Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 924

Close your eyes and immerse Lin Feng\'s heart.

The "Constellation Energy" of the surrounding clouds is ignited by their own star power.

It\'s like printing marks, which are particularly clear in this maze. In my mind, it seems that a huge chessboard appears. Although the size of each chessboard is the same, there are subtle differences, and the root of these differences lies in——

"Constellation energy." Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and the essence flashed.

"Among thousands of white clouds, no constellation energy is equal, high or low, which are different."

Lin Feng said secretly, he knew it clearly in his heart.

Perhaps, the huge energy of these constellations is beyond your ability to peep at.

However, I can feel the influence of my own star power. The stronger the constellation energy, the more star power you need to attract, just like ignition. The larger the "dry firewood", the stronger the flame you need to ignite.

It\'s a matter of proportion.

"If the energy of these constellations is high or low, there is a way to solve the array..." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

For a moment, the body was like an illusion, and the forest wind sped away.

In half an hour——

"That\'s it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Sure enough, I didn\'t expect it!

"All the white clouds are constantly changing directions, but it..."

"No change!"

Lin Feng clenched his fist and was delighted.

The answer is getting closer and closer to yourself.

Open it slowly!

"Step on!" jumped up, and the forest wind fell on the static No. 1 white cloud.

However, stepping on the top, the white clouds have not changed at all. Lin Feng frowned slightly and thought to himself, "what\'s next?"

His eyes glanced around at random, and several white clouds around him were constantly unfolding \'spatial transformation\'. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed. He saw that the No. 2 white cloud on the right flashed, and it changed and disappeared in an instant. Lin Feng was surprised. Almost in an instant, a white cloud on the left also changed into No. 2 white cloud, but it also flashed and disappeared.

Speed, quite fast!

"Faster than normal change speed." Lin Feng was in a cold heart and was not in a hurry.

Close your eyes and concentrate again. There are three white clouds connected with No. 1 white cloud up, down, left and right, and these three white clouds are completely scattered, changing No. 2 white cloud one by one. It seems that there is some law, which is strange.

"Sure enough, they correspond one by one." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

This is obviously not a coincidence. I set foot on No. 1 white cloud and No. 2 white cloud appeared.

What about stepping on No. 2 white cloud?

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. He immediately opened his eyes and his eyes fell on the white cloud on the right. Measuring the time in his heart, at the moment when the white clouds changed again, Lin Feng\'s figure galloped out. At the moment when the white clouds appeared on the 2nd, he just arrived!

Time, master excellent!

"Step on!" Lin Feng felt a move when he fell on the white clouds.

It feels like stepping into another space from one space, and everything around changes rapidly.

As like as two peas of white clouds, the 1 white clouds disappeared, and three white clouds were seen around them. The most striking similarity is that 3 clouds appear instantaneously.

"One by one."

"Is this the way to break the array?"

"But is it that easy?"

Lin Feng whispered to himself, feeling puzzled in his heart.

But there is no other way at the moment. Anyway, this "stupid" method is really a try.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The body is as fast as lightning, and the forest wind is as fast as wind.

One white cloud followed another, changing very fast.

A thousand white clouds seem to be numerous, but it\'s very easy to step into them. After a while, Lin Feng was close to completion, but his eyebrows were still tight. "No, it shouldn\'t be like this. What link went wrong?"

Although Lin Feng continued to solve the array, he felt more and more wrong.

It seems that there is some kind of "mistake", but I can\'t detect it.




"Step on!" Lin Fengchi to the 1000th white cloud.

But for a moment——

"Peng!" a huge force came from the white clouds, and the powerful Constellation Energy seemed to resist, which immediately blocked the forest wind. His chest sank, Lin Feng\'s face was dignified, his body turned and landed steadily, but his eyes were shining.

"Sure enough."

"It\'s not that simple."

Lin Feng nodded and was completely sure this time.

If this is really a feasible method, now the maze must have been broken.

But obviously not.

"What\'s wrong?" Lin Feng was more and more interested.

It\'s like solving a puzzle. Now it\'s just beginning to show. Facts have proved that my idea is not wrong, but some key points may be missed, which leads to the confusion of the whole process, but it is a single mistake and the whole market is lost.

"Array, what is an array?"

"What\'s the secret of breaking the array, or..."

"What kind of law do you follow?"

Lin Feng pondered and felt that he couldn\'t help himself.

I don\'t know much about the "array" method. I only know some rough knowledge.

