eye.

Like rain irrigation in the desert!

Make everything completely different.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" "whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s body was like an illusion, and his mouth was filled with joy and excitement.

The feeling around is very clear. Even if you don\'t close your eyes, you can clearly feel the flow of every breath and the operation of every air flow. The clearest thing is undoubtedly the \'space\' energy, which is like the feeling of blood connection!


"Finally, I\'m back."

Lin Feng was in an excellent mood. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, his star pupil "returned".

Enough rest, enough deep sleep, xingcang pupil lights up his eyes again. When the subject of the life soul returns, the star pupil seems to become stronger after waking up, which seems to stimulate the potential power, and the sensing ability to space is much better than before.

"What a strange feeling."

"Good strong control."

Lin Feng\'s heart was startled and galloped on white clouds.

Originally, these "difficult" steps have become extremely easy at the moment.

It seems that you can grasp it easily.

It\'s\' feeling \'!

The change of feeling, the essence of the way of constellations, is completely clenched.

After stepping over the 600th white cloud, I didn\'t stop at all. The time difference between each white cloud has already been deeply imprinted in my heart. Before, I was trapped because I didn\'t have enough understanding of the Tao, but now there is no limit. It\'s like a runaway wild horse running on the grassland without stopping.

Step 630.

Step 660.

Step 699!

700 steps!!!

A complete burst, from 600 to 700 steps, is passed only once.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. With the help of xingcang\'s pupil, the life soul condenses the strongest energy feeling. The blending with the Phoenix\'s life chart seems to control everything around and do whatever you want. At this moment, the original "Tao" of the constellation became particularly clear, and the original vague feeling of space was close at hand.

Reach out and touch!

Although Lin Feng\'s star pupil and star dome pupil were seriously injured, they had already recovered after taking so many star fruits.

In particular, the energy of the star sky pupil is inferior to that of the star dome pupil, and the recovery is even faster. In the past three months, he has been stimulated by space energy and absorbed energy independently. The recovery of starsky pupil is one point faster than that of stardome pupil.

Even, not only wake up, but also degenerate and improve!

Although it was a mistake, Lin Feng\'s persistence paid off.

Everything comes to him who waits.

(first change! ~)