Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 925

"If this is not the way to break the array, it is..." Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

A feeling from the heart, suddenly rising, seems to understand and figure out what.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, his chest fluctuated constantly, and he closed his eyes for a moment. The scenes just now appear in front of us again like a movie playback, from the first white cloud to the last white cloud, constantly remembering and replaying.

Palpitation of the heart!

But he said it again.

Over and over again.

many a time.

Every time I think back, the feeling in my heart is deeper.

"What is it?"

"What is it!"

Lin Feng gently pursed his lips and clenched his fists.

For a moment, his eyes opened wide and his essence glittered.

"Try again!" Lin Feng said.

Since we can\'t think of the reason, we might as well experience it again.

Anyway, now that the "time difference" is completely mastered, it doesn\'t take another three days and three nights to try again. Just one incense burning time is enough.

top of a tower.

"Not bad." shakara smiled faintly and nodded.

Chance depends on yourself.

Lin Feng did not disappoint him.

"It\'s really a talent that can be made."

"I just don\'t know how much I can learn."

Shakara\'s eyes were bright and he looked down at the "array of clouds" below. At this time, Lin Feng was "testing" again and again. He didn\'t worry. He seemed to be enjoying it. His bright eyes seemed to understand a lot, and his face was wearing a smile.

"Sure enough, there is a secret."

"This\' maze array \'is so profound."

The figure is like light, and Lin Feng is gentle but smiling. This is the tenth time in a row that he has performed the "method of breaking the array".

Each time I display it, I will feel a lot and move a lot.

And now, finally understand!

"Footwork, this is a set of quite profound footwork." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"There is a deep way of constellations!"

When the heart moves, the power of the forest wind constellation rushes out in a moment.

Only a fraction of the stellar force fluctuates, but the white clouds shine where they stand. It\'s like lighting up the energy of the constellation. The rhythm changes in an instant. The speed of the "spatial transformation" of the surrounding white clouds immediately increases, as fast as lightning.

Time difference, complete change.

"The stronger the power of the constellation, the faster the pace of this footwork!" Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"The more powerful it is!"

All the time, I feel a sense of heart.

It\'s because I\'m understanding the way of constellations!

"The strange thing is..."

"This contains the way of constellations. It should not be the Phoenix constellation."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered and he felt incredible.

Why is it not the "Tao" of the Phoenix constellation that you can understand yourself?

It\'s pretty weird!

"No matter how much, try to understand first." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and curious.

This is the \'footwork\' hidden in the maze array. I really want to know——

How strong is it!

Time difference, remember very clearly.

The rhythm is also fixed. Even if it is increased by star power, the change of each time difference is the same.

"A little familiarity starts with a tenth of the time difference." Lin Feng nodded slowly.

Step by step, step by step.

First, we need to find the strength of the \'Star Force\' with a time difference of one tenth.

Second, master this new "time difference.".

"Start!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

With a new goal, you will forget all about your purpose in the blink of an eye.

This is the warrior.

The increase in stellar force makes the velocity completely change, and makes the already subtle "time difference" even weaker. It is difficult for ordinary martial artists to master this small change, but for a tool refiner, he has already been proficient.

One reason, one hundred reasons.

Maybe they are different, but they can learn a lot from each other.

Lin Feng can easily control whether it is the balance control of star force or the slight change of time difference.

Most importantly, the three-day and three night "Yugong moving mountains" has laid a solid foundation.

The rhythm is under control.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" "whoosh!"

The forest wind is very fast, just like an illusion.

Although it is one tenth of the time difference, it takes a lot of effort to master it.

Obviously, the state of Lin Feng is quite good. It only took one day and one night to master most of it. It seems that the rest is only a matter of time.

"The strange way of constellations doesn\'t seem to need complete understanding and can exert its power."

"Moreover, it doesn\'t match the Phoenix constellation at all."

The more Lin Feng practices, the more strange he feels.

But I can\'t understand it.

"If it is a star technology, it must be driven by the way of constellations in order to give full play to the real power of star technology."

"But this\' footwork \'is very strange. Even if it is only used alone, it also has considerable power and feeling..."

"It\'s like it already contains the way of constellations."

His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng was curious.

This is just my guess, but the fact is unknown.

But there is no doubt that——

"This set of footwork is very strong." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

It can definitely greatly enhance their combat strength. If you fully master this set of footwork, you will have great advantages not only in "avoiding", but also in attack, you can cooperate with the shooting method to attack the enemy unprepared, and your close-up ability will be greatly improved!

I am short of a set of footwork!

The later you go, the more difficult it is to practice.

In the first 800 steps, Lin Feng spent a day and a night.