"If it were the array of carved patterns, I might know more." Lin Fengxiang smiled and had fun in pain.

"Well, by the way, the carving array is also a kind of \'array\'."

"Will there be any similarity between the two, or..."

"What can be used for reference?"

As soon as Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, he couldn\'t help thinking of the picture when he drew the "array of carved lines" that day.

The scenes once played back like images. Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he still didn\'t understand anything when he just entered Shiluo county at that time. But because of this "contest", I got to know Master Yanqing, and I didn\'t "fight" or know him.

"The painting of engraving array..."

"I know!" Lin Feng\'s fierce drama shook, and suddenly opened his eyes, "it\'s the rhythm."

"Yes, it\'s rhythm!!!"

Lin Feng was overjoyed and remembered it for a moment.

The drawing of the array has its own unique rhythm, including the drawing of the source, the drawing of the large array, and various "drawing methods". All pay attention to the way of constellations and have unique rhythm and rhythm, which makes the carved array have vitality.

The same is true of this\' maze array \'!

"After each white cloud steps on, the second white cloud appears."

"You can\'t wait until it appears for the second time before you step in, but you should step in when it appears for the first time."

"This requires mastering the \'time difference\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart was cold.

For the first time, I didn\'t step into the next white cloud at the first time.


"You\'ll know as soon as you try." Lin Feng nodded with bright eyes.

The idea and plan are perfect.

However, the fact is not easy to do. After all, the gap between the next white cloud is very short.

In other words, if we want to set foot on it at the first time, we must "predict". Of course, it is not true to predict, but to predict the time when the white clouds appear. The ability to predict is actually very simple, that is, memory.

But it is not easy to really remember completely.

After all, there are a thousand white clouds in this maze, and the time difference of each white cloud is different.

The biggest problem is that the difference is only a fraction!

"Whoosh!" whoosh! "Lin Feng\'s figure is like electricity.

Eyes are bright and full of concentration.

Even if I am used to refining utensils and can remember a lot of flames, I also encountered considerable trouble this time.

It\'s easy to remember the direction, but it\'s difficult to remember the time difference.

Because there is no trace!

Try again and again.

There is no shortcut, only a stupid way.

But sometimes, stupid methods are also quite good. It\'s like a fool moving a mountain. It takes only a little more time. Maybe you can climb the mountain if you want to cross the mountain, but each time you climb the mountain, which is better or worse than moving the mountain?

A shortcut is not necessarily a good one.

Stupid way, not necessarily bad.

Trying again and again is a challenge for Lin Feng.

It is also a challenge with a great sense of achievement!

It\'s the first time!

"That\'s it."

"Yes, it feels good."

The forest wind galloped among the white clouds without feeling any boredom.

It\'s like solving a chess game and a broken game. It\'s hard to describe the mood and comfortable feeling. He walked through 1000 white clouds for more than ten times and remembered the time difference. Lin Feng spent three days and three nights to experiment and practice.


Everything comes to him who waits.

On the fourth day, Lin Feng finally got his wish.

"Step!" "step!" "step!" three times. Without any gap, the last three white clouds arrived with instant explosive force, which is quite difficult. However, Lin Feng has already accumulated experience and proficiency after countless failures.

The 1000th white cloud!

"Wow! ~" the light is bright and the constellation energy is shining.

This time, the last white cloud didn\'t feel any rejection or resistance.

"Step on!" Lin Feng fell on the white clouds and felt a down-to-earth touch, with a slight stroke in the corner of his mouth.

"Success!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

In an instant, there was a space shock ahead.

The maze array seemed to vibrate, the surrounding white clouds disappeared, and a door of space opened slowly.

In front of us, the array seemed to have lost its binding power, and the mysterious feeling disappeared. Only the bright door of space was dazzling.

"Woo ~ ~" take a breath and the forest wind will fall from the white clouds.

"Finally cracked the maze array." Lin Feng smiled and stepped on the door of space.


Glancing at the surrounding white clouds, Lin Feng suddenly frowned and stopped.

"Hmm? Why... These white clouds are still changing?" Lin Feng was puzzled. Although he had a shallow understanding of the array, he also knew that once the array was broken, it would stop running. But at present, apart from opening the door of a space, the maze seems to have changed little.

It feels very wrong.

"Isn\'t this the real way to break the array?"

Lin Feng was suspicious.

Suddenly, his eyes were bright.

"Could it be..." Lin Feng opened his eyes and his face suddenly changed.

(this week\'s outbreak, start! ~)