The last 200 steps, especially the last ten steps, are the essence of the whole set of footwork. The change of time difference is subtle to the extreme. It takes five days and five nights. Lin Feng can fully master this set of footwork.

But not all.

"Just the first stage." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

One tenth of the time difference, for myself, is just adaptation.

If you really want to give full play to your combat effectiveness, you must display your strongest speed and master your footwork in order to give full play to your maximum power!

It\'s not to accommodate your footwork, but to adapt your footwork to yourself!

This is the real "strength" control.

"Master the rhythm with the strongest speed." Lin Feng clenched his fists and moved his heart.

It\'s very difficult!

However, the greater the difficulty, the stronger the strength growth.

Real cultivation, start!


Lin family.

"The patriarch seems to have made a decision?" Lin Yan smiled.

"Quite a difficult choice." Lin Zhen nodded with a wry smile.

No matter which decision you make, you will inevitably offend one of them. What you see is only the comparison of "advantages and disadvantages".

There is no perfect decision, only a choice of last resort.

"Let me guess." Lin Yan stroked his long beard, flashed a light in his old eyes, and said with a light smile, "according to the old man, the patriarch should decide to help Lin Feng."

"Those who know me are better than those who grow old." Lin Zhen smiled helplessly and looked brightly. "After thinking about it, helping Lin Feng has more advantages and disadvantages than not helping. Although the family is much more open now, it is still \'xenophobic\', so it is not suitable for absorbing fresh blood. Of course, this is the problem that every family has to face, but my Lin family has more disadvantages."

Lin Yan nodded. Indeed, the Lin family is not an orthodox family based on "martial arts".

The lack of access to fresh blood means that the "force" of the Lin family has always been difficult to rise.

This can be seen from the current situation.

As the top three weapon refiners in Shiluo County, the Lin family can hardly guarantee the "boss" status of a central district. You know, there are 99 central districts in Shiluo County! Despite the rapid development of the Lin family in recent years, they are only on the same level as the dragon club and Qingyun house.

There is still a lot of distance from the strongest Wu family.

What\'s the use of not being the first?

"Moreover, Lin Feng has infinite potential and is better than Lin fan." Lin Zhen\'s eyes are burning.

"This move will surely give birth to thorns in the heart of the vice patriarch Lin Zhe." Lin Yan slowly opened his mouth. If it wasn\'t for Lin Zhe, why should Lin Zhen worry so much.

"So I decided to sponsor Lin Feng in my own name." Lin Zhen looked calm. "Although it can\'t avoid the differences of opinion between the two sides and the contradictions increase, it can at least weaken the disadvantages a little bit. Even if Lin Zhen hates me, he just hates me."

Lin Yan said with a smile, "the patriarch seems to have the most important consideration?"

Lin Zhen couldn\'t help smiling. "Yes, because Yu Mo, in fact, I can\'t help but choose." a gloom flashed in her eyes, and Lin Zhen gently said, "Yan Lao will never forget what happened more than 20 years ago. Even the martial arts who are more mature are crazy about it."

Lin Yan also sighed, "it was a pity that Xiao Tian was in those days."

Lin Zhen shrugged, "I just don\'t want Yu Mo to repeat the mistakes. At that time, my Lin family will lose everything..."

"Didn\'t you lose your wife and lose your soldiers?"

The vice patriarch\'s residence.

"Dad, are you sure Lin Feng is the illegitimate son of the patriarch?" Lin Fan said curiously.

"About 50 percent." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed lightly, "these days, I have tried my best to explore Lin Feng\'s life experience, and even sent people to Yanling mansion and even Lvyan City, but this\' Lin Feng \'is like jumping out of a stone without any clue."

"This son of a bitch!" Lin Fan suddenly suspected, "so Dad, you gave up exploring?"

"Not so." Lin Zhen shook his head, "but now there are better methods that don\'t need to consume manpower."

"What method?" Lin Fan frowned.

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were white and said calmly, "in the second round of the preliminaries, you have a chance to test Lin Feng. If Lin Feng is really Lin Zhen\'s illegitimate son, he will spare no effort to support him. On the contrary, Lin Zhen will not openly bear great pressure for an outsider."

Lin Fan nodded suddenly, "I see."

At this time——

"Didi, Didi! ~" the star crystal watch on Lin\'s left hand sounded.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Lin Zhen flashed a thick cold light in his eyes and looked at Lin fan, "Lin Zhen has decided to support Lin Feng."

"Shit!" Lin Fan was like a fierce jackal, clenching his fists and exposing his green tendons.

"Remember, you can\'t keep alive!" Lin\'s killing intention was revealed.

"Don\'t worry, Dad." Lin Fan\'s eyes were about to crack.

"This son of a bitch is dead!